To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

From the lore perspective, not allowing us to join all 3 covenants is fail, “we’re all friends, we must defeat the jailer and work together” yet, “oh you joined the people we are allies with, well we’re no longer friends stay away”

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But according to the lore, locking covenants makes even less sense. I mean, as a “Maw Walker”, we help every covenant equally. Not only that, but as you progress through the story, you realize that covenants are allies and we get quests from one covenant to help out other covenants.

There is just as much (if not more) argument to be made that being able to use all abilities because of “lore reasons” makes more sense than locking them.

Here’s the problem; in this case, for some classes, we’re dealing with abilities that have a much wider gap than 5%. Nobody would be pitching a fit over Covenant abilities if they were [in terms of just raw damage] tuned to be that close in damage. Adding the wide disparities of damage to the disparities of utilities between Covenant Abilities is just fuel on an existing fire.

Correct. I’m not going to be naive and arrogant to say that my way is “right”. It’s just my personal opinion.

And yet - that’s exactly how Blizzard is designing the system. We tweeted the loudest and most often, so they catered to us. Not sure why that’s mind-boggling. If Blizzard was designing in the opposite direction, sure. But they seem to be on board with punishing players with systems that force them to waste more time into the game to gain flexibility.

Just because this is simple to balance, it doesn’t mean every aspect of the game is as well. Balance is subjective, specially when they are utilities. But the thing is that what people are most concerned about are numbers, and numbers can be tuned.

Because that would put me at a distinct disadvantage to all the other players who are taking advantage of the system as is. That disadvantage feels worse than having to deal with the gimmicky game system. I still hold it would be overall better if the game system wasn’t gimmicky like that in the first place.

You could be right. I personally think that it is really just going to result in most everyone sticking with a single predetermined ability for any particular content.

But if players want to do so across multiple specs/roles optimally, they’ll have to endure punishment and make multiple characters of the same class to do so.

Being better than me isn’t the issue. It’s a matter of being punished if you want to diversify.

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I’m not questioning that that seems to be the angle they’re pursuing, but more that you can somehow agree with that course of action because it punishes players who play differently from you.

Your perception of blindly enjoying others being punished for playing the way they like when it has no impact upon you is what I’m bringing into question.

Again, the implication here is that you think that’s good. Why do you think that?

Per my original post.

Well at least your honest but I assure you bro this change won’t hurt me, a min/maxer more then it will hurt you. I’ll have 4 toons for each different covenant with their most optimal one equipped. I’ll be able to get into groups with said toons, go ahead and go play a Druid with Necrolords covenant though see how that works for you and how many groups you get into

I find it perplexing that min/maxers swear up and down that it will hurt the people they don’t even associate with…

Lol @ comparing a class to covenants. Now you have the chance to be doubly suboptimal I guess.

Plenty of constructive feedback has been going in from a multitude of sources, including the theorycrafters for each class and spec. Believe me when I say that the balancing issues currently facing the Covenant system have not arisen from a lack of feedback from knowledgeable, experienced players.

There’s a reason that the #PullTheRipcord movement exists. It’s a lack of faith, stemming from years of examples as to why people should not have faith in Blizzard’s ability to balance Covenants.


It will hurt us only in convenience it won’t stop the meta being the meta, it just changes it a little. This hurts the casual far more cause of you don’t have optimal azerite and corruption you can still get into groups, mostly cause I can’t see what you have equipped unless I go to the armory. With this I’ll be able to know exactly what cove you have and if it’s not optimal your not joining my group

And what’s the difference between any other arbitrary gatekeep you’re going to use to justify not taking someone; raider IO, class, spec, Legendaries, gear, and so on?

Implying that IO is an arbitrary gatekeeping system… mmm. Boy, I’ve sure never heard that one before from people who don’t understand why it exists.



This is just one more thing added to it, raider IO will still be there, IO will still be there, but now I get to see your covenant too. So instead of 2 checks you have to pass, ilvl and IO, now you have to pass 3 ilvl, IO and covenants

‘M+3 quick run need IO 2k or better’ is pretty self-explanatory.

FYI none of those you listed are arbitrary. Arbitrary would be if you didn’t like their t-mog or the color of their keyboard. Picking because of numbers, history, and class/spec make up is a rational choice.


No one cares. You will find any excuse to gatekeep. Pugs is not a legitimate defense.