To subvert or not to subvert

No, America and Britain destroyed most of the world. This is a fact.

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How so? If it’s what I think you mean, why didn’t you mention the Ottoman Empire or the Spanish Empire?

The West is not an empire what are you on here? In Iran women have zero freedoms mind you. You can not be serious right now.


You should move to Iran or China.

Actually, you should move to China so you see how rampant the Islamophobia is there first hand since you are such a fan.

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These days, some people have the puerile, absurd notion that only white Christians should be attacked over history (hence why that jab at Britian and America only targeted them; the Ottoman Empire was Muslim and non-white, while the Spanish Empire was Christian but non-white, so even though the same kind of criticisms may also apply to them, they were spared).

Neither of them destroyed most of the world.

I know plenty of people like him, who love state sponsored genocide of groups they disagree with, people regularly getting their rights violated or stripped, etc.

They also claim to hate capitalism and the west, but they sure the love benefits of living in a western society.

Also none actually want to move to a communist country for some reason

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This sounds like an extreme leap to make, especially since the link you provide shows that there were also occasional friendly, if extremely cautious, interactions for a time.


I laugh when people denounce captialism online.

It’s thanks to captialism that we have the internet as a public resource. The internet was first invented as a communication system for the U.S military, then shared with the public when its commercial potential was realized and soon went global from there. Capitalism also led to several of the technological advancements that gave society increasingly advanced computers and smartphones (which you’re using to read this right now).

That “friendly contact” you refer to happened after the unprovoked hostile first contact with the Sentinelese.

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Neither did the West. USA is a republic as are most western nations. Some times some people hate the place they live in the most just because it is easy to do not because they are against wealth or press freedom.

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Its bizarre to me, because there are very strong criticisms of capitalism, or at least the form we live under (Adam smith himself thought that monopolies and small groups “winning” capitalism should be avoided), but the specific regimes people defend to attack capitalism are and were loathsome and terrible.

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But doesn’t that harshly contradict your comparison to them as third reich supporters?

Capitalism is not foolproof or without flaws, but it has done good too and is superior to communism.

I meant more in how certain ideologues overuse that “Third Reich supporter” accusation; people have been accused of that for having less xenophobia than the Sentinelese have shown. And it was the Sentintelese who were hostile first, even when the others didn’t provoke them.

Like the time two fisherman got drunk in their boat and passed out, which drifted onto the Sentinelse island. How did the Sentinelese respond to finding two unconscious drunk foreigners on their shore? KILLING THEM. People like Farage or Trump are open and cuddly towards foreigners compared to the Sentinelese, who are more anti-immigrant than either of those men.

That’s what the West does and you support. You made that clear.

I don’t experience the downsides. I don’t live in the third world. Immigrants from the Third World have every right to reap the benefits of weetern society. It stole their wealth anyway.

I want Western imperialism gone and undone.

Or it’s that socialist experiments throughout history all have things to be learned from lol.

Capitalism certainly has its problems. It’s by no means perfect, far from it. But claiming things like China and Iran are better than the west is a joke

Especially when the Chinese government is in the middle of genociding the local Muslim minority group living there


The U.S. is in the middle of multiple genocides.

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Name one. Just one.


And also the comments about Iran being currently better because it fights western imperalism. Iran is currenly under a theocratic dictatorship. As for China it’s “democratic dictatorship” is a laughable. misnomer. It’s just a dictaroship under Xi Jinping.

I wouldn’t trade freedom in the west to live under any dictatorship.

He also said something so stupid the other day like “China has never invaded any other country.” Tell that to Korea, Mongolia, Tibet and Taiwan. :roll_eyes:


wait you are actually serious on this? Lmao. Alright no productive discussion possible here I will simply stop responding.

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