To the people that play wow alone

Its funny cuz hes not an elitist player. But pretends to be.


Naw, just hiding behind a forum alt like most do.

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That is me more or less but more into power as well to a certain point atleast then i relax doing all that.

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I play alone. Yeah with nobody else. You know when I play alone, I prefer to be by myself. Hence the name. Still the best game out there.


Just to look at this question in detail, let’s consider a couple points:

  • The length of single-player titles varies IMMENSELY. You have short 6-10 hour experiences… and colossal RPGs which can easily exceed 40-60+ hours with their main story alone. However, nearly all of that time is unique content which is custom-made for each step of the way.
  • WoW is RIDDLED with padding, predominantly in the form of repetitive content (including the many repeated attempts at clearing content, not to mention repeating it on a higher difficulties) and copious grinds. Other MMORPGs aren’t that different to tell the truth. Remove those… and you’d be surprised just how short on content WoW actually is.

Truth be told, there’s a reason expansions predominantly launch with leveling content – it IS the most “real content”, in terms of new stuff to do and resources required to make it. The endgame is, for the most part, a greatly dragged out grind compared to the leveling content; there’s less actual “content”, but with an immensely extended amount of effort required to complete it.


Well said sir! and that is true as well dead game for sure without us.

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I used to like solo’ing (mainly because i had no choice really) content but with the level to reach being 120 i’m hating it more and more. I jump at the chance when any of my friends want to team up for questing, dungeons, etc.

I used to hate the level squish that’s coming with SL’s but now by the time i hit 60 on a character i’m wanting the leveling process to be over on the character. I guess i might be burnt out. Shrugs

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So money worth is on WoW then. Thanks. Cuz it keeps going.

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I used to be like that as well. I got over this by either finding groups that were progressing/more understanding, or accepting that there is a risk that I’ll be booted and it’s just no big deal.

Worth the risk. Have been booted from plenty of raids as I learned. But nobody remembers/cares except me. Conquer your fears! A lot of nice people out there! :slight_smile:


Well I didn’t begin playing alone. All my friends left. They said they’d be back, they’re just off to get milk and cigarettes, but they’ve been gone a really long time.


Depends on what you consider to be “worth your money”.

If you don’t mind repetition in your playtime, WoW works just fine. Play away.

If you have a strong dislike for such repetition, WoW can feel like torturing yourself; especially over this past expansion.

Yeah but by now a solo game would of dust on it. WoW doesnt.

I do solo content mainly cause when I play games I play for the immersion, and when you join a group and no one talk the entire dungeon or if in a real raid with vent/discord hearing a guys voice come out of a girl toon or a gnome with a deeper voice then your own kinda hampers that immersion, I’ll run the group stuff at least once for the story or a couple times if there is a piece of current gear I want but with dungeons no longer having their own set I don’t have to repeatidly run the same dungeon.


… your point?

If you’re looking for new experiences, either WoW has to put out new content or you’re picking up a new game. At the rate at which WoW puts out major content patches (let’s say about once every 6 months outside of end-of-expansion droughts), most of which generally have only 4-6 hours of “unique content” before repetition kicks in.

By that measure… WoW is actually a pretty poor investment outside of the expansion launch, which is only “on par” with a large-scale RPG at best after both factions are taken into account.

My point is starting on WoW on a fresh patch/expansion over starting on a fresh $60 solo game. Is that WoW is a whole lot more worth it. Like whats your point? Solo games are a rip off.

All my main games have been grinds so yeah just me heck its probably why i like grinding in reallife as well when i lift my weights.It’s also why i like borderlands 3 as well lately lol.

I only payed 20 dollars for shadowlands feels good man!

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Because this in an MMO single players shouldn’t be rewarded for going against the very spirit of the game there’s millions of others you can solo on. I’d be fine if most casuals left.

Yeah i have to agree here well said.

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You seem laser-focused on the idea solo game’s are not worth your time that you’re not willing to consider other viewpoints.

What I’m saying is that WoW is SO inundated with padding that I have no interest in doing that it isn’t worth my time. Even a short single-player game is more entertainment value than WoW at this point, even though I have a stronger preference for longer titles in general.