To the night elf players go to the ptr if you can

Time travel Garrosh to make a fuss there xD

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I mean somehow getting all of that, more than most races have ever received, plus a new capital regardless of location and it still isn’t enough.

It will never be enough unless they simply undo the burning of Teldrassil which obviously isn’t happening.


I brang in a pie for this special event! clumsily trips oops…

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Nomi needs to bring a fire extinguisher this time.

Yea! A new home!


Question is

How tf did they build all of that in a very short amount of time?

Seriously, we just got the tree

And yet so many Nelf players asked for this not to ever be a thing, because they knew they’d get this type of backlash.

This isn’t what Nelf players wanted. It’s not that it’s “not enough.” It’s that it’s not what should have been done at all in the first place.

It’s also not a new capital. It’s a few buildings around a twig. This isn’t an official in game city with all city perks, etc. There’s no mage portal there. No AH. No barbershop. No transmog. Nothing. It’s some NPCs and a boat.

Thus why so many didn’t want Nelf story touched after SL. It should have just been let go entirely and they should have moved on.

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It’s not going to be a functional faction city. It’s going to be the same thing the trolls got when they supposedly got a new “”“city”“” (air quotes) and the gnomes got when they were supposed to take back Gnomeregan. They got level 5 quest hubs no one was going to visit twice. Neither “”“city”“” had any of the resources of a real faction city – no bank, no portals, no AH, no tmog NPC, etc, etc, etc.

These are not functional faction cities by the definition of faction cities in WoW. They are merely city-shaped quest hubs.

All of which is amazingly disappointing. The story is great, but so far I’m even more POed now than before because Blizzard thinks a glorified quest hub makes up for having no faction city anymore. IT DOES NOT.

:arrow_up: :arrow_up: :arrow_up:

It will never be an actual functional faction city because they don’t want the player base spreading out and looking like fewer people. This is why no new city perks have been put in Thunder Bluff, Silvermoon, Exodar, Ironforge… all the new city perks and portals were put ONLY in SW and Org. Those are the only cities they want players inhabiting anymore. That’s also the real reason they bombed a city in each faction (Darnassus/Undercity) to force the point with players who still WERE using those cities, despite the extreme inconvenience of parking a character there.


Bingo. Which was my point too.


So I guess the only way all this makes sense is to have the dragon isles be the new night elf starting area. Is that how this is going to work?

hmmm it seems to be missing something…can’t quite put my finger on it. ah I am sure when sylvanas comes back she will remind me what it was…


I’m burnin’, I’m burnin’, I’m burnin’ for you. Is what popped in my head when I saw this picture. :wink:

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What a beautiful zone. It takes the dream zone we have now, polishes it a little and turns it into a baseplate for what definitely feels like a really solid old-fashioned starter area. Not really a “city” but definitely a nice large village. You can already see where the various enclaves of different classes and professions will eventually be even when it’s just placeholder “settler” NPCs wandering around.

I was enjoying just doing laps just soaking in the scenery so much I was a little sad to encounter hostile mobs along one edge.

I do feel like we’d eventually start building an “upper city” on a big platform in the upper branches.

No reason to change it from what it is now. Bel’ameth isn’t a real in game city like other cities.

so the upper city would end up looking this this then for reference?

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I’m not interested in burning tree jokes. They’re old, tired and stupid. Get lost.

( sigh – I guess we just can’t ever have nice things in this community )


I hope all of us non-raiders will get to see it at some point without having to do the raid.

Maybe after the last wing of LFR opens like the last few expansions.

It’s just part of the world on the PTR, no unlocks needed.

but but but but Mr.Night elf: I am only trying to get the good word out to everyone:

mmmmm nah never mind sorry smoking going witht he undead bae queen on this one:

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