To the "Hardcore-Torghast-Lovers" Crowd

Nobody is asking for Dark Souls, but wanting something solo that also pushes player skill is satisfying.

Some players want to be challenged, not everything needs to be plowed through while holding a cup of cocoa in a free hand.

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To be fair. I’m also willing to try tea or coffee. Maybe even a nice mulled wine. Just something warm.

Imagine asking for solo hard content in an MMORPG. I think your all confusing the game genres. You’ll have twisting corridors soon enough.

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Imagine asking for all solo content to be a snoozefest that an undergeared scrub with bad talents can still complete because it is unfailable as long as buttons are being pressed.

No thanks. Solo challenge has been a part of WoW for a long time; Training Grounds in MoP, Mage Tower in Legion, Horrific Visions in BfA, and now Torghast. People like having some solo options for when friends are offline or they just want to chill alone.

Even without official solo content, players find way to go after it solo for the challenge. Soloing world elites, bosses, or be Rextroy and solo entire current raids like a maniac.

Torghast isn’t a place for a hard challenge, its a place to farm and power your legendary up. Your confusing torghast as mage tower, its not.


Twisting Corridors is going to be the challenge mode. I don’t really care if the Soul Ash layer wings are a joke. But they need to make it known that Twisting Corridors is not supposed to be a breeze.

As it is now, the typical layer 8 stuff is easy.

Of course layer 8 is easy, its a soul ash farm. Not a mage tower 2.0.


Torghast wasn’t even hard. Just scaling was all over the place.

People who want solo hard content and never done Mythic raiding high keys or high pvp are just bad at the game and want To think they are good.

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Ah yes. 190 ilvl no Mythic keys tomed 4/10 normal bosses ret pladin demands it be known that twisting corridors be hard.

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What I said, is Blizzard needs to make it known that TC is a challenge mode so that people don’t complain when it comes out. And I do greatly prefer hard solo content because then I can avoid grouping with pretentious pricks like yourself.

If you have anything constructive to add, go for it. Otherwise you aren’t worth responding to. And take your strawman with you.

The problem is that instead of fixing the classes and specs that were broken for Torghast Blizzard just ruined the single appealing element of it.

The appeal of Torghast, for me at least, was that it was something challenging to do solo. With the recent nerfs, it is about as fun as doing a GR in D3.

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Honestly, I just don’t really enjoy Torghast. The higher difficulty just made it tedious. Certain games, the challenge can be enough to push you forward, but really the more I play it… Torghast just makes me sleepy.

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Just remove Synod and Torghast is infinitely better.

The best run you’ve ever done is a +9 freehold, so not sure why you’d want me to go look at that. Just wasted five minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.

Great job on that +2 spires yesterday, truly amazing. You sure as heck aren’t raiding anything either, so I don’t think you need to worry about challenging content.


I strongly disagree with that.

Thanks for actually checking I couldn’t be bothered :rofl: your post made me giggle and honestly made my day.

so asking for hard solo content is asking for dark souls? got it

I should give you my main’s to look up. Naowh. I’m the KING of depletes. Gg and nice try though :joy: