To the night elf players go to the ptr if you can

I’ve gotten to the point where the burning jokes are amusing, because Blizz lost me on caring about storyline after that burning. So hey, might as well joke about it. :slightly_smiling_face:

Night Elves should get a free Hearth to it that has its own cooldown.


Honestly blizzard opened a can of worms with the whole burning of the tree: it was and should have been an epic moment in wow history that, changed the night elves forever.

Rather all we did was get an emo night elf leader who, while she did go edge lord she still couldn’t kill sylvanas , a bunch of sad night elfs sitting around and after we do all the work - they get a new tree

slow clap much progress, much learned, very brave.


I agree.

Let’s burn it!

:panda_face: :fire: :deciduous_tree:


Yeah… none of it was handled well. And it really destroyed a lot of roleplaying— for both factions.

lets do it!

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I wasn’t a huge fan of burning the tree but I went along with it because I thought surely, we’d get to see something new out of the night elves. They’d been pretty stagnant and not really in the picture much so surely this would be their time to shine.

There wasn’t much in BfA - just the one warfront - but I guess that wasn’t much of a surprise. They had a lot of irons in the fire (so to speak) and at least they set up something interesting with the Night Warrior.

And then… they just completely lost the plot. Tyrande decided she didn’t really want to be Elune’s vengeance after all, the night elves get a new tree, and now we’re exactly where we were six years ago.

The night elves haven’t changed at all. So why did they bother in the first place?

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In war there should be lose, suffering, pain, but then through that lessons, strength and the ability to move forward and be better. This event did nothing and taught no one nothing.

Garrosh using the mana bomb on that little no name un-important city had more impact then the burning of the tree.


/Pats Sendryn on the snout.

Dragon isles appears to be a secure location to rebuild dragons and Night Elfs both.

I guess repairing the original tree seems too boring, although I would be fine with that.

I think it is a decent plot twist.

On a side note: do you think when they have the big night elf party celebrating the new tree do you think this will be song that will be jaming out?

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Or do you think the horde will show up to the party with a boom box blasting:

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Hmm I feel like it could’ve been better, but it seems obvious now that they don’t ever intend to make it a proper city so that’s unfortunate. Either way I’d love to see this just be closed up and leave Nelves alone already lmao

From the ashes.

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Yes please and thank you.

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Exactly! It’s especially frustrating because they’re at least trying to show the Forsaken moving on as a people from the events of BfA, if not necessarily doing a great job of it. But apparently night elves are god’s chosen kind and don’t need to change at all. :dracthyr_shrug:

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I will leave the night elves alone I promise…BUT ONLY if sylvanas shows up at the end of the big night elf party jamming out to.

Of course there needs to be about 500-10,000 forsaken behind her head banging dancing.

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save the night elf tree.

ahh, I was hoping

Considering it took years for humans to repair a damn roof, I’d like to know who they hired for the job.