To subvert or not to subvert

On terms that are not acceptable.

The Horde Council will probably need to get them a fruit basket to apologize for making them do that.


Alliance does something horrible? Obviously the horde is at fault

Horde retaliats against the alliance for action the alliance took? Also horde is at fault

And the sad part? Alliance fanboys eat it up and love it


Third party does something horrible? Let’s be safe and declare the horde to be at fault.


I wish I wasn’t so timid about dropping money to try out other games. At least with WoW I know what I’m getting into (kinda forgot to unsub after I finished MoP remix, whoopsie) but it’s annoying how worried I get about spending money I specifically set aside for entertainment because I might “waste” it on one thing where I might theoretically get more enjoyment out of something else instead. Ugh.

I have the same issue, sorta. I’m hesitant to spend money on new games because sooo many are rarely ever as good as reviews say they are.

Try path of exile when the new league drops later this month. Its free!

Don’t worry about how intimidating and complex character building looks at first glance. It’s actually much worse! (and I love it)

That is a stretch to justify nuking the city. Especially since the Garrosh was the whole reason there was a war to start with.

Sunreavers are a military organization. Not civilians.

No they weren’t. Lor’themar was in secret talks. Secret, meaning the Sunreavers did not even know about them.

She apologized to letting her people be killed.

Dude, it wasn’t that Aethas just didn’t act perfectly. He:

  1. Knew about the theft and let it happen.
  2. Lied about it
  3. Refused the order to leave the city, indicating they would fight. (The order to leave was a lawful order from the city leader.)
  4. Lied to Lor’themar about it for who knows how long, Lor’themar may still not know the truth.

He didn’t just fail to ‘act perfectly.’ He straight up escalated the situation to save his own skin. Again, he was guilty of exactly what Jaina accused him of. He had choices all along the way. He could have gone to Jaina immediately about the theft. He could tried to help find all the guilty. He could have just been honest. He could have withdrawn the Sunreavers from the city while he let Lor’themar negotiate with Jaina. And he could have told Lor’themar the truth from the start, which would have allowed some negotiation. He chose to protect his position at the cost of the Sunreavers, Dalaran itself, and Lor’themar’s efforts.

Let’s be really clear her. Something people forget about those talks. There is no situation were they were not already over the moment Aethas let the Horde take the bell. Blood Elves raiding an Alliance capital, stealing a massive weapon, and handing to Garrosh while also talking peace would have ended the talks. The ONLY chance for the peace talks to continue would have been Aethas immediately alerting Jaina and helping recover the bell. Anything else would just have made them look untrustworthy.

Yes, some of them were. And notably we are told directly that the portal is a Sunreaver portal. They needed at least some Sunreaver help to use their portals. How many Sunreavers were involved is unknown.

It went through Dalaran’s portal network, specifically the Sunreavers. Some Sunreavers had to be involved.

During the theft actually. But he chose to allow it to continue.

Word from Blizzard is no. Garrosh started the war.

Theramore’s push into Kalimdor came as a response to Garrosh moving into Ashenvale.

Again: It was handled badly. Innocents died.

But it was NOT an ethnic group. Even the shopkeepers were part of that military organization. Historically military forces have had lots of other roles, including merchants and such as part of it.

And we are told explicitly that most did not side with the Sunreavers. Excessive as it was, it was not an ethnic group.

My argument is you can’t say Theramore’s bombing was really Theramore’s fault if you also say the Purge was completely unjustified.

Because the problem with your claim there is that we have someone saying just that. Effectively they are saying the Horde’s crimes are the Alliance fault and the Alliance crimes are the Alliance fault.

If you want to say Jaina went to far and did wrong. Sure, fair. But you can’t also say that Theramore’s destruction was completely justified.

The Silver Covenant is the military group here. They hated the idea that blood elves even exist inside Dalaran to begin with.

This is absolutely not true. Varian is livid with Jaina for the purge because it killed the talks he was having.

She brought the KT back to being an explicitly Alliance organization like he wanted prior and he was still mad.

Last time someone linked blizzard “saying this” it was basically just a line saying
“Garrosh savage, bad.”

They didn’t retcon Bael Modan, the kidnapping of thrall, “no witnesses”, the fort triumph invasion, Varian declaring war in UC, or Tyrande being cruel as a result of a false flag attack that also killed/maimed horde members which all happened prior to Garrosh actually going to war.


I mean, technically in game he didn’t know at all. In the quest content that didn’t make it in he found out about it after some of them came back after dropping off the bell in Org.

You’re pretty much wrong on every point you’ve made.

Quote it.

So far the closest someone has gotten to that is that Chronicles talks about Garrosh going back to the lumber yard to gather resources in Ashenvale after the Night Elves cut them off due to the Twilight Hammer attack. The first attacks came from Theremore.


I will never understand why people still hang on this as bad as they do. It’s cut content and not even canon to the actual events that took place


It does get frustrating having to deal with people who think that content that never made it past testing needs to count more than the actual in game content.


Baine’s actually really cool and good in cut content land. Pushing the Alliance out of the S Barrens in cata, defending his people in the Barrens warfront, and who didn’t tear up with the end of his personal arc in Shadowlands?


The great follow up to the promised interaction with Cairne at the end of the Tauren heritage questline was touching too. So glad he didn’t just decidethat nah, he didn’t need to do that.


It is a really good thing the Tauren heritage line finally gave us back totems, because otherwise I’d feel slighted for how mid it is compared to most other ones


You mean you didn’t enjoy a half baked intro into kinda what SL was going to be that had about nothing to do with the Tauren, but for some reason needed a raid clear to access at first unlike any other heritage quest?


One, that writing was stupid for a number of reason.

But more to the point, he didn’t know the story on the bell theft at that point.

Imagine you are in talks. The group you are in talks with says they want peace. While in talks they raid one of your cities, steal and WMD and hand it over to the guy who wants to kill you. Tell me, how trusting are you going to be? If Jaina, a 3rd party mind you, expelling the Sunreavers from city would end the talks, then the Blood Elves raiding an Alliance city would certainly have ended them.

It was said at a Blizzcon.
Plus there was the whole book where Garrosh attacked Ashenvale with creatures taken from Northrend.

Happened post Garrosh attack.

Nothing ever came of that. To the point both Horde and Alliance assaulted Icecrown, and it was NOT the Alliance who attacked the Horde there. Clearly, he said war in the heat of the moment but after calmer heads prevailed and the factions were not at war by the end of Wrath.

Cutting off trade, while crappy, is not the same as war.

Story had him catching them with the bell.

It was an interview at a Blizzcon.

Besides, we know…

The attacks from Theramore were explicitly to open up supply lines to the Ashenvale front. The war had already started. When Garrosh first attacked Ashenvale and was repelled by the Worgan surprising him, in the book before the expac. He was pushing in again as Theramore was attacking from the south.


Find a quote because right now with all the wrongness you’re spewing that holds as much water as “It was revealed to me in a vision”


Also, Wolfheart came out after Cataclysm launched.