To the people who are anti #pulltheripcord

Cause they already should’ve learned it with WoD, Legiondaires, Azerite gear, Corruptions. Essenses. why do they have to keep ignoring the same lesson. Just listen to feed back like one time.


Perhaps its not Blizzard that needs to learn the lesson?


You mean expect everyone else who is changing at will and will decline you because you didn’t just swap to the most powerful one for that content?

I felt the same way:


I’m going to expect you to know what your Classes’ BiS covenant is regardless. If you pick something other than that I’m going to assume you don’t know how to play.

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Oh, ok so all you have to do now is point me to the argument. So far I have not found this multitude you are talking about

Expect there is no clear BIS when it comes to these as some are clearly better at PvP or PvE…

If blizzard did it right, then they wouldn’t be making later patches be fixes to previous systems. Even ion as acknowledged how bad corruption is. They had to fix essences, make Several iterations of Azerite. I’m pretty sure the game would be successful if half of their resources wasn’t to changing or fixing previous systems.

There are. Dks are one example of how bad this system is. Death’s Due is best in all situations for all specs. The only slight competition is the Venthyr ability for Frost DKs who use Breath.

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Convenant abilites are just talents. Thats all they are. I dont want talents tied to the fantasy of my character. I do not want to be a night fae deathknight, but if that is the best talent im going to feel forced to go that way. Not because im some crazy hardcore player, im honestly pretty casual, but when I do play I want my character to be the best it can be.


Just because that is true for DKs doesn’t mean it it true for everyone. If it was then no one would be asking to switch them up whenever they wanted. Use some common sense dude.

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Paladins are strongly towards kyrian in AoE situations. Venthyr slightly looks like a maybe, necro is bad, everyone’s hates night fae still.

That’s the damn problem I have with the system. People who don’t have it as good as me are SoL because of how bad this system is. The only bad thing I have to deal with is the fact that I don’t like druids. My brother has to deal with doing garbage in Mythic + or doing garbage in raids. Bad system is bad.


All three mage specs like different covenants as well.

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How cool is it that the Necrolord ability was basically designed for Arcane only. HOW IS THIS A GOOD IDEA? Christ nobody who is anti pull the ripcord has read any of these abilities I swear.


Venthyr with a special conduit became OP for frost

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Isn’t great that new players probably won’t even know what a conduit is and will be entirely gimped based on a choice they had no information on before hand unless they’ve been playing the game for years and know you have to do research to avoid newb traps. Blizzard sure is good at making vidya lol


This has nothing to do with meta. You can play whatever you want.

The problem is that the abilities have clear synergie with specs. Necrolord’s Decimating Bolt has an amazing synergy with Drain Soul for affliction and Fire and Brimstone for destruction. It has no synergy for demonology at all and it just feels like a button that just does some damage and doesn’t fit into the rotation at all. In fact, none of the four abilities fit into demonology rotation.

Soul Rot (Night Fae) sucks even if you build around it and buff your Drain Life by 3000% with Inevitable Demise.

I’m not a FotM player, I play what I enjoy, but I can see that the abilities are clearly designed for specs, not the classes. I’ve never limited myself to specific specs of my class, why should I now? I picked a class when I made my character, not the spec. It’s the fun factor, not the minmax factor.


I know that I was just stating what ION was thinking. Then I gave my opinion when I posted.

That would be what I just tried to say. By telling you what Blizzards mentality is, that doesn’t mean I agree with it and it doesn’t mean my post was to support them.

End of the day, if blizzard can balance all these systems then great. Don’t have to worry about it. That means yes this better for this situation. However that’s not the case. The abilities themselves show some are So broken it is good in near all situations. Then we have the Soulbinds and we conduits which will have rankings that we don’t know how they scale yet.