To the few that want Cata, are you ACTUALLY excited for Cata or are you not ready to give up on your chars?

I want to make a petition for leaving the WOTLK servers unchanged. WOTLK is the latest classic addition, Cataclysm is not a classic, it is a nightmare. Blizz repeat the same mistake again. Ok, they will have empty servers, as it was before lol.

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Yes, I am fkn stoked even tho we knew it was going to be announced lol

I’ve made it
go chng dot it and add PX2NFPsN2X after slash.

I definitely am.
I really like cataclysm.

And thankfully, I really like Rdrus in cata so I get to stick with my main, who has over 8k achive point already! An that’s with zero Vanilla raid content and zero pvp achieves.


I was there. You don’t have to try and persuade me.

it is a good expansion, just because you have huffed so much copium you actually think it is bad does not make it bad


Yeah exactly, I don’t get why people are so mad. Like it was obvious they were going to do cata classic, anyone who didn’t think that was completely naive. The only reason Blizzard do classic is because it’s relatively easy. I think anyone expecting some major classic+, like full expansions from wrath or something, was really living in a dream world.


personally i want to try it like i played tbc and wotlk

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Few ? You loud 15 or 20 people on the forums complaining aren’t the majority. You are the minority.


Community Feedback resoundingly voted for Cata…Just because you as 1 person voted no it doesn’t mean they didn’t listen to the community.


Forum alt posting is abused.
Ever noticed how 9/10 threads like these are all posted by rand Level 23 mage or Level 34 Warlock, both with zero post count?


There have been multiple massive Reddit threads and I’ve read them. All posts in favor of Cataclysm had 100s of upvotes and those against didn’t have any. Sure, it’s reddit, and only a few 100 people participated in those talks. Take it with a pinch of salt of course.

Also, Blizzard has sent out a survey. The odds, quite a few people were in favor of Cataclysm.


And also, it all comes down to $$$

They are about to make MILLIONS in Delux pre-sales.
Let’s say, out of approx 2 million playing Wrath, only 100,000 will buy Delux for $80.
That’s $8,000,000 in raw profit from a DIGITAL sale. And let’s be real, more like 50% of players bought Wrath and TBC mount packs. If not more. Pretty much everyone has Stalker and Kayak.

There is no money in HC.
There is no money in Vanilla Era.
There is no money even in Wrath era, nor Season of Discovery.

Money only in current content, which happens to be Cataclysm.

Imagine how many peole are swapping to Worgens and Goblins for mobility racials?
A LOT !!!

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1300 posts on a lvl 10 mate, you need to go outside or maybe exercise sitting in your room getting mad about stuff all day isn’t good for your mental health bro hit up your local gym and I promise when you’re in shape you wont have these negative feelings.

cata was not good, but it was not the worst. It had nothing noteworthy and changed the game onwards, it is essentially a very watered down/early iteration of current retail, losing almost all of the original elements.

There isn’t much point in playing it over retail.

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My favorite era of the game is wrath-mop, so of course i’m excited!


Okay. The door is over there.


I personally will never understand why Blizzard is so stupid about Classic servers. People want Classic, TBC, and Wrath servers… that’s why there are tons of private servers out there and likely where most TBC players and Wrath players will go. I can’t believe they don’t want to keep getting money from people lol makes no sense. Unless they truly lose money keeping these servers open for people… I have a hard time believing that. Ah well, I’ll enjoy the last days of Wrath but there’s absolutely no way I’m playing Cata… that xpac was horrendous, and every xpac after that was another nail in the coffin. Back in the day I played each one for a couple weeks to a month and then came back for the catch up to go into the next xpac hoping they came to their senses. Never happened, just got worse. I don’t even know what BFA, Shadowlands, or Dragonflight are about. Last one I played the most was legion. I came back for classic and specifically for Wrath.

This marks the begining of the end of my fun with classic. Best of luck to those in Cata.

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People also want Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, BfA and SL. Are we now giving them all servers because everyone has a favourite expansion?
And obviously if a money-driven company doesn’t want to do Era servers it means that it isn’t profitable enough - it isn’t. There are not enough people that would play one tier until they die. Pservers exist to some extend but this is due to consistent updates, support, and a closed-knit community.


You know, besides the content within it actually being relevant, the opportunity to experience the new and revamped content at its intended balance level, and the vastly different class design…

Cataclysm and Retail are two completely different games that provide completely different experiences


I want permanent wrath classic servers for life.

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