I mean the spec has been awful for a long time and it just got a rework so I don’t think there should be any surprise that people wanna try it out
How’s the spec doing in PvE?
People wouldn’t be trying it out if it wasn’t strong. Also, it’s clearly performing very well.
Really well.
I really want to see the next AWC. I’m looking forward to there being more than just one underdog melee cleave running holy paladin.
If I see most teams running holy paladin in the AWC, or holy paladin securing the most wins because of mana/dampening, then I’ll join the early complainers on their bandwagon and advocate for nerfs.
I mean there’s no telling whether it’s strong or not without trying it out first though
It will probably get nerfed then
You could play the game. That’s a pretty decent way to figure out if something is strong.
honestly i dont want pala nerfed . but on the other hand its made games very long at least in RSS . sometimes nothing dies until deep dampening
The point is that the same HPS, but more easily and less vulnerably applied, ends up feeling “out-of-this-world”.
Can you elaborate?
Is this about most of their healing being instant casts?
Largely, yes. Most of their healing is instant and their CC chain begins with instant spells. There are very few windows to interact with them outside of hard CC. It also means there are few windows where the paladin themselves (or their teammate) can bungle the job: can’t waste time spent hardcasting because you positioned for the cast poorly, or because your teammate LoS’d 75% through the cast, if you are just never casting. The net effect is a very forgiving healer that feels like an immutable force in the arena.
They are the demon hunter of healers.
im just going off my own personal expeience, its hpal in 80+% of solo shuffle lobbies since reset and it gets boring fighting the same healer class every lobby. thats not crying, thats that stating the fact of the matter and my own opinion (based off my experience and preference)
ps: i didnt read the thread other than the title, and i dont plan to read the responses because i know how angry people get with any opinions other than their own
holy paladin has been so weak for so long that it deserves to be op for as long as it takes me to get 1800 in solo shuffle (then they can nerf it after)
Like most of the other healers?
Like hpriest rdruid mw?
If holy paladin is in crowd control they aren’t healing their team either.
Mws hots are doing 40k hps while they are ccd
Hpriest mastery ticking for up to 88k while they are in cc
Rsham will have earth shelf riptide earth living healing stream earthern wall healing tide while in a cc chain
Rdruid is doing 100k hps with a full row of hots and cenward while in cc
Disc can painsupp while stunned multiple times throughout an arena game thanks to the cdr talent while having 2 charges while also having the means to immune cc with death and fade.
Holy paladin has 0 healing in cc and doesn’t have wind shear grounding greater fade nullifying shroud or shadow word death or portstun or revival while stunned to outplay cc. All they can do is bubble or trinket or presac or rely on teammate to press defensive. Based on these variables, holy paladin healing profile should be mostly instant cast(like most of the healers)
Jimmy you gotta save your energy /w these people man.
The healing meta is maybe the best it’s ever been; I can’t remember a time when literally every healing spec in the game felt as viable as they all do in this moment.
Doesn’t feel like anything stands out aggresively from another. They also all kind of have very clear, but not at all game breaking strengths and weaknesses.
Healing Meta is A++++++ at the moment, actually applaud Blizz for the balance they’ve found.
Hard agree
I feel like there arent that many people complaining about hpal, no?
The only complaint ive consistently heard is their infinite mana, which is a legitimate criticism.
I feel like you just neef daybreak and divine plea (NOT to pre 10.1.5 levels).
I like that hpal isnt something that you can just out-mana by living for 2 minutes, but this feels like the opposite extreme.
You clearly dont understand the talent. If you read it right yes glimmer provides a damage reduction of 16% split evenly among active glimmers on allys.
So for 3v3 arena where you glimmer yourself and your 2 dps its 5.3% damage reduction per person.
hpally propaganda.