To subvert or not to subvert

I’m a decolonial intersectional feminist.

And I won’t be lectured on progressivism from a social conservative.

True, but I mean what is more straightforward at this point? Is it traditional good and evil or a “reversal” of good and evil?

I know Metzen loves his Paladins. So I really wonder as more of the narrative departs from what was set up by previous creative heads how things will be helmed; especially characters like Yrel that Metzen helped create.

It was more like a discussion about subversion turned into a discussion about morality itself. Then that turned into a discussion of real-life culture and nations and snowballed from there. I’ll take partial responsibility for that.

Metzen created Yrel? Where did you hear that? I don’t know who was in charge of WoD except that the toxic Cosby Suite chief, Alex Afrasiabi, was one of the directors of WoD. On that note, what do you think Metzen makes of BfA’s attempt to villain-bat her?

I don’t think it is that simple. The fundamental flaw with both systems is who administers them.

In theory communism is everyone sharing all resources equally. Everyone contributing and everyone being rewarded. On paper, communism is a really good system. In practice a small group takes the vast majority of the resources and everyone else is poor.

Capitalism is fundamentally aimed at everyone trying to take everything they can get. Which, in practice means that the people who inherited wealth have a massive advantage that is used to take larger and larger slices of the pie (and gain more and more control), each generation having a larger and larger wealth gap. Capitalism is always driving towards what is effectively an aristocracy with most of the population being effectively a peasant class.

Both pretty much lead to the same thing. A small group of massively wealthy people with all the control and a peasant class with no real say.


  • For communism to work it would have to be a very democratically run system. But, in practice communism ends up being a very heavily regulated system governed by a small handful of people taking everything for themselves.
  • For capitalism to work it would need to be a very heavily regulated system to prevent the wealth and power being funneled to a small group of people. In practice it is typically an open system allowing the worst abuses to go unchecked.

Humanity seems to do everything backwards…

I think this is more of a sample bias issue. In several ways.

The news reporting that is generally seen is from what is nominally Christian dominated countries. (I say nominally because they don’t actually live up to the ideals.) And reporting tends to be skewed towards negative reporting, as that is what gets attention. So, you are far more likely to get negative reporting about ‘Christian’ groups than others.

Second, the strongest countries in the world, ones that drive more events, are also nominally Christian. Which, again, will mean more negative reporting around it.

Finally, it is much easier to criticize the majority. So, there will be a disproportionate amount of negative reporting done on Christianity in nominally Christian majority countries, which most of us are in.

Not sure on Metzen. But I think it was one of the more idiotic things they have done. It feels like a hard over correction for the Horde being villains. They wanted to have a Horde are the victims story and it was the best they could come up with. Not only did it ruin one of the best characters (at least for the Alliance) to come out of WoD, it also made the Mag’har orcs look bad. The story portrayed them going from ‘we wanted peace and were only defending ourselves’ to full on warmongers fully behind a war of aggression. With most of them siding with Sylvanas. The Yrel story did not fit the character. The Mag’har story itself was inconsistent. Bad all the way around.

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Communism tells you someone else will work for you. That is why eastern europe was so much poorer. Barley anyone had actual work and was committet to it.

Yrel deserved it and she should be killed yes.

Why are many Germans nostalgic for the East then? You can’t tell me the East did nothing good. Both the East and the West had problems.

GDR was a one party state that shot their own people trying to escape. Nothing Capitalism ever did kills people on purpose. Cuz one dead person more is one consumer less.

I know, and I condemn that. But it doesn’t change the fact that Eastern nostalgia exists in former East Germany.

In America, they’ll arrest the homeless and use them for slave labor.

A society needs work to function. Good will is not enough to keep people actually hard at labor to their own will. Because morality is not what matters most for the majority. It is money.

Charity exists you know? And at least in europe they actually fight crime and not criminals. I will always condemm germany for giving poor prison sentences out but it is still not as bad as straight up execution that is sadly still legal in many states in America.

That isn’t actually true.

The way communism is supposed to work is that everyone works the same. Everyone contributes. This issue with Communism is what happens in practice is that the people who are supposed to regulate it and ensure everyone is working and everyone is getting an equal amount of resources tend to just take all the resources for themselves and not work.

Capitalism is the one that is designed around getting other people to work for you, so long as you are the one with the wealth to start with.

There are so many things that went into wealth distribution going WELL into history. To try and blame it on one single thing is short sighted.

For? Seriously, what was the reason you think she “deserved” to be used as a villain for a Horde allied race? What is WoD do you feel made that a good story direction?

I am guessing it was that she was an Alliance character that got development. Which, for some around here is a cardinal sin.

Honestly it ruined a good character AND it made the story for the Mag’har orcs bad. There was no good that came out of that arc. There were so many ways that could have left Yrel alone AND made the Mag’har orcs feel like cool badass characters.

Well, you clearly did not take advantage of your education. Because that is absolutely not true.

Capitalism has been behind LOTS of killing. Sometimes it is just as simple as killing whistleblowers. Then there have been the union busters, which were behind a lot of deaths. Then of course there was the whole locking people into sweat shops. Safety violation because dead employees cost less to replace than protecting them. And then of course the whole dumping toxic chemicals into waterways. Etc, etc.

Don’t try to pretend Capitalism hasn’t cause a LOT of deaths.

That is not actually what history has shown. Heck, Human society developed from people helping each other before laws or economics even existed to ‘force’ them to work.

Research and history both say that most people will be contributing members of society when given the option.

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If the Horde can handle 99% of our cast dying of the villain bat you will survive Yrel going ham too. Eat it up and grow thicker skin.

Fake communist propaganda doesn’t count as real history.

War intervention is not the same as murder or even tied to the economy. Stop talking blunts from your biased professors.

In many Communist countries, not working was a crime.

There are only two communist countries left right now which clearly has shown making a profit with safe labor laws where the CEOs actually deliver a share with regulations on the stock market has surpassed the Soviet Union in every way.

No, all evidence shows the fall of the Soviet Union was a bad thing. There was a referendum and most people agreed it should stay. Now ex-Soviet countries are capitalist hellholes.

Some Americans are retiring to Vietnam, which tried to put itself on the way to socialism but was forced to liberalize its economy to placate the West. They’re still trying.

North Korea is the way it is due to western intervention. There were times when North Korea was actually the better state to live in.

Last time I checked Southern Korea is the place with the high tech industry, known Smartphone branches and also better food.

It used to be a fascist country subservient to the U.S. North Korea did better when the USSR was still around.