Meanwhile resto shamans top healing effects are abilities they press and passively heal a ridiculous amount to where they only need to cast if the totems dont keep up lol
Also gotta realize its a new rework. Wouldnt it be weird if hpal didnt see a spike in interest? You never brought up that you didnt see them ever before the changes, wonder why? Simple answer they werent fun before.
They didn’t exist this expansion until this patch, but in general I agree. You could probably gut the mana regen portion of daybreak and divine plea by 50-75% in pvp and all would still be okay (I think).
I didn’t verify, but heard that it’s already 8% split evenly among active glimmers in pvp. If that’s true, then this is a non-issue imo.
Not to mention borderline unplayable, and almost auto loss into mw and disc priests.
You clearly don’t understand either so…
Granted yes, Bubble stated it’s reduced in PvP however if it wasn’t it would be possible on a single target.
I know it’s ‘cool’ to be snide on the forums but maybe think before you leap. We get it you main hpal and you’re being defensive but the sarcasm and rudeness was uncalled for.
You realize most people run the other capstone to that right? That its cap is increased by 5? Also that one talent where its 25% increased dmg and healing is mainly used for the damage build lol. But when you compare glimmer with Earth shield and also Zen sphere. They are pretty even in balancing Earth shield literally is a 0 cd target receives x% more healing from the shaman while also healing everytime they damage, zen sphere 10% increased healing from the monk and the enemy application makes the target take 10% more damage from all sources lol.
This is the op (Truluck) btw, had to scratch my itch to return to the alliance, as that is where home is.
Anyway, after playing a handful of 2s and a handful of solo shuffles, my (probably bias to some extent but trying not to be) opinion is that hpal could use (just ideas):
—75% nerf to mana granted from Daybreak and Divine Plea in pvp
— Judgement damage absorb should be affected by dampening (just learned recently that it isn’t)
Honestly, hate on this take if you want, but that’s all that I feel requires touching, at least at the moment.
Change HPal BOP to magic BOP and I’m OK.
Is that not a lot? Feels like a pretty solid amount if it’s happening passively in a rotation.
8% dam reduc split between 3 players is not that much.
Ah, didn’t realize it split. Ok yeah that seems reasonable.
This is either wildly disingenuous or straight ignorant. You can look at the logs for the various healers in both shuffle and premade and the difference with how frequently a Holy paladin is forced into the vulnerable position of hardcasting relative to other healers is stark. All healers may do the bulk of their healing in the form of instant casts, but there is a monumental difference between having to supplement your instants with casting once a match vs. 1-2 times per minute.
Holy paladins are not casting a bit less than other healers. They are casting much, much, less. It’s a degenerate playstyle that has no business existing for healers any more than it does for offensive casters.
The difference in frequency in which other healers can afford to sit crowd control vs holy paladins is also stark
So we should gut rdruid healing profile too?
I imagine it’s less of a pain point when you can keep your team topped off with impunity any time you aren’t actively being crowd controlled.
This is just disrespectful at this point. The data is there for anyone to see and clearly you decided you didn’t need to take any time to verify anything before making yet another unfounded remark. Druids hardcast Regrowth plenty. Paladins are the only extreme outlier.
But genuinely I’m not going to waste more time on someone without even the barest modicum of humility necessary to check their own BS even immediately after having previous statements they’ve made called out for the BS they are. Holy paladins are casting somewhere between 50% (which is a very favorably sourced top-end) and 5% as often as other healers. It is not remotely close.
isnt rdruid currently doing this and been doing this for 2 years straight
Casting regrowth does not put druids in a position of vulnerbility(at all) unless the druid trolls by casting it as his blooms is about to fall.
Casting on pally and getting spell locked has historically insta lost you the game lmao.
Holy pally does not have any passive healing or other schools to cast from.
Im agreeing with you that hpals are instant cast freaks. Im pointing out that you wanting paladins to have to cast in its current design doesn’t make sense without major design changes on how the class functions in pvp.
So if you want paladins to have to cast you also need to propose design changes on the rest of the healing profile. Caster hpal had to hardcast last season and it was one of the worst healers in the history of wow arena because it didnt have tools to enable its casting.
MW is the best/second best solo shuffle healer even tho it had to hardcast because the rest of its toolkit HARD enables it
It is pretty funny how no1 on these forums ever complains about rdruid being an instant cast freak.
Like clockwork. Something is blatantly broken and the mediocre players think they suddenly got a lot better and it’s definitely not the broken spec lol.
I feel like a LOT of people criticize resto druid and its degen “exist 40 yards away with some wizards” playstyle.
Tbh i feel like the biggest reason you dont see rdruid as much is that boomy is so strong and doesnt synergize well with rdruid XD
I rerolled to Holy Pala from disc priest and I am owning. Thanks !
It still escapes me how on both sides there’s a failure to understand healers need to be able to sustain right now. Games relying entirely on oneshots are not fun, and not REALLY skillful. I think everyone will benefit more from matches being a test of control and game knowledge. The burst meta is why this season is so barren. IMO we need all healers to be ‘beefed up’ like HPals are now, or a PvP trinket bonus that buffs Vers damage reduction.
Not sure what the topic is, but yes, yes we should. And delete cyclone.
Since the OP, there are now 10 holy paladins above 2400 in 3v3 (from 7 less than 24 hours ago), and 30 above 2400 in solo shuffle (from 20 less than 24 hours ago), now tied with mistweaver monks.
I definitely can’t deny that holy paladin strength in shuffle now is incredible. For coordinated high end 3v3 [e.g., glad+ level] though I would still like to see how things progress.
In particular I’d like to see how holy paladin performs at the next AWC (anyone know when that is?)