To subvert or not to subvert

Not in vanilla its not. The alliance stuff was finished first and while the Orcs only had mudhuts Stormwind is still the best looking Capital in the whole franchise.

FIlthy traitors who rather harm allies instead of the true enemy.

Not the war itself.

It was. Another Wrynn King lectured us in our own city.

Not at all. My observation is correct so far.

Is infused with Void beyond measure kicking alot of butt in the TWW intro.

It happened for the alliance and you didn’t complain either way.

He totally is. Traitors should be executed not paraded.

The “true enemy” in both of those instances was what Blizzard decided they’d be, which was Garrosh and Sylvanas. Criticize that decision all you like, but if you can’t even be somewhat accurate in your complaints, then all you’re doing is pointing at a funhouse mirror.

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Is the alliance. No backtalk allowed.

Froze a small area of ocean. Had to run from the Horde, kind of throws a wrench in the whole ‘unstoppable’ part.

No, she countered one thing. She didn’t take Lordaeron on her own. AND Sylvanas planned to lose as a trap.

No she didn’t.

Yes, Jaina did some powerful things. Imagine that, a magic user doing powerful things in a world based on magic. Go figure.

The fact that she lost, had to run, was imprisoned, etc. means she is not unstoppable. And she did fail, multiple times. There is also a standing tribute to one of her failures, just head down the eastern coast of Kalimdor and you will see it.

Apparently the more Horde survived the destruction of Dalaran than Alliance. But again, kind of disproves the whole ‘ignoring the existence of the Horde’ claim.

No, it is in the wreckage of Dalaran and everyone is fighting off the Nerubians. The notable Sunreaver there is Aethas and he has a killed a number of them and has another sheeped. You give him a potion and he has you help him deal with loose artifacts. It paints him in a pretty positive light.

No, he stopped be the leader of the Horde.

No. He helped the Horde. He didn’t do anything for the Alliance. He even threatened Varian to keep him from taking Garrosh.

Again, objectively false. At this point I cannot excuse it as mistakes. You can’t be that confused. It is clear that your are just spewing lies. I can only guess at the reasons. Either you are so rageful and blinded that you just have try and make people agree with you so you feel better. Or you are troll choosing to be stupid for the sake of stupid. Either way, I feel sorry for you.

It has been Horde content first since Burning Crusade.

Also, capital appearance judgements are purely subjective.

Again, establishes your issue: You want the Horde to destroy the Alliance, something that cannot happen because it is a two faction game. You will never be satisfied.

The Horde rebels won that more than anything.

And again, proves the lie claiming the Alliance doesn’t lose. As they clearly have.

Anduin didn’t lecture anyone in Orgrimmar. He did little more than hand Saurfang the sword and serve and a pallbearer for Saurfang afterward. The cinematic ended before he was even in the city.

IF she actually had lost she would be dead. But just like Anduin she has infinite plot armor.

Another traitor who betrayed his people. He should be replaced by Hathorel.

Quit it with this stupid pseudo-RP nonsense. People here are talking to you, the person behind the keys. Not your blood elf character.

The alliance is always my enemy and they are spared all the time. At the same time 90% of the Horde cast was killed or exiled and I take that personal.

If that is the criteria you are using, let’s look at what that would mean:

Under the criteria of still being alive means they didn’t lose here are a couple BIG ones:
The Horde never lost, it is after all still around.
Sylvanas never lost, she is still alive.

Or we could just spend a couple seconds thinking and realize having to flee from your enemies is losing.

Funny part is you can actually make an argument he betrayed his people (the Sunreavers) by allowing Garrosh to use them. And then not telling Lor’themar the truth, which would have allowed him to make peace with the Kirin’Tor. The betrayal part was helping Garrosh’s Horde.

Objectively false.

That is a you problem. Not anyone else.

Sidenote but good lord I really hope the game quietly forgets that “Aethas commissioning a peace offering for Jaina” bit. The character’s such a train wreck already and uuuuugh.

Just, like… could we strap him to the bottom of Dalaran before it lands?


Only Blizzard has the guts to make a victim apologized to his tormentor. The Sunreavers need a new leader.

Truth. Everyone that is cool is gone. Only traitors and communists are left.

He betrayed his people when selling Felo’melorn to the Kirin Tor for a penny.

The alliance must be fully destroyed so the native races of Azeroth can control the main continents again like it was in ancients times instead of elves and humans who are all colonizers.

Jaina gets away with everything cuz the writers love her and hate the Horde.

And let’s not forget “nearly broke out of Torghast solo multiple times,” which none of the others we were sent to seek there managed to do. She even kill-steals the final boss for us, IIRC.

I reeeeally don’t think you can argue that Jaina, of all people was depowered in BfA/SL.


Indeed she wasn’t. Hard denial on people who can’t accept facts.

It’d be one thing if Jaina had actually tried to make amends for an action she knew was wrong

but she hasn’t. Aethas is basically elf Baine in that he’s all for peace and understanding but gets kicked when he’s down by the people he had just tried to work with.


And then goes to get apology gifts for the people who kicked him.


Yah, Jaina apologizing to the Horde was kind of rough.

The claim:

Is objectively false.

Maybe 90% of the character you liked are gone. But that is an entirely different thing. And also a you problem.

Elves are natives 100% natives. They were an ancient troll-like race that diverged and were altered by the literal blood of the planet. It doesn’t get more native than that.

The most populated 100% alien race in WoW is Orcs. They are from another planet, within the last few centuries. They are arguably the largest group of colonizers.

I thought you said having the Horde lose the war meant the writers hated the Horde. But Jaina, who lost repeatedly (including her city being nuked) is loved? Consistency is not your friend.

Seriously, are you being this idiotic because you are rage filled and desperate to win? Or is some intentional attempt at trolling? Typically internet trolls say stupid things intentionally because they are afraid if they will say them accidently and their egos can’t handle it. Is that what you are doing? It is either that or you are completely emotionally charged to the point of not being able to reason.

If you want to play the ‘Jaina didn’t try to make it up to the Horde’ you have to deal with the flip side. The Horde didn’t try to make amends for Theramore either. Goose/Gander.

And we don’t need to fully relitigate Dalaran. But, in short Aethas did some pretty crappy things too. He actually spent more time trying to protect himself than he did looking out for peace.

Baine tried to help Jaina before the Bombing despite her brutalizing his people and the bombing being retaliation for her own actions making Theramore a pressing threat to Horde civillians.

Aethas was actively trying to dislodge the Belves from Garrosh’s regime when Jaina purged the city.

they are not remotely comparable. People hordeside tried to help Jaina before her incidents. Vol’jin even wrote an apology to her trying to patch things up at the end of MoP. Jaina hasn’t meaningfully apologized for anything, she just forgave herself.

apparently we do since even with remix out there’s people thinking it wasn’t an atrocity.


Can’t be the majority of their people died in Draenor when it wen boom. Draenei are far more out there actually.

And those actually matter. Not traitor filth like Baine and Thrall. Even Rokhan who did nothing when the council declared peace.

Nathanos, Rastakhan, Nazgrim, Zaela, Sylvanas, Gallywix and Areiel are all much better characters in the long run since they never betrayed the Horde for human D.

I feel like it also gets left out in this discussion is that Jaina is one of the people Baine went to for help with the Grimtotem coup after Cairne died. And it never once comes up that he might even wonder if the attacks on his people right after that from her base had any connection to that knowledge.

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