Like I said, having optimal extra specs always result in having to farm extra gear. If you want all gear to work for all specs optimally then you want to change the entire gearing system, not only azerite.
So what’s the “farm extra gear” scenario for Covenants?
Changing 3 pieces of gear has never taken away almost 60K dps just because they weren’t the optimal pieces.
I want to clarify, I don’t mind collecting sets to try out different stat priorities. That’s kind of fun and it’s neat to see where those experiments lead. Azerite gear ain’t like that. It’s Magus and Festermight or you don’t do damage.
Honestly I wonder how much DPS I would lose in AOE situations without Festermight. It’s gotta be an insane amount considering how powerful it is.
For some reason that line of thinking just really irritates me…
Maybe they will unbalanced and if the unbalance is too much I will complain. Maybe classes and specs will be unbalanced, maybe pvp will be unbalanced, maybe some specs are bad in some dungeons. But instead of wanting classes, specs and pvp to be removed, I instead ask for them to be less unbalanced when they are.
You don’t need to. You could use the same covenant for all your specs. They might not be the optimal covenant for the content you are doing on all your specs, but they should not be far behind.
So, they’ll fix it later is where you’re coming from?
Asking to untie CLASS abilities coming from completley unrelated sources is not equal to asking for anything to removed.
I really really don’t want to be pressured to change covenants regularly. I think of them like a class. Please keep covenant power in the + 1-10% range, so the impact isn’t game changing.
I’m not asking for the removal of those things though? I’m asking for tools that mitigate the imbalance of Covenants, and make it less punishing to be the “wrong” covenant.
I think you’re confusing with “remove the Covenant lock” with actually removing Covenants.
But we’ve already established that they could be extremely imbalanced and not every Covenant works equally well for every spec.
Why do you make this assumption? I could use generic Legiondaries or Azerite Traits, but doing so is far worse than using the spec specific ones.
Necrolord is insanely powerful for Affliction and Destruction because those specs have tools that greatly improve the power of their filler spells. The same cannot be said for Demo.
I’m pretty sure hunters are one of the classes that drew the short end of the stick where one covenant is godly for single target and the other is amazing for AoE. And apparently Kyrian is okay for PVP. But who even cares about that. Blizzard sure doesn’t.
I’m not saying you are
These tools are not needed, all you need is to balance the convenants to make them closer to eachother for all specs.
Turning covenants into an Aldor and Scrier and an extra talent row would basically destroy the whole system for me. We’ve done this before, it is not exciting at all.
Yes, almost every single thing in the game could be imbalanced. If they are imbalanced ask them to be closer to eachother. It is that simple, just small number tunings should do the job.
If blizzard refuzes to do the tunning, that is another issue entirely. No system can work if blizzard refuzes to balance them.
I don’t, I’m talking about what should be, not what will be. If they are too far behind then it was done wrong.
Than this needs fixing. This is as simple as that.
It’s only fun if you’re forced?
A little bit kinky honestly.
But I’m having fun. Game doesn’t have feelings, so this is a poor comparison that I realize was made half jokingly.
Still though, I don’t understand why games make decisions that are not made with ‘what would be most fun’ at their core.
Blizzard especially seems to want to control everything we do as much as they can, rather than setting up systems with freedom.
And so far, they give the freedom eventually. Which is why the movement to pull ripcord exists.
Stop dragging us through the mud before making it more fun. Start with fun and go from there.
That’s like trying to make a pick-up truck and a bicycle both fit for moving a couch through a narrow forest path.
I don’t get how people are STILL under the impression the balancing these abilities is just a matter of a simple number tweaks.
Do you think Blizzard can do that? They couldn’t do it with Legiondaries, Azerite Gear, Essences or Corruptions. Why do you think they’re going to pull it off with Covenants, especially when Covenants have so many more moving parts.
If it’s that simple, why are Blizzard so bad at it?
Imbalance shouldn’t exist in practice, but it has for the entirety of the games lifespan.
If Blizzard has never managed to balance systems in the past, why should we assume they’re capable of doing so in Shadowlands?
Okay, but how do you do that? How do you make the other three Covenant abilities, which have absolutely zero interaction with non-Affliction specs, desirable for Demo or Destro?
How do you ensure that the CC immunity isn’t a must-have for PvP, or the Venthyr Gateway the same for PvE?
Covenants are a package, they have lots of different aspects and the choices are interesting and meaningful, in a similar way to classes.
If you create a build your own class, for example, and get everything you like from each class, you would make the class choice way less interesting and meaningful.
No-one is asking for a “build your own class” though? Every Warlock covenant ability is a Warlock ability. I’m not asking for Stealth or Time Warp.
I’m asking for the option to use all four Warlock abilities without being punished for doing so.
Eh, that’s pretty subjective. And with covenants you’re only talking 2 abilities for each. IMO being able to choose at least any of the class abilities and then the RP, mounts, mog, pets, and covenant ability all being locked to one covenant would be more meany, because people would be more likely to pick something that’s interesting flavor over just pure performance.