To the people that play wow alone

I like setting my own agenda and doing what I want. The drawback is I don’t have anyone to do dungeons or raids with and I do miss having friends to hang out with.

Foot tap…
I play alone, Yeah with noone else.

When I play alone, I prefer to be by myself.:guitar:

Funny thing is i wouldn’t be shocked if most of wow players are loners lol !


I’m a natural introvert - I play WoW during my ‘alone’ time when I’m not in the mood to have any sort of conversation with other individuals. Of course, I’d play with random people in dungeons and raids and I have real-life friends who play WoW but they’re in another realm and we’d sometimes do dungeons together via cross realm play.

But for leveling/questing/dailies, it has always been solo for me (unless i need to group up for a tough mob) and I never needed nor did it cross my mind to group up for that. I find that fun and I don’t really care what other people think. I play WoW for myself and not for other people.


This is what I was referring to.:cowboy_hat_face:

I play alone because I refuse to subject myself to abusive people who try to tear me down with insults.

I am harder on myself and don’t need anyone’s help to make me feel worse.


Well said!

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Some of us on lower population servers don’t have much of a choice. Random pugs aren’t the best places to meet new friends.

You’d be surprised how little strategy-related communication goes on in leveling dungeons. You make it sound Like I’m AFK. I’ve never been kicked. I follow the tank and do good damage. That’s it.

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I didn’t choose the PUG Life.
The PUG Life chose me.

Ive tried both, Guilds are fun to play with during progression not so much during farm when the drama happens. Guild drama always happens.

And I get social anxiety, so Im happy alone most of the time.

I love to PUG help strangers and disappear from their lives.

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Havent been able to play with a bunch of friends since Cata, Dragon Soul. I’ve been playing by myself casually on and off since then.

I find running in groups stressful. Even when my family friends guild was going, although I love grouping with them even family group things could be stressful for me. I do love having the freedom to do whatever I want with no time commitment. But I also do love a lot of the connections I make with other people in game even if it’s waving to each other or buffing each other. It’s what makes this game so fascinating to me. I might not do formal groups much but I participate in world boss fights just fine. I remember the first time I took a flight to Ghostlands and saw another player running on the ground below me…I just couldn’t get over that there are a bunch of us playing this game all doing our own thing and we can see each other! It’s till amazing to me.

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There’s a mindset/atmosphere I play MMOs with that is “part of a world” not “part of a team”. WoW wasn’t my first choice of MMO, but it was the only one on my short list that survived. So I came here with the mindset that I was going to find a way to make it work and I succeeded. I didn’t come here determined to be a loner, but it is the playstyle that I deliberately started with and it has continued to be the most fun (for me).

I think warfronts were the nail in the coffin for me hoping there might exist some middle ground with the rest of the WoW community on group content - the devs actually managed to design a sort of “loose mob” feel that I enjoyed … and it was soundly rejected by other parts of the community. So 'm not really expecting to ever be part of WoW’s group content going forward and (at least for the moment) I’m no longer making suggestions about how to bridge the culture gap.

I’m having fun, Il want to be a constructive part of the community and I have a todo list that more than fills the hours I have to play. My hope is that the dversity of playstyles and creative friction of trying to please everyone actually makes WoW a better, more robust game for everyone in the end. My greatest fear is that I might be wrong.


I do play alone 98% of the gaming time alone as sadly almost all my guild members had long be inactive due to BFA’s & 8.3’s disappointment. So on that note it makes me feel alone and sad because I used to run casual content with every one of them during Legion and they were splendid days…usually we’re a rather small guild; consisting of 38 or less members; in which we became sort of “family” haven for us to chat all day long, including off topic from WoW.

No one that I know of in RL plays WoW and I’d rather not know about it as I treat WoW like my own personal business and rather keep that social interaction separately from rl friends & family in terms with WoW’s

To answer the question OP from time to time I usually do & try to be rather than be pessimistic. I enjoy very much random battlegrounds very much! losing or winning doesn’t matter, its active, its constant combat, its fighting experienced players, its great to have the feeling of building up temporal team mate trust & collaboration as it gives more meaning to the game.

Other than that I do M+ once a week for weekly chest’s sake,

I am not really playing often as I used to. Usually my average gaming WoW time is 2 hours or less as I am not one to push through hard content with commitment wise & just cannot be bothered with the corruption system, visions, raiding etc.,…they’re far dreadful and draining to me…sort of reminds me of a past job that I had during University studies in which I had my eyes & body bound to the chair & screen and that notion alone just utterly killed me as I like to avoid office-like, PC jobs or anything related to it.

COVID-19 thankfully didn’t hit me as bad despite being “temporally” laid off due to working on a Banquet venue position.

I like enjoying WoW as it is and some times I have this silly sort of canon-head of mines that whenever I am playing Vencio I am building up his story, character and thoughts. Makes it even more interesting to cope with playing alone and enjoying the game

PS: No I don’t RP. No time for that, can’t keep up with describing an “almost” entire paragraph of an action all while keeping up with dialogue and how many people I am interacting.

PSS: I enjoy the forums! I come on and off with it!

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Transfer to Moon guard. It has it’s um issues but there are tons of people here and hundreds of huge social guilds.

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Not wanting to group is one thing but turning off chat when you get into a group… That’s a really terrible idea.

That group may very well need you to do something or follow a direction that you would be unable to see if you had chat off.

Edit: Which makes me realize now why some people completely ignore directions when you give them in a group…lol


Leveling dungeons, not challenging stuff, blah blah blah


Easy for you maybe. You’d be making this an extremely difficult/taxing situation on new people, especially if they can’t communicate with you.

I’m not playing for them, I’ll never even see them again. I know that sounds very selfish, but I play WoW because I grew up with it and I just don’t want to deal with people to have fun on here.


I enjoy how the world generally looks and also customizing how my character looks.