To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

It’s unfortunate. They over estimated the needed changes. Some tuning maybe but not a full on nerf into the grave.

Why does everyone seem to think 8 is the endgame for Torghast? All the other features for this expansion are being given to us piecemeal so it would stand to reason it’s the same with Torghast. These floors just exist as a resource farm for Soul ash with the different levels being there for efficiency. If you’ve beaten a 6 you can just do a 6 the next time around and be done with your runs for the week for the currency. The real challenge area, the one section you can really flex your epeen on, will be the Twisting Corridors which we haven’t even seen yet.

A few nerfs to a resource farm isn’t breaking anything yet. If Corridors comes out and it seems just as compromised then we can start with the crying.

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Torghast was nerfed between when I posted that and when you replied.

I don’t want to spend the next two years repeatedly lamenting the road not taken, but looking at the game with the eyes of a solo non-progression player, it’s frustrating to see Torghast accidentally be more fun than intended and then get ruthlessly “fixed”. I was really hoping, despite all the talk of challenge modes, that it was going to go down a different path.

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Time to reach out and do content with others.

You know…like you would in an MMO?

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Like you CAN in an MMO.

MMO doesn’t mean mandatory grouping. It never has. It never will.

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If someone had told me 20 years ago or so that the MUD/MMO community would still be having these solo-vs-group arguments in 2020, I … I … blast it, I probably wouldn’t have done anything differently.

Well for many it is, for me its fun as well. Twisting Corridors will be where I go if I want to spend 2 hours in Torghast, I agree thats where the challenge should be and where the time sink should be. So yes, glad it was nerfed so people who don’t enjoy it can get their soul ash easier and quicker :slight_smile:

Well, it is good solo content for me as a side activity. I will agree a gear reward of some kind would have been nice (other than the Legendary). I may be in purples mostly now, but half of my gear was traded by people who didn’t need it.

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I have a solution for those people.

Here, take this butterknife.
Got it? Good.

Now go outside and cut down that 30 yr old oak tree with it.

You want hard and tedious and soul crushing, have at it.

The rest of us want to have fun playing in WoW.

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Shamans have too many dam rat talents!! Oh rat explodes, one shot rats, rat below 10% rat dead! Rat dies u gain hp( this one is actually good.) Jesus. I feel like I’m doing an exterminator job in torghast sometimes. I should get the rat legendary too, I’ll be the rat killer.

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So do hunters. It’s ridiculous. I remember I got two maw rat abilities at the final boss… when there were no maw rats. :roll_eyes:

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Make the last boss a giant rat!! So i can one shot it and make it explode. :pleading_face::woozy_face:

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tell me how you were prevented from getting legendaries if you stuck to layer 3 or 4.


The rest of us want to have fun being lazy coasting down a street with red carpets who cater to our every bad whim because we lack skills to run away, to off heal or do anything else.** fixed it up for you <3


How long till you beg for it to be nerf and say “but it’s meant for everyone!!!”?


Since it has cosmetic rewards I’d say right away. Most people enjoy that stuff a lot more than gear so good chance it’ll happen day 1.


Playing a turret in a heroic raid setting doesn’t qualify you to look down your nose at anyone else.

You’re just as lazy as the rest of us bud, don’t kid yourself.

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Ah but you see there’s a difference here, if I try it out and it’s just too difficult that’s just that? Why would I get upset at something that has already been described as the “challenge” version of Torghast?

I’m not going to be the one complaining (other people might but hey that’s on their own accord)

You mean like I’m already doing in M+ and raids?

Hard content rewards cosmetics / collectables
“WTF Blizz make this doable by everybody it isn’t fair to gate all of that cool stuff behind a DPS check and hardcore sweaty gameplay! It’s not like it even gives an advantage in game, it is just pets and transmog!”

Hard content rewards gear / player power
“WTF Blizz make this doable by everybody it isn’t fair to gate player power behind content that not everybody can do! Keep the hard mode stuff for cosmetics and mounts so they can show their prestige!”