To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

I was more suggesting to stop trying to chase it with Torghast.

Twisting Corridors sure, the rest of it no.

The appeal is soul ash and that’s it.

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It’s not if solo players had a means to get geared for the higher levels without having to go through the group content to get geared for this content. This whole design is butt backwards. Again Ion is a moron.


Ahahah, hunters are actual easy mode for Torghast.

Go do layer 8 on a class not as blessed by the devs then come to the forums to “show off”.

Wasn’t there supposed to be a chill wing of Torghast that just gave pets and crap like that? I want a mawrat.

There were definitely tuning issues with torghast, but overall I enjoyed the difficulty. The only thing I really hated was the insane time sink on the way to the boss. No one needs to spend over an hour killing meatbags and getting bamboozled by hyper tanky “assasins”.

Who is doing a hardcore 38 hour sweaty marathon that you speak of?

I get that there are people who want things to be difficult, just so something is difficult. People like what they like. But Torghast is not optional content. It’s a core game mechanic. It’s tied to gearing and professions. Core game mechanics need to be something that the majority of the players can participate in.

I think Blizzard is missing the boat here though. It seems like they looked at “hardcore” games, and completely missed out on the rewards offered in those games.

In “Souls Like” games, the game play can be punishing. Even randomly so. Stupid skellington. But it’s also incrementally rewarding. Each individual kill rewards the player with something that can be used to progress their power levels. In Torghast, the player is only rewarded if they completely finish a level. In some instances, they are punished for killing a mini-boss, who gives the player a permanent debuff. Torghast is almost all punish, with very little reward. I think Blizzard missed out on the platforms at play too.

In “Souls Like” games, the decent ones, the game play is tight. The player can rely on the game itself being stable so they can rely on their own skills. WoW is an MMO, with lag issues, server issues and a one and a half second cool down on abilities. It is fundamentally not an action game. Torghast is trying to be an action game.

Anyway, I think there are things they can do, but there are fundamental issues with the way Torghast is designed. I’m not sure making it easy is going to fix it.


I agree.

Again yes agree with this, this is why it was changed. I’m glad it’s now more accessible to people, especially those struggling a bit with it before.

Take off your gear and you can recreate “hard Torghast” since they’re no actual mechanics to hard Torghast

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Why do you even play WoW? Just for a slot machine that gives you rewards? Torghast was one of the first things that WoW has had in a long time, and the only solo play ever except for the mage tower in Legion and Kanrethad during MoP, that is actually PLAYING a video game.

Sure, some of the bosses were overtuned for solo play and could have used adjustments, but nerfing the whole thing into the ground so it just becomes another loot pinata button to push and might as well just be a phone game wasn’t the answer.

People who liked Torghast prior to the nerfs like to actually PLAY video games. I had a blast in Torghast when it launched, died a bunch of times doing it and it was the most fun I’ve had playing WoW since the mage tower.

Sorry that you don’t like to play video games and just want loot.


This is the real answer. No need to get nasty.


I’m not sure if this is even close, I did a layer 4 Fracture last night with my wife on her Resto Druid and she might as well have been afk for as little damage as I was taking.

I’m at a gentleman’s 184 so it isn’t like I am super geared either.

No they’re not. I did an Upper Reaches layer 8 run in windwalker spec a little while ago with mediocre powers and it was a snooze fest. Took just under 30 minutes to complete. A nerf may have been needed but this was overkill.

Well that’s why Blizz front loaded the Soul Ash rewards to the first few floors.

They could have kept the difficulty of floors 5 to 8 for those who like a challenge without hurting the average player.

I didn’t see this one.

Thank god they did this.

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If folks are having issues after the latest round of nerfs it’s just a “git gud” scenario. lol

Floor 7 & 8 are a joke now.


I couldn’t actually give a rats about “loot” I commented in a thread about it where folks were complaining about the loot being scarce the other day. I don’t understand the instant-giv-me-nao-pls-mentality.

And this is/was a big problem.

I like vidya games too, what a surprise.

tldr to you is; Torghast is supposed to be something EVERYONE does right? So why should it be difficult?

As I’ve said previously: Twisting Corridors is for YOU. It’s the hard leet version of it.


i thought you were just gonna say ‘you lost’… :rofl:

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Yeah, I just did a layer 8 Fractured Halls with my SO and it was ridiculously easy. There was zero challenge. :frowning:

they can take torghast and put it up there aas