To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

I don’t do Torghast so I didn’t bother reading the changes but Blizz said the Twisting Corridors section of Torghast is meant to be challenging

Is that area open yet or nah? Did that get nerfed? If not then shouldn’t that be where all the “hardcore Torghast-lovers” go?

Pure confirmational bias. I see whiny complaints all the time from raiders who can’t be happy in the game if casuals get any gear at all, who want even more special accommodations so they can farm honor using party sync and spamming their covenant abilities on cooldown, because that’s what they deserve.

Except of course, if you’re demanding that other players make it into a job.

My point exactly. You guys are the most antisocial anywhere. You hate the overwhelming majority of players and can’t come up with enough insults to bolster your own inflated ego.

The game should not be tuned nor centered around a tiny percentage of entitled players like you. Nobody owes it to malignant strangers like you to stop having fun and take their orders from people who clearly hate them and want to turn wow into a single player game, where they won’t ever have to acknowledge the existence of people who don’t think exactly like you.

Nobody said anything about a single player game. Stop trying to overexaggerate things to epic proportions, or I can start doing the same.

That goes both ways about the confirmational bias, friend. People are different, what some want others don’t. If something is too difficult then it should not be made easier unless it’s literally impossible with numbers. That’s not the case here, as I said on Tuesday, right after the patch hit I could do level 8 just fine. Some of those bosses are easier to deal with than others, and if it is too much for you, come back on the next day when the boss changes. It makes a huge difference there between them as some just are great at killing casters, some at killing tank specs, some great at killing melee specs. If there’s a boss that your class/spec is bad against today, come back tomorrow. It’s literally as simple as that.

And yes, some people do want things to be harder, to be more difficult because this game loves to baby people and not let them get better. People just need to be babied, and it’s the same both in game and in real life. If you’re babied, you’re not getting anywhere. Life doesn’t care, games shouldn’t either. You got the skill to do it or you don’t. If you don’t, then get the skill to do it and try again, keep trying and getting back on that horse.

If you’re one of those “I don’t got time” people, then oh well, sucks for you try again when you get more gear and got more time to do it again. There’s 8 layers and they have to nerf 7 and 8, when 7 and 8 only give like 50-60 ash each…which isn’t much in the long run. Do up to 6, get your 480 or w.e it is for them, then be done with it for a bit.

Nobody is demanding it except players themselves because they cannot stop their OCD. “I NEED to complete this fully or not at all” kind of thing. No, you really don’t. Do the lower layers, come back again during the week. That’s not a torghast nor blizz thing, that’s a player thing.

Who cares who is antisocial or who is very social. I hate lazy people that can’t seem to get better and then on top of it use stupid excuses like “I don’t have time.” If you’ve got 20 minutes, you have time to get better. All it takes is watching videos on classes, learning, then trying it out. That’s it. Now if you don’t want to get better that’s cool, you do you, but don’t go making lame excuses, then trying to get the game easier for you. That’s what I hate and don’t want this game to cater to at any and all cost.

It’s not an attack on players or anything, I just don’t want everything to be easier for people because that is the same as participation trophies. Do you know what those do? They devalue everything, literally devalue the entire meaning of an award/trophy.


You get the bulk of the soul ash from the early, easier tiers.

It doesn’t need to be a pure faceroll.


What WoW needs is D3 Hardcore Inferno Mode Torment 16 mandatory WM no flight with weather effects and zero sanctuaries.

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You know…thinking on it the best way to fix it is just put every bit of soul ash on layer 1. Every other layer could just be cosmetic awards and stuff and that’s it. Layer 1 is so faceroll you can do it at 130 ilvl prob and be fine even with getting the worst of the worst powers. That’s how they could nerf it so when you complete your torghast layer 1 you get however much it is for the week and only need to do 1 wing, not both as it should just give you the entire thing right up fornt.

With that, they can just make it as difficult as possible and keep all of those cosmetic rewards looking cool.

I want the opposite. I do Mythic+ and raid with a guild. Torghast was promised as solo content. To explore at my pace. not a second job.

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LoL ya, so that’s why you get people to play with you for Torghast.

Fair enough. Get your free legendaries.

Just leave Twisting Corridors alone once its out.


Isn’t there eventually going to be an endless mode eventually anyway? Save the difficulty for that. Let the first 8 layers be for the masses.

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They can buy a carry :+1:

Listen. And I mean this in the most non-hateful, benign type of way but Torghast was accessible to everybody already. The only issue was that there were varying degrees of difficulty and people’s latent sense of having skill was hurt because they’ve become so used to steam-rolling everything. The try-hards are not the issue here. It has been the cry-hards that have detrimental to the development trajectory of the game since Cata and they are the ones who actually had to, you know, try. These are the same people who think that a game needs to cater to their time. These are the same people who can’t be arsed to grind for anything and literally think WoW is a grindfest when it is objectively one of the most forgiving MMOs out there. Nah, like, I literally don’t care. I’m waiting for other games to come around but your basic consumerist drone husks have already came and are chewing threw a once great game. And when they’re done with it? They’ll move on to the next.

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Im part of the mid sized epeen crowd. I dont think anything you have to farm should be hard for anyone, or time consuming in the least.

Im going to tell you, on my monk I could blow through it, on my shaman it was like i was trying to go boating in a wheel chair. Go through there on one of the sub optimal classes that isnt hunter. If everything was equal i would agree with you, but blizzard is horrible at balance.

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grats on calling out on a minority of this forum that you assume exists


You’re getting that when Twisting Corridors is released.

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Nah, I definitely get that there was a balance discrepancy for sure. But balancing is only a portion of overall tuning and that overall tuning is what I’m speaking in regards to, you know? Like, everybody should have a fair shot given there respective gear and skill. But not everybody is entitled to the current max tier just because it’s available for play.

A declining rank of gear like in visions (after your first clear of the week) would make so much sense.

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Causals limited to lvls 1-2.

Elite Players get: Raids, M+, Twisted Corridors, Lvls 5-8.

Any other content you want to make for 5%? Ion is an idiot.

As someone who is the hardcore torghast lover, I agreed with the nerfs for everyone else.

That said, this bit

Is an awful argument. Mythic Raiding, High Keys, High PvP… those are all group intensive activities and quite intensive. Torghast is good solo content, and I think there should be appeal for everyone involved.

I will be doing Twisting Corridors for the super challenge, because thats where it should be.

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