This season is gigadamp. 10.0.7 was also a damp meta. There hasn’t been a burst meta for a while now.
The last time there was a burst meta Assa rogues were broken and disc priests were a third dPs
This season is gigadamp. 10.0.7 was also a damp meta. There hasn’t been a burst meta for a while now.
The last time there was a burst meta Assa rogues were broken and disc priests were a third dPs
Amongst the top players where everyone knows their moment to moment, sure…
but the average player’s frustration often echoed here on the forums, esp healers not queueing has been worrisome.
Also, wouldn’t you say Sub rogues are oneshotting, and Holy pallies are heal bosses atm?
You don’t need to be a top player to track enemy cds and avoid death by having an answer for them. This isn’t some insane skill.
Enhances and boomkin and frost mages can also one shot. This doesn’t stop games from going 10+ minutes tho. Team defense is stronger than current burst damage.
Holy pallies are mana gods atm.
Prevokers rdruids hpriests rshams mws all crank heals but will go oom after 5-6 mins unlike hpal.
You are a criminal dude. Hpal legit BENEFITS from casting. Getting reduced mana costs on Infusion of light procs for FoL and getting 2HP from casting Holy light. NOW THAT THOSE 2 HEALS DO MORE HEALING THEN BEFORE PEOPLE ACTUALLY CAST SITUATIONALLY. If you see a pally never casting you should just train them DOWN.
It’s a skill diff if someone really believes that they can just instant cast only their way to higher rating is a fool and you quite simply are a fool for thinking thats the case.
Fair points. I prolly should have noted I was mainly talking about Solo though, where you’d be better wishing for a unicorn to appear than for someone to react properly half the time… But then again, I’m not playing at particularly high ratings by any stretch (though it’s been very much deflated, the skill disparities is another issue)
Most of my solo shuffle games don’t end before 60-75% damp.
Same was true last patch as well
Thats thing tho Hpal is amazing in solo shuff because of the cooldowns at their disposal. When you have a hpal that is using their cds effectively the game in immensely easier and make the enemy teams life hell. So thats why people HATE hpals, good hpals make peoples lives terrible just like good rdruids make peoples lives terrible.
The actual data shows otherwise. It’s not hidden behind a paywall, so I don’t know why people are so intent of making fools of themselves by dying on this easily disproven hill.
Data. I apologize but I don’t care about your graphs or anything dude. Hpals when they are in meta are naturally at the top. Its been in your data for years MANY years. So again you people who hold their pitch forks when a rework comes out and OH NO PEOPLE ARE PLAYING A HEALER SOUND THE ALARMS quite frankly is cringe. I didn’t see anyone complaining nearly as much when MW for example went from mediocre season 1 of DF to TOP OF THE TIER LIST in s2 10.1. Nobody complained nearly as much. to the point where MWs are still one of the most played healers actively. But god forbid hpal was D tier with the lowest play rate due to poor design, they get their redesign and all these people come out the wood works to say hpals are the problem. No no homie you people simply don’t remember what it was like having them be relevant so instead of learning yall mfers complain all day, even with the HPAL drama. PEOPLE SEEM TO FORGET THAT BOOMKINS EXIST, this dps spec is a absolute tyrant and is out of control in the meta because they can flop around and hit people for 300k, same as frost mages being soooo damn strong atm that people are hitting consistent 100k+ frost bolts into 270k Glacials. How is it bad that a healer gets a good change and even with said changes still struggles to out heal those numbers? Cause healing and dps aren’t even close to being on the same level, Blizzard should buff all the healers to be in line with this new meta instead of you dps heads crying that you cannot kill a healer. Learn. Adapt. Evolve.
But they are broken. Simple. Not hard to understand. Yes other things are broken as well but to argue that it’s not is well, delusional.
Justice has come! The light will set us free.
You are cringe. If you are having a hard time against a pally as a disc priest you should try learning new ways to counter them. You literally have 2 buttons that can remove their biggest defensive cds as well as the ability to purge Glimmer from their teammates. Stop blaming other classes for your loses. You don’t get further doing so you get further by learning to play against them.
Wow, nice job being a moron. Hpally is broken and the best healer by a good amount. Take it however you want it.
Why are you not posting on your main hpally?
Do i need to to appease your simple mindset? My point is proven because you are probably trying to latch onto any reason that you aren’t winning rounds in solo shuffle against hpal and your easy excuse is “broken”. A whole lot of more experienced players are on thr agreement and also pally mains agree that 100% mana needs to be tuned theres no question. But you simple minded sheeple just don’t even understand the situation. If you keep losing in shuffle try doing something differently lol.
If itll make you feel better to see my hpal the toons name is Maldseason lol i have no reason to hide anything from anyone on forums as i dont try to boast false information.
is that for the season or last 7 days?
I would expect a huge shift in the second week.
Last time I looked HPal was like 30k rounds played in last 24 hours
remove lay on hands
increase sac cd to 90 seconds OR half the damage reduction of glimmer
Pallies proving for the second time this expansion that they have the most deluded playerbase. These posts read exactly the same as fresh rework ret posts.
You mean like making a topic where you whine about other ppl whining? That kind of stuff?