To the few that want Cata, are you ACTUALLY excited for Cata or are you not ready to give up on your chars?

I don’t think there are many TBC dedicated servers. It’s a niche market albeit still a market. It doesn’t cost Blizzard much to keep them up and having a TBC (or WOTLK) server isn’t going to negatively effect their bottom line.

No idea how much the servers cost but their servers are pretty good so I expect them to not be some cheap russian $3/month server.

Zhevra hooves, kill a specific NPC with a 10 minute respawn timer, walking and walking and more walking for no reason other than padding the time it takes to finish quests… Yeah, leveling zones weren’t a chore before cataclysm
Toppest of the keks


I’ll give you Cata boys that one, what a nightmare of a quest. Did it in HC with a group of random people I met while the five of us were all waiting around for the respawn.

I’m hyped for Cata. 2nd best expansion (maybe even best) behind mop.


Why’d it bleed subs then?

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I’d have to say because the dungeons and raids were hard (significantly so I hear) other than that idk.

I agree with this as well Zrrk.
I also think people want to parrot others and say how bad cata was, but they are doing so to “look cool” and to follow the crowd/streamers when in reality they don’t know.

I’d love for someone to actually list out why Cata was so bad.


Feeling done after killing LK
General reduction in interest in MMOs
Other game types (mobas) coming to the forefront

Basically wow has always had a ton of turn over, cata was just when there was less new blood coming in than leaving. For as much as people claim Wrath was the most popular, wow actually stagnated in growth during wrath. Though that was also due to numerous factors, like Wrath not being release til nearly cata in China.


Have you came here to tell us OUR opinion on the cataclysm or what our opinion should be? Are you that narcissistic that you think that only your opinions matter or are right.

Believe it or not, there are alot of ppl that loved cata. Way more than you think. And yes i did play it back then and im gonna play it on classic too.

Or are you seeking for some aproval from others? Creating some echochamber for the “popular” opinion of loud minority that keeps screaming that cata was trash? Looking for some likes on forums? Isnt that a bit pathetic? If you dont like it…dont play it…it realy is that simple…keep your :poop: posting to yourself.


Dungeons when from aoe blast furnace to you actually could not bully your way through. They didn’t have gammas back then so people were in ICC gear blasting through heroic dungeons like the mobs were butter. Then Cata dropped and their “leet” was taken away and they got all hurt and mad.

Raids were also more difficult than previous. More coordination and skill was required.


how do you know its just a few? Curious here cuz you speak as if you somehow have more insight then the rest of us plebs. Even Blizzard is going to be in the dark on this as they never made a poll or anything to figure out what people want.

Then again…Blizzard has long ago stopped listening to the people or trying to figure out what people want and simply decided for them what they want. That path holds mor bi#ching and whining but people still throw money at them so its easier to ignore the moaning and just keep chugging.

Personally I am looking forward to Cata but it would be a shame to give up my WotLK characters so I m hoping for as Wrath era server.

They sent out surveys prior to wrath launch

I’ve had 4 different people tell me that I’m wrong for liking mana more than focus on Hunter, and for not liking Holy Combo Points.


kidding, people are free to like what they like, and Ret with holy power is not as fun honestly

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I was actually hoping for it.

I started WoW during the tail end of Wrath - the first time around.
But mostly my first real experience of the game was during Cata, it’s when I got into more of the store, began to really get used to playing, and very much enjoyed the quest lines.

Silverpine Forest & Hillsbrad in cata, heck, the whole forsaken story is just amazing.
The changes to a lot of quests like Darkshore, Felwood, and Winterspring are also much better organized then they were before Cata, although I will miss the even road in Darkshore.

I love the changes to the Darkmoon Faire, we get to go to the island and actually play games, it feels more like a real faire.

A bonus is the Worgan & Goblin races.

If you like the old world Classic-Classic & Classic - Hardcore are still available. The story never changes the land never changes. It’s a great way to experience the old world as it was. I do have characters here as well, and I like seeing the unchanged world as it was.

But, I am really looking forward to the changes on the progressive realms that come with cata.

I always find it odd people have insane dislike for certain expansions that are of the same cut of cloth. Like what is really different in Cata compared to WotLK? I bet everyone spends a ton of time out out in the OG world right now in WotLK. Then what else is really different? You like… do 5 mans… raids… pvp… yeah… all seems pretty much the same. Some class changes? Sure… but isn’t that what you go though all the time? Even went though them during WoTLK as changes to glyphs.

If you don’t like it just don’t play it. I get my nostalgia is mostly centered around classic era because it was when I started… TBC and WOTLK have tons of those memories for that magical time in my life with the MMO. Cata, sure, wasn’t the best time for me… but why would I deny others their love? Hell, I might find a new love of it too.

Just really silly how against this some people are. Sound a lot like people that tossed a ton of shade at people wanting Classic originally from the modern side of the game.


Lol it had more subs than every xpac after it and maintained millions more than retail currently.

Subs died off in the long ICC phase & the suuuper long DS phase. It isnt indicative of a bad game. You just state things without context or understand as long as it fits the narrative you want to believe lol. Cata is & was a highly enjoyed xpac by the playerbase.


Yup, the wall of no. Was hate spammed at every pserver player asking for classic(me). Then eventually after a decade blizz gave in.

Now the same people who told me im dumb for wanting to replay an old xpac (vanilla) are telling me we shouldnt want to play cata :joy:

Eh, not exactly true, subs were pretty stagnate all through Wrath and did dip all of cata, not just in ds