To subvert or not to subvert

I meant they didn’t send their troops across the sea.

Yeah you benefit from Western imperialism and stolen wealth. All I said was that they’re lesser evils. Also when dud they invade Modern Mongolia?

Yeah cause you got nothing to offer.

Any country that’s sanctioned or embargo by the U.S., like Afghanistan.

I don’t see how people’s brains don’t explode due to contradictions when they complain about the US interventionism in Latin America historically but then act like Iran/Russia/China doing the same with their neighbors is cool and reasonable.

Basically they get the worst parts of imperialism without the times where they legitimately liberate/help others.


Iran doesn’t help others and is imperialist!!!? Wow.

I actually enjoy the place to live in unlike yourself. If you want to live under communist dictatorship with zero wealth that is on you but don’t assume everyone on the internet is left wing just because.

People are prone to double standards these days. For another example, look at the treatment of religion with how much Christianity gets criticized for while the same from Judaism, Islam or state atheism gets a pass.

Everyone knows Iran regularly supplies terror cells around the world with money and weapons

The average Gazan is surely loving the fruits of Iran’s efforts right now.

(this is not at all saying Iran is uniquely at fault for that situation at all)

What people have they helped?

Let me guess you blame Ukraine refugees for the agressions of Russia too?

You judge Christianity differently because it’s what you believe in.

I don’t judge it differently. I just look at the full story rather than the strawmen or cherry-picked data that often gets cited.

Correct, the average Gazan doed. Way to misplace the blame. Unless you think everything was fine before October

I hold every country to the same standard.

Hamas assaulted a musical festival where mostly teenagers were. All Israel is doing now is stirking back hard enough at their military while their leaders hide in Qatar. If you think its right to murder kids then your morality is already bankrupt.

Putin is to blame for the Ukraine war and all western nations agree on this even Trump.

Next to a concentration camp.

tbf its easier to criticize something you grew up in and are familiar with.

I’m Lutheran and mostly loathe the most visible political Christian movements because they often outright act counter to the actual teachings of Christ. Doesn’t mean there’s not a ton of Christian charities and efforts actually doing good work though.

Absolutely not, but Iran handed the worst people on the other side carte blanche to accelerate their displacement efforts. I did say I do not solely place the blame at their feet.

Did you hear that interview from one of the Israeli police officers who survived the Hamas attack on that festival? The man’s a hero, and confirms the stories Hamas soldiers inflicted that day… were all true.

The number of strawmen and cherry-picking used shows a lot of those critics are NOT as familiar as claimed.

That said, your position is a fair one.

By the way, the UN investigated Israeli claims on that day and found no evidence for beheaded babies or mass sexual assault.

The word of a police officer who was actually there at ground zero and survived vs the word of some investigator who showed up a while after the attack? hmmm…

A lot of those SA victims are now either dead or Hamas hostages.


What you think is the worst side, the average Palestinian supports, since they’re fighting against genocide and colonialism. There’s never any valid comparison between the colonizer and the colonized. End of story.