To the night elf players go to the ptr if you can


It’s so beautiful! Just in time for Sylvanas to make her return, too!


Oh, neat. :+1:


I honestly don’t understand why they’re wasting their time on this.


Setting us up to burn another tree!


Honestly? I wish they would just for amusement. lol

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I’m surprised they acknowledged the existence of DHs as part of the Kaldorei outside of illidari content.

Takes me back to the Warcraft 3 days when they were a unit for Night Elves!


That’s pretty cool they have a boat that goes to feralas. I always liked that place, idk why

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Maybe I’ll change back my worgen druid that I race changed from night elf in protest over the tree being burned. I did not want to play some homeless burnt down race, plus the new worgen model looked a lot cooler at first.

I still have a worgen mage and a shadow priest, but I just wasn’t feeling it as a druid and the character has been stalled for years now. One of my oldest characters too, probably the only thing I have pre-cata that still exists.

It just drives the entire thing home that I really loathe worgen druid forms. If they were all different sized wolves I’d be down but wolfbear and wolfcat plus generic moonkin make me sad. I tried using the alternate forms but I just like racial forms better, which means I’m going to need to go back to night elf.

And I am working now which does mean I would have the money. What to do, what to do. Because no matter what it’s never going to be as cool a character as this one, but I could probably make it my go to alliance druid if I ever do that again.

But the real question is… Is it a neutral city, through? That first cap looks like the staging circle :face_with_monocle:

are you implying Night Elf will be made into a neutral playable race in Warthin?

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Would be nice to see the Naga cleared off of the old island and Feathermoon expanded. It’s a cool place.

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It’s not even a real city, so probably is neutral.


Putting the new nelf city in the dragon isles still seems like a weird choice. Not terrible but weird.
All the core races (besides panda if you count them) have their cities on or off the coast of Kalimdor/EK. Obviously Nelfs need a new home but I wondered if maybe it would be built on or around the ruins of Darnassus. That would make it where they are “reborn from the ashes” so to speak. Having the new tree and city in the Dragon Isles just feels strange. Although I can see why Blizz would want the Nelf city to be put somewhere else.
Second, being on a DLC continent makes it possibly forgotten once the expansion is over. Maybe Blizz will make the Isles a good place to go to continuing in the future but I understand why Sendryn said it may be a waste of time.
Nelfs having a city is good though! I just think the location may make them too remote and possible to be forgotten.


Nelves going neutral in Warthin. Calling it.

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As someone who likes options I wouldn’t hate it but it would certainly be weird. I imagine the drama would be immense.

The issue is they’d have to phase Darkshore a third time if they put it there.

Tying it to an expansion obsolete in about a year isn’t much better.

I don’t know of many roleplayers who were okay with that. But next expansion at least low levels will be able to go out there.

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And yet somehow someone on these forums or twitter will spin that Blizz hates the alliance or specifically nelves simply cause its not on Kalimdor. Meanwhile, they got 3-4+ sets this year along with 2-3+ mounts all nelf themed, while also having more customization options than nearly every race. Lol.

This type of post is why I wish they wouldn’t have touched the Nelf story at all.

I’ll bring the marshmallows like last time, still need folks for the graham crackers and chocolate.

/moo :cow:

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