To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

I would argue that it just makes people feel like they have to pick a cov they may not like and then feel bad later when the abilities get ‘balanced’

Whatever you say bruh have fun not getting into raids and keys this coming xpac :crazy_face:

If they can play the game just fine without swapping covenant abilities then doesn’t that kinda negate a large part of the argument to “pulltheripcord”?

So we have the ability to switch, through some difficulty, from one subclass to another. Seems to me that kinda hit the whole sub-class vibe right on the mark.

This is true. For example I am currently progressing N’zoth and being able to switch to arms warrior would really really help with that. However, I have neither the gear nor corruptions to make that happen. Doesn’t mean I am going to start complaining that I should be able to switch out my BIS Fury gear for BIS Arms gear.

Agree to disagree I guess.

Can’t say I’ve ever seen that.

No, the need for a system to determine others’ experience is necessary to increase the odds of success in keys. I’m not going to take someone of… well, to be quite blunt, your own IO score to a +15. You haven’t even done a +9, and the majority of your keys are below +5. I have no reason to invite you to a +10 or higher.

Defense for what? Pugging is what it is, a volatile experience. Having a way to at least determine other players’ experience before setting up a run contributes positively to your odds of success. It’s certainly not the only factor, but it’s a major one.


I can raid and key with my guild, but whatever you say pretender.

I wouldn’t be looking for a +15 in the first place. What is this argument? But yea, Raider IO is never used to gatekeep pugs.

You still don’t balance the game around pugs.

Then learn the self control that matches your desires.

There’s more to covenants than their abilities or looks. It’s also missions and weekly events. Which most people haven’t even tried out yet to see if they like.

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with your armory its hard to believe any guild takes you anywhere lol

Yeah, but it’s the anti-io crowds’ biggest talking point.

It is for this reason that I really wish people would stop with the whole “Use this convenant ability or you’re playing wrong” and “If you dont choose this covenant you’re a bad player”. I know that that seems to be the reality of the player base right now, but it really annoys me that it is.

What I am personally going to do is choose the covenant that I want from the start. Then wait a month or three for balancing to happen and for the player base as a whole to really get a very good idea of the pros and cons of each covenant. After that I’ll take another look to see if one of the others truly has a distinct advantage and then I’ll consider switching.

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Never said it’s never used in that manner. Any tool can be used and will be used in that manner.

The fact that you don’t care about doing +15s is irrelevant. Some people have expectations that they deserve to do keystones at given levels without any demonstrable evidence that they have the slightest clue what they’re doing. I used your profile as an example to make a point, nothing more.

No, and that’s why world first keys aren’t pugged. Dealing with the issue of the Covenant system possessing glaring flaws in relation to abilities is what’s important.

Yea, and you’re making gross over-assumptions like a typical, condescending, progression player, trying to speak for other people because ‘you know best’.

It only affects progression play because any change would cause progressive players to drop everything and pick it up again just to eek out those precious numbers.

I get that and honestly I am as worried as anyone else. If we were already two weeks into the expac, or perhaps even the week leading up to the expac I would likely be in the “pulltheripcord” crowd.
I just feel that, assuming Blizz actually is prepared to “pulltheripcord”, it is a bit too early to be demanding they do so.

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It definitely hurts casuals more than min/maxers.

Lots of casuals like to experiment and have fun on their own, without a website/sims telling them what to do.

The conduit/covenant restrictions don’t really let them do this.

They don’t even care about performance as much, they just want to try different things out for fun.


I’m not “trying” to speak for anyone. A lack of experience is a lack of experience regardless of how you try to put it. I can and have had people with similar IOs to yours try to bully their way into runs out of a sense of entitlement. Nobody gets a free ride unless they pay; learn content at appropriate levels, build experience, get invited. Easy enough.

To put it simply- IO exists for a reason. You may not like how it’s used at all times, but it’s a necessity for content beyond the roflstomp keys.

I still haven’t heard a good reason for WHY this system should be punishing better players except “because they deserve it”.

You’ll need to come up with some actual logic for this.

the fact he says he doesint care about 15s which are the bench mark of “hard content” only invaldates his arguments furthur, if he doesint care about people who min/max and do max content why do we have to be locked behind coves as well? he litteraly wont even be doing the same content as us

In theory, I agree.

That will not be reality.

No because it doesn’t work both ways.

If you don’t like changing constantly, you don’t have to.

But if you DO like changing and playing diversely, then the restrictions get in the way of that. Hence #pulltheripcord.

Subjective, but I disagree because it’s hardly a “sub-class” based on what you get from it. They seem more like talent trees. Soulbinds and conduits are pretty much exactly that and covenants are just 2 abilities that you gain from talents.

If you earned and grinded a set for each spec, then you can switch freely. This is exactly what #pulltheripcord is asking for. Let us earn the rewards and progress for the covenants we want to play with, and then let us change freely. We’re not asking to progress through one covenant and have that progress apply to the others. We have no problem earning progress through each, it’s the switching (like gear sets as you mentioned) that we want to be easy.

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This game is not designed for content that’s seen by less than 10% of the player base. Mythic is for progressive players, but they’re in the extreme minority, so why would Blizzard bend the game to you?

You effectively made Mythic + give less loot because it was more efficient that Mythic Raids.

Never said I didn’t care, but once again presume to speak for me, oh mighty progression player on high.

Breaking news: Junior developer discovers numbers in the game code, adjusts them to achieve balance.