To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

Who cares, bad RNG affects everyone all the time, not just some classes. Start over and do it again, do it another day when its easier, get geared up, learn how to maneuver better, strategize more.

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Bad RNG is less impactful on a tank or healer spec than it is for some DPS specs. Some of us just don’t have the time to start something over just because of bad RNG on anima powers or layer bosses.

Then do it another day or just stop trying to do it while you have no gear. Look things up, even.

This has been discussed ad nauseum. They finally did the nerfs casual players asked for, so I guess people having a hard time were right after all.

Twisting Corridors is there for those of you who like wasting their time starting things over and over again because you’ve died to bad RNG.

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Choreghast is also a matter of getting the right and broken anima powers.

No not quite.

When a floor boss who has an uninterruptible arrow that hits for 25% of my hp every 2 seconds with a crit shot ability that takes 50% of my my hp while having 500k hp and trying to kill that as a 26k hp mage isn’t a skill issue.

It’s a balancing issue.

You can have difficult content without just mindlessly beefing up the hp and damage.

Be creative

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Cool, go cry me a river, fill it up, then bring me back 5 vials.

Yes and you can tell by floor 1 how broken or not broken your run will be. Just enjoy how broken you can get cause regular WoW won’t let you be that broken at all, ever.

Seems like you’re the one crying here, bud. Not a good look.

I mean, I’m not, but cool. I did my layer 8 just fine on tuesday with my Druid and had no issues with it

I personally was excited for Torghast however doing layer 3 with a friend and having a lot of the mobs being elite wasn’t fun. I admit, I was only 160 item level so I figured I needed better gear. At 180 item level I attempted to do layer 3 again by myself. The run was fine (but took ages - almost an hour) and I got to the last boss who I couldn’t kill due to his mechanics and getting pretty average anima powers. I was a shadow priest who takes damage quite easily. I pretty much wasted a WHOLE hour in there and 0 rewards - This is not good game play. I would rather invest that hour in something else that isn’t a waste of time. At least islands were quicker and more flexible and you got rewards that were meaningful and you could sell them to make some gold. Torghast lacks in that aspect.

Be careful you just triggered all the elitist wannabes whose self esteem comes from WoW.


The big problem here though, was that this wasnt really explained well. It wasnt until one throwaway remark by Ion (in the sloot interview) on players probably needing to be ilvl 200 to even start twisting corridors that the thing started to make sense.

On top of this, the arbitrariness of success and failure meant that the game itself wasnt showing that difficulty prior to the Dec 15th changes.

And to be fair, i felt like the changes were good and satisfying because instead of blasting all the way through my level 2 and obviously feeling like level 3 would just be an incremental gap, this week i got through 2 well enough but faced a tougher challenge with the final boss. This naturally made me re-evaluate that earlier notion on pushing through three (particularly with the torments on top of it). It led to a significantly more satisfying experience. It was the right level of challenge.

If level 2 was a bit more tricky than the weeks previous, then i really needed to consider my ilvl when considering moving forward. which of course ties into that ‘gear check’ comment on ilvl 200. So now it all made perfect sense and in effect models what you wrote. However, until today and the polygon stuff, blizzard really failed to communicate that to their playerbase and the earlier tuning certainly struggled to articulate it.

In a way, im sort of unhappy with the changes, and kind of happy with them (since it may mean fewer of those torments spawning). Hopefully, now that the design philosophy is front and center we might all feel a little happier in the levels we end up in, so thats a good thing. Unless of course this huge nerf puts as back a step with people blasting through earlier floors and hitting a massive roadblock higher up, again?

Everyone gets bad RNG, that’s what RNG is all about.
You think everyone runs as a tank or healer? Of course they don’t.

If you can’t clear the layer then clearly you aren’t ready to progress to the next. Simple as that, design working as intended.
How do you think it will work? That suddenly because you got god RNG and completed the layer the next one will be easier to do?

If you can’t complete layer 3 without the best RNG then you aren’t going to do layer 4, 5 or 8 anyway.

All of the rewards are front loaded, do the level that is appropriate. There is nothing more to be said for it.
It’s basically the same principle as M+.

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We hear plenty of demands from the epeen crowd that all content in the game should be tuned to be a challenge to the most experienced, skilled, and equipped players, and it’s fine if the other 98% has no content to do at their level. Or there shouldn’t be, which is supposed to make players who play for fun turn the game into a second and third unpaid job more akin to indentured servitude.

It’s actually possible for a game this size to provide meaningful content for more than one player demographic. Instead the devs have decided to turn Torghast into a one-size-fits-all metasolution that fills the needs of average players and elties badly if at all.

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It’s actually quite the opposite. You hear more crying from people who cannot do everything greatly, so they nerf things. Then nerf things. Then nerf things. Then nerf things.

It’s not a job, unless you feel like making it a job. Everything is as you want it to be, you being the player. Some players just literally cannot either stop complaining about things and need absolute easymode or they just are that lazy. The game should not be tuned nor centered around this kind, games are meant to be fun but also some games are meant to be challenging.

On the other hand some players need absolute challenge mode all of the time. This isn’t as popular, but players themselves dictate what their time should be spent on and if torghast is too difficult for you, come back later. This expansion has only been out 3 weeks at this point and people keep not understanding how new this game still is.

Yeah they were pretty easy in Beta for me - mind you you could get all the gear you wanted before you trucked on in there. I did notice a big difference on live in the floor bosses right away.

I was hopeful that since it had 8 difficulty settings and front loaded the soul ash to the easier ones that would help prevent nerf.

But since, per Blizzard, players can’t understand sequentional numbers means getting more difficult in a game like this they nerfed the whole thing.

I wondered if these players know a +9 dungeon is harder than a + 6 after all this.

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Most of those who defended the previous state of Torghast were either Paladins, tanks, or healer.

not everyone is bad. that is false.


You can have it imho but it should not give any items that directly or indirectly five you player power