To subvert or not to subvert

Poor strawberries


Couple things on that.

First, while I do believe in God, and so I think that in RL that statement is absolutely true. I don’t think it necessarily follows that a fictional world would or should follow that. Remember, it is being written by people who are grey. So, what does absolute good/bad mean from that perspective. By default it can’t be anything other than the writer’s definition of good/bad. This becomes even more complicated when there are multiple writers, such as on any MMO. This means you they can’t really tell any story involving an absolute good or evil. They could state it exists, but anything beyond that raises so many issues on whose definition of good/evil comes into play, Having a pure, flawless good in WoW’s story would create so many problems than any value it would add.

Second, perspective. The story is being told from the perspective of people who are not the beyond human/mortal morality (our characters and the various heroes we work with). So, it is ultimately being told from the perspective of those who are grey. That means, from that perspective, even if there was a pure good or pure evil that would not be how it would be perceived. The perspective of the grey people is going to color how they see things. So, the story would still be told as though all the forces were grey.

Case in point:

This absolutely happens in RL. Sometimes because a person legitimately believes it and sometimes for more nefarious purposes.

Pit lords are some of the most powerful demons.

Again, I would argue there were plenty of mitigating circumstances shown to us. Things like Xe’ra literally having just been put back together (no chance to regain her full strength), the fact she was not prepared (couldn’t resist) for his attack, etc.


Well, yes. But then again, so is the idea that Naaru are the light equivalent of the Old Gods.

We are largely guessing at even what the Naaru are. They may be from the light realm. Or they might have been created by some other being. It is even possible Blizzard hasn’t decided what they are. So, it all has to be taken with a bit of fan theory.


I read the topic title out of the corner of my eye as “Thubvert”


A lot of good points there.

I think the first could be addressed if the writers shared the same values - which has other issues to address - and the second could be addressed by acknowledging that some characters are right and others are wrong.

That said, I agree with most of this.


But how powerful are they compared to other cosmic beings? The Pit Lord Illidan fought wasn’t even Mannoroth, and isn’t he the strongest of the Pit Lords?

While those would be good explanations, I don’t think there’s anything in canon to suggest they’re canon. For example, Xe’ra can see the future and she “wasn’t prepared” for Illidan’s attack?

Also, I’m not saying what you said was BS, I was calling BS on the poor writing of that cinematic.

True. Sounds like another example of Blizzard’s inconsistent writing coming back to bite them.

It’s the double standards mainly, as the criticisms of the US apply as much or more to several other nations.

For example, a lot of your camp called Trump racist and the next Hitler for saying he’d deport all non-US-citizen Muslims, but when the Chinese government calls Islam a disease and forces Muslims into concentration camps… you’re silent.

I hope you won’t respond with a whataboutism and we can get back to the original topic.

No calling them both evil is correct cause they are both evil, Do you think anyone who see’s trump for what he is, is some china lover

If what you say is true, tell me, since they aren’t equal, which is the lesser evil of the two?

China is by all accounts, a lesser evil great power on the global stage. Modern China hasn’t invaded a single country since it’s founding.

Definitly china, until trump makes good on his vile threats then they are just threats.

Except Trump just threatened to send foreign-born Muslims back to their home countries.

You really think that’s as bad or worse than concentration camps?

Yes, its doing an ethnic cleansing all the same

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Navalny threatened to deport Russian muslims, yet he was considered a hero by the western press.

So you’re saying deportation is as bad as imprisonment, forced assimilation, sterilization and killing?

Yes cause you’re sentencing them to an almost certain death anyway

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How is deportation a death sentence?

Cause you’re sending them back to a country that would most likely kill them for fleeing to america

Sounds like America’s better than that country then.

Only barely, if you’re willing to settle for being just a racist corporate run hell hole over political theological hellhole

Then why not move to China? Oh wait, that’s a racist, political antitheist hellhole.

congrats, you’ve discovered that every country has issues?

And you discovered that some are better than others and some are worse than others. If I was a Muslim, I’d take Trump’s US over Pakistan or China any day.