To the people that play wow alone

yeah, thats never gonna happen, i really dont give a rats behind about some egomaniac strutting around like a peacock because he needs validation

i dont pay attention to that sort of thing, so you can keep your overinflated sense of how important you are because you have stuff in a video game lol


Well said!


I played with friends during vanilla but I could never dedicate as much time as they could, so I fell behind constantly. That’s the same problem I have today. I can’t really do content that requires coordinating schedules with other people. My life is too busy.

For that reason, I play alone 99% of the time. I still have fun but I often wish things like raids were scalable and doable solo.

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I play alone because I am old and disabled and have no friends left. I play just to occupy my time for a bit each day and to take my mind off my pain. I just level toons to max then start a new one.

I like helping people in the game and talk to people in the guild or in trade when I am in town. It’s the closest I get to human contact other than regular Dr. visits.


i dont consider people who buy carries for AotC “good players” is that what you are? cant tell because you are too afraid to show your gear.

i dont really think the people you are trolling really care about your feelings either. so there is that.

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I play alone, I dont know anyone who plays WOW any more. I also game mornings early afternoons when most people are working and nights after my farm tasks I would be too tired to sit up to play with others. I still find it fun to play alone and I love joining random groups.

I stopped playing due to not having friends that play anymore. Nor do any guilds seem to be socially active anymore.

To bad they already indicated it is thank you ion :^)

Fyi, it is the casuals’ subs that are paying for the endgame content for hardcore players.

So, yes, we casuals deserve some of those rewards.

And if there was a mass exodus of casuals, guess what would happen?

You hardcore players would be stuck with paying higher subs for such content.

Financial business.


I miss playing with people, but I got screwed over by a “really nice family” who used me to build a raid team. I don’t really trust people in game anymore, which is sad because I used to hardcore raid and could be a real asset to a raid team. /shrug

I enjoy playing some content alone. No pressure from others and no timetables. I play when I want.

Same here going to be time walking this week soon random grouping ftw!

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for 6 months i played alone and enjoyed it, playing with people generally comes with extra responsibilities in game. Some can be fun and others annoying but the way wow is set up on literally got my hunter to 479 solo before i decided to join a guild and i actually enjoy both they have their ups and downs.

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You are a casual. Like many of us here.


if you say so. /shrug


The key ingredient that makes WoW addictive: social feedback.

It’s what made Facebook blow up. That Like button… the heart we use in this form… the little number you see indicating someone responded or liked you.

Humans crave social feedback.

Even playing WoW “alone” we get feedback… overhearing silly arguments others have on chat, comparing how others class, talent and gear up.

And the feedback scales when we engage with others, of course. The mere opportunity of doing so, even if we don’t, is tempting.


Miss my old crew of 5 straight years. We all retired at the end of MoP, job well done. Came back in Legion, made new friends, but that situation fizzled out by the first month of BFA. Miss friends from that group as well, they reformed without the the bad persons in charge that had ruined it and then raided for a few before they all retired as well.

Lacked any personal motivation to engage myself with the new guilds I had since found myself with. One merged with another after they got Mythic N’zoth earlier this year, so now it’s basically a dead guild - yes I have outstanding invitation to join, just don’t see the point. Joined another on my old main, turns out it has an old guildie I was friendly with from my Legion guild days, and this new one seems to be a good place, but… my baggage is just preventing me from getting involved.

While initially very fun early in BFA to play solo, the game is substantially less fun for me these days do to repeated endeavors by the devs to kill aspects of the game I enjoy from a single player non-raiding standpoint. I like to help and teach others, leading by example, with many meaningful notches on my belt from passed accomplishments - y’rly. But when the makers of the game continually seem to be working against you, it really kills what small amount of incentive you have left to be a part of their world.

Think I’m broken.


Most of my friends left or we parted ways for one reason or another during BFA. Sometimes I miss a group, but most times I don’t. Having to work a schedule with limited time around other people’s needs i.e. what they want to do v.s what I want to do, got really old. Especially with BFA having too many activities I didn’t like, but my new player friends liked because they didn’t know any better.

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For almost all my WoW time I played WoW alone and I was just fine. But THEN… I had to go and make a few friends that I adore and now I can’t play without them. Damn them!

^^ This ^^ I will group when necessary for WQs and of course Darkshore, but normally that’s about it. I am content just playing to get upgrades or just having fun.

For your actual question: When I started, I played with my son, but… my ability as a player compared to his is night and day. He is in a raiding guild and his main style is dungeons and raids. I normally avoid those. At first, after he went with his guild friends, I kinda wandered around aimlessly after having been pretty much dependent on him for a play partner, and then I figured out that solo play was a lot of fun, too, so the transition was good.


Super well said!