To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

Just no, stop it. You want something difficult, something challenging, there’s Mythic raiding ever heard of that? Or high level keys? Or high rated PvP?

Torghast is something that everyone wants to do for legendaries (whether they do it or not is optional and totally their own decision) and it being tied to doing Torghast means it’ll never be the hardcore-zomg-pls-38hr-sweaty-marathon that you want it to be.

P.S Twisting Corridors is for you!


Everybody else who exists in WoW.


is it too hard to ask for hard solo content? Our families, friends, and guildies aren’t always online for raiding or M+.


I get that I do and I understand it but WoW as a whole is an MMORPG. It’s supposed to be played with others, sure you can have a great solo experience but the best experience will come from doing things with others.


The way it was sold in beta the normal Torghast wings were the fun ones and Twisting corridors was the challenge mode.


you mean like I do for everything that isn’t Torghast or mount farming?


And that’s totally fine, I’m perfectly okay with that. Also in the beta, subject to change.

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They should just add a hardmode for people who want that and make it easier for all the people who don’t


Well, they just announced they are nerfing it for you.

Now we can read all of the complaints about it being to easy instead of to hard.

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You do realize there are multiple layers (difficulties) so if it’s too hard and you you it done quicker just play an easier level.
Problem fixed.

It’s not the games fault you feel like you need to do the highest difficulty.

They already do, it’s called different layers.


Layer 7 & 8 are probably still going to be challenging.

That’s what the Twisting Corridors is supposedly going to be. But folks still probably won’t breeze through 7/8.

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Yup. Only hard content allowed is instanced content because god forbid you have to do something more challenging and brain thought than looking at a guide on WoWhead because you suffer from FOMO and don’t even know why you’re playing anymore.


That’s not a bad thing, I was more directing it at the people who want it to be the most difficult thing ever to satisfy their inner OCD.


The changes to Mob HP particularly for tanks/healers caused my layer 3 run to take a bit shy of 3 hours because all I get was defensive powers and it took so long to kill everything. That’s boring not challenging.


All of which that requires grouping, not a solo experience.

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Again WoW is not a solo game. MMORPG.

That being said I do think solo Torghast should have some extra little bit of a reward tied to it, just my thoughts.

No, it’s not. as long as it doesn’t warp all solo content, like it did in Torghast.

Well I think one issue is that folks are expecting to be able to clear 4-8 with ease when it was supposed to a jump of difficulty.

Ion was saying that layer 6 was supposed to be on par with a M7 and Layer 8 was supposed to be similar to a M13.

So I think their complaints are fair when folks that were undergeared were trying to bum rush higher layers.


The way things are going they should just make one difficulty and make the ash a lump sum. :unamused:

Yes, a lot of people want it easy as pie.

A lot of people also liked and appreciated the challenge.

I do hope they take the feedback of so many into account though and offer a “challenge mode Torghast”… even if its just for transmogs. I would welcome the opportunity for a real challenge in the format of Torghast.


So if Ion said it’s supposed to be similar or equal to a M+ 13 key - why try to solo it? When it’s going to be easier in a group? That’s where I’m going with what I said.

Yup I didn’t touch Torghast until the end of week one to know I had enough gear because hey that’s just me I don’t like to suck at things :rofl: