To subvert or not to subvert

First, and importantly: Objectively a false statement.

Second, even if it was true (again, it isn’t), trying to have others have a bad story because you didn’t like yours is idiotic and childish. I am not asking for you, as a Horde player to experience what the Alliance players did. Being the constant punching bag, while getting objectively less story content. Anyone who thinks someone else ‘deserves’ a bad experience just because they had one needs to grow up.

Never said I couldn’t ‘survive it.’ I handle it just fine. Doesn’t mean it wasn’t incredibly stupid.

Given your extremely hateful attitude it seems like your are the one that has let things get under your skin. Maybe you should work on that ‘thicker skin.’

NOTHING I listed had anything to do with War intervention. They were ALL linked to the economy. Try again.

No you are just angry for the first time ever the Orcs are not the villains of the plot which sends all alliance folks seething with anger by default. The Mag’har are my favorite allied race right now and I am forever greateful to Blizzard that they got this amazing setup which tied to a future raid boss Yrel we can take revenge on when we go back to Draenor.

Again, and objectively false statement.

There have been plenty of stories without Orcs being the villains. And they were ALL better than the faction war.

You are projecting.

Din’t tell this guy that BFA just happened and killed the last none villain Orc NPC.

Thrall is a villain? Did you miss one of the MOST developed characters in the game still being around? And he is certainly not a villain, nor is he treated as one.

And he is far from the only one left. I think you just don’t pay attention to the story at all.

Thrall is neutral.

That would be the Sons of Lothar. Actual second war veterans. Which the Horde has none anymore mind you.

I did and it sucks. Bfa took everything from the Horde.

First: Objectively a false statement.
Second: Even if it was true (again, it isn’t) that would not change his race.

No. Thrall has had considerably more development than ALL of them.

While BfA was not a good story, for either faction, it objectively did NOT take “everything from the Horde.”

Clearly you have let your frustration with some bad stories get under your skin and it has colored your view of everything else. You are letting your emotions get the better of you. Perhaps try that ‘thicker skin’ you were talking about. Or just take some deep breaths and calm down. Then maybe you can stop making so many plainly, and objectively, false statements.

Not until BFa is retconned and all the NPCs we lost are back at our team instead of communist scum like Gazlowe. Or peace mongers like Baine and Thrall. Or literal whos with zero background like Rokhan.

He lost his powers. Twice.

Then it is probably time for you to walk away from the game. BfA is not going to be retconned. And constant anger is not healthy. If you can’t calm down you need to walk away from it.

This helps identify the actual issue. I don’t think your problem is with the Horde being the villains. I think your issue is the Horde didn’t get to straight up win the whole war.

Your point? Not liking the story doesn’t mean it wasn’t development.

Judging by your earlier comments I get the feeling that your issue is you wont be happy with anything other than the Horde being an uber, unstoppable force that smashes everything and wins every time. Thrall losing his powers makes him seem less of an unstoppable demigod, so you don’t like it.

Again, I think it is time for you to step away. You are not getting what you want, it wont ever happen.

I don’t think Metzen has ever said anything about creating Yrel specifically. I suspect people just assumed Yrel was his creation because he’s known to like paladins—it may even be true, but we don’t know for sure. He was technically still on staff during WoD, but had stepped back his involvement quite a bit.

And we all know only the alliance is allowed to have unstoppable demigods like Tyrande, Jaina, Malfurion and Anduin or Alleria.

The Horde never won everything if you didn’t notice by now. At the end of the day the alliance will always win. It is called writers bias.

Or I keep up the fight til Blizzard noticed me and my struggle.

TWW is a bad product since it ignores the Horde even exists.

Out of the entire saga, we can only hope that Midnight heavily favors the horde and The Last Titan is more neutral

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And yet Communism still doesn’t consider domestic labor as labor so it has never been a women’s liberation movement. Capitalism and Communism are the same in that regard. In Communism (as well as Capitalism) women are expected to do 50% work labor 100% domestic labor. That’s why we have Neo-Marxism.

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Tyrande: Had her power stripped while fighting with Sylvanas. Never got it back.
Malfurion: Was soundly beaten and imprisoned by Xavius. Lost a fight to Sylvanas. Then he was literally locked away during DF because he wasn’t able to do what was needed.
Jaina: Was locked away by her own family, and had to be saved.
Anduin: Currently can’t use his powers.
Alleria: Has not been shown to be on that level of power. AND she cannot fully control what the void does around her.

This is what I mean about you not paying attention to the story.

I said that is what you wanted to happen. Not that it happened.

Again, you make an objectively false statement.

In point of fact, the Alliance has lost more battles than the Horde, by a considerable margin. They have also lost more cities.

And, BOTH wars ended only because there were Horde rebels who made it possible. And specifically in BfA it was Saurfang who won the war. It wasn’t an Alliance victory.

Well, they developed the Horde story first, spent more time on the Horde story, and produced more content for the Horde story. Those are objective facts. If you are saying the writers are biased, evidence says it is not towards the Alliance.

You are asking for things that are insane. They will never happen. Blizzard is not going to retcon away any expac. They are not going to resurrect the dead characters just to appease you. Nor are they going to get rid of the ‘peace mongers’ to bring back hostilities.

If you can’t accept the game for what it is, you are just hurting yourself.

So far, it deals very little with either faction. But it doesn’t ignore the Horde. Heck, in the first quest chain you help more Horde NPCs that Alliance. After that short intro almost all of questing and story is entirely new groups. Neither faction plays that big of a part. AND it is only the first patch we have so far.

Don’t disagree. But I think most of that comes down to the people running it. Not the philosophy itself. Generally it is the rich, entitle people who have servants doing the domestic work for them, so they don’t really care about domestic labor among the peasants. And they want to get as much work out of the ‘peasant’ class as possible, so why worry about fair?

I don’t know if I would say that was entirely the reason. Neo-Marxism certainly has a subset of that in it. But my understanding of it, there are other aspects driving it as much or more. It probably would still be a thing even if the feminism was not in it. But, yes I agree the feminism still plays a part.


Thrall’s absolutely not a neutral character. Just because he’s being used in a shared storyline doesn’t mean his faction ties and the possible player connection with it goes away.

Froze the ocean. Fought an entire Horde raid and escaped. Drove a flying boat to bring down Lordaeron by herself. Defended Ardenwald solo.

So the Horde has to be saved while the alliance NPCs suffered no damage yet again. Let me guess the Silver Covenant features and talks down arrogantly on the Sunreavers?

He stopped being Horde in Cataclysm and aided the Alliance to siege Orgrimmar twice and fought against his own people for Jaina approval.

Everyone had to side with the alliance for the finale of the faction wars. That’s frustrating but doesn’t make him an alliance character.

There’s a difference between a character “feeling” like they’re for a different faction, and the objective(ly wrong) statement of yours that he actually is one. Even then, that’s more of a Baine thing, not Thrall.