To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

People crying because they’re too lazy to learn how to play their class or because they don’t want to move out of the way, does, qualify people who don’t mind doing that. Sorry bud, skills play a part in this and if your skill is at 0 because of laziness and not because of people just not knowing/understand, then yeah it does actually qualify being looked down on. If someone cannot handle that, then they need to get thicker skin. Life ain’t gonna care about anyone’s stories.
You’re not nerfing my hard mode content when Twisted Corridors comes out just because you got less skill and cannot do hard mode even if you want the stuff.

Yeah, it will be crying day 1 of it’s release because a lot of the casuals will try it for the cosmetics and find out they need to up their game 5 fold to do it, then whine because they either don’t have the gear or don’t have the skill. Hopefully blizz won’t listen this time around and just tell them to get good. People kept saying “Let Twisted Corridors be the hard mode for hardcore” and once it’s out they will say for nerfs to that too. Nah

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Find me ONE time I have ever asked for “your” handmode to ever be nerfd.

You’re the one crying up a storm like a child.

“Crying about other people crying” I believe you called someone else out for in another post of yours.

Might want to put your money where that huge mouth of yours is bud.

Damn hypocrite is as bad as a creepy church bus driver and twice as annoying.

Seems upset :thinking: are you alright?

Ya I’m good

Yeah but how Blizz went about that change was just an absolute scumbag tactic.

I think you need to seriously calm down. Go take 5 outside and get some deep breaths, bud.

I will tell casuals to get better before I ask for a nerf from things, unless I think it otherwise needs a nerf and if I think it does it is because I think it is mathematically impossible, not because it is something that I cannot do at this very moment in time but could the next day or this week some other time with better gear.

If you think so, sure. Your opinion and you’re entitled to your own opinions, as am I. If we disagree then we disagree, but I am not the one getting annoyed nor getting very upset over what people say. Again, go take a walk or something and cool off.

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What are you talking about? It means mandatory grouping now unless you want to stare at landscapes and farm world quests for the next 2 years.

I t really doesn’t. There’s so, so much more to a good MMO (and WoW is one of them) than instances.

you only need to do tier 3 for legendary

i’m sorry you suck at a video game despite boosted up advantages lol

What I’m waiting for. I want the solo challenge in here. So all that group stuff doesn’t really cut it. How I’ve always viewed games like wow for myself. Is that you do x, y and z to get gear, then you do the challenge and it needs to be solo, for it to be worth it. As an ultimate way of progressing my character.

This is a really cliché response. I don’t view MMORPGs the same as you do. What is the point of all of it, if I can’t master my class and prove my own strength so to speak. For me that ruins the RPG element.

Also I’ve always felt the point of making it MMO is for a competitive field. Like a ranking system. Raids, pvp etc, require others and you live and die by the merit of the group, not yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I know I’m never gonna get 1 percentile, it’s about pushing as far as I can.

MMORPGs feel incomplete without that solo push for me, like mage tower. Torghast doesn’t hit that for me yet either, but I view it as a step in the right direction. I just wish they never tied legos there.

People get sweaty over this game lol

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I still love torghast, but definitely enjoyed it more when it was harder. But then again I like it more when the game was tough. Cause I’m not an entitled casul.

Stop liking what I don’t like!

Didn’t know you could do those things solo.

Grow up, you’re no better than those you criticize taking these arguments.


Can’t think of anything more challenging than pugging a +17 Necrotic Wake! There’s that challenging content you so desperately crave! Go wild and go have fun!

Oh wait, challenging content isn’t what you actually want, is it? What you’re really asking for is the gatekeeping of Torghast to remain in place. Pretty gross, really.

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Mage tower in a nutshell. Man I miss that content. Glad they didn’t nerf all of it too hard, though once artifact power just maxed it was basically spoonfed if you wanted it at the end.


Same thing would’ve happened for Torghast. The moment you level up renown, gear and legendaries it’d be cake.

God forbid we progress to beat content we can’t at the beginning.


You haven’t visited my raider io yet, have you?
only a +17? :laughing:

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By the time they buffed the legionfall buff to max, I geared my DK with the vendor items from Vindicaar and cleared all three challenges in a day. It was hard at the start though, I think I have like 30 wipes on Kruul as a Prot Pally.

WoW isn’t Dark Souls. Your confusing an MMORPG for a hard RPG

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Honestly, I don’t WANT to do it, I HAVE to do it. I’m spending as little time in Torghast as possible.

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