To subvert or not to subvert

Or they can take biden’s america which would be definitly better for them then a right winger’s


Evidence suggests otherwise (censorship, inflation, soft on crime unless the criminal is right-wing…)

See that’s based though cause no one but right wingers likes em

And you just admitted to the “It’s okay when do it” double standard. Injustice is fine when it’s coming from your side :crazy_face:

Its not injustice if they actually did a crime mate

It is when laws are selectively enforced, with a two-tiered justice system soft on the left and hard on the right.

Except they aren’t selectivly enforced

Yes they are.

Your source is you made it up

You’re projecting. Laaaaame.

thats not what projecting means

There’s actually been a massive surge of islamophobic attacks under the right-winger Biden who voted for the Iraq War.

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Biden isn’t right wing, and you cannot honestly tell me they’d prefer mass deportation

Staaaaap don’t get into the political rabbit hole guys! Its bottomless!!!

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His wing of the Democratic Party are. They are incredibly pro-war, and anti-immigrat. Biden whined about “illegals” during the last SOTU.

The idea that Trump will mass deport all muslims certainly isn’t scary or likely enough for muslims to flock to Biden after Gaza.

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You’re right. Back on topic, is there a way you’d like WoW to handles its heroes and villains going forward?

Hmm thats a difficult question to answer…

I guess it depends on the setting… I think it all comes down to choice and how much of it we have in the story…or if it even matter if we are part of it or not?

Also I think its healthy for a story of villains and heroes to be accountable for the action both good and bad so stories have proper closure… and readers or players can easily relate to it.

I believe it’s also healthy to have Character who are evil with no redeeming qualities… humanizing EVERY single villain that they are doing this for the good of all sounds crazy at best and silly at worst. Its ok from time to time but not EVERY time! (IMO)

Heroes making mistakes and paying or being accountable for it is also important to any story. Hero’s journey and all that traditional stuff…

Another thing I notice, becoming crazy evil because you had to much green Kool-Aid or purple juice is a extremely weak plot Unless you give more context to it or show how it affects someone in a way players or readers can grasp it. (IMO)

SUM UP: Stories of Gray plots are cool and good but it’s healthy for a story to just be blunt with its Black and White themes to enrich it as a whole too.


Honestly given gul’dan a sympathetic backstory made him my favourite villain out of them all, Humanizing villains is a good thing imho, cause it shows that everyone has that capacity inside them and no one is immune to it

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But would they? Find any two people and there is going to be some values they disagree on. They may have most values in common, but it wont be 100%. And the more people you add it the more chance for notable differences to come up. And there have been A LOT of different people involved in WoW story telling over the years. All with potentially different takes on elements that would be in the story.

How? Do you want a ‘word of god’ type book that exhaustively tells us who is right on each different element? It would have to be out of game, as trying to insert ‘X person is really the correct one’ into the narrative is going to take you out of a story you are experiencing.

Arguably the point is for you, through your character, to make judgements on who you think is the right one.

Stronger and weaker. There are lots of cosmic beings, of various strengths.

And for the most part we are only guessing at power levels on any of them.

Oh, it is extrapolation for sure. But most things we see are, including power levels. They are viable explanations. And, importantly, seem more likely than not to be factors. So, until and if Blizzard tells us different, I would argue they are the way we should take it.

I wouldn’t call the Naaru inconsistent. It is more just a situation of not much data at all. I don’t think we have seen enough for anything about them to be really inconsistent. Most of the Naaru is an open slate that we guess at.

Maybe if/when Blizzard fills in their origins and history everything will just fit. Or maybe they pull a full Eredar-esque retcon. For now, we don’t know enough to really say anything doesn’t fit.

Don’t get me wrong, I fully understand the frustration. And I am not suggesting you are wrong to dislike the Xe’ra arc. I was a little disappointed that there was all this build up to her that just went away.

Careful with this. I have found that these kind of things are most often a question of attention and context of both the reporting party and the speaker(s).

In the US discussions about Trump (either for or against) are more relevant and discussed in the political environment. Not to mention it will be something more people feel they can do something about, such as voting. Because of that he will be the subject of discussion more often and the discussions are more likely to be reported. Not hearing about people condemning China doesn’t mean they don’t. It just wont be the subject of discussion or be reported on as often. A kind of sample bias issue.

Be careful making assumptions about people’s beliefs. Online discussions, news reporting, social media, etc tend to give only a small reflection of what is often very complex topics and tend to leave a LOT out. Even talking to a person face to face can often only give a small glimpse unless you take the time to ask questions and listen. Something MUCH, MUCH harder to do online.

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I don’t think trying to set some kind of objective standard of goodness in the game would pan out well, even if all of the writers were magically on the same page, because it doesn’t necessarily mean the players will agree.

I figure at least some even-handed greyness all around would more easily be written off as “it is what it is” in the story.