To subvert or not to subvert

and yet i imagine we both disagree on who is always right and who is always wrong


Who decides who is right and who is wrong?


I imagine sometimes we’re in accord and sometimes we’re not. Or did you mean ourselves? I know I’m not always right, can’t say whether you think you are or not.

What i’m trying to get at is we both have differing views even if it was only slight on what is right and what is wrong, meaning there can never be consensus, cause no one is the arbiter of right and wrong


Nietzsche’s wrong about a lot and overrated. People can agree on situations or deeds. Assuming you’re not a religious person nor a theist, as for “no arbiters”, by that logic we couldn’t have a legal system with laws, judges and courts.

Even the most rabid subjectivist has a nugget of objectivity in them.

Yea but laws aren’t based on right and wrong, they are based on objective facts

Right and wrong can also be objective facts and vice versa. And it depends on the law (eg; age of consent in different countries).

Actually no i retract that statement because both historically and in the now laws have been used to oppress minority groups based on made up nonsense


Right and wrong are not always legal and illegal, but they do exist. If they did not, you have no grounds to oppose, say, racial discrimination or pedophilia. But you do. Because they are wrong, and those who say otherwise are wrong.

This is the problem with subversion. It’s undermining or tearing down walls that sometimes should not be torn down or undermined. Ones that are there for good reason, that are good things themselves.

It’s the Chesterton’s Fence principle; “Do not remove a fence until you know why it was put up in the first place.” And Western society has removed too many fences… and is learning the hard way why they should’ve been kept in place.

What if someone were to tell you that Western society is objectively bad?

The thing is even if you think something is objectively wrong there are going to be people who think it’s right. Take murder, it’s evil to murder someone in cold blood by situationally it can be seen as less evil if it’s in self defense. Or even justified if it was done to protect the innocent.

There’s also cultural relativity. We think canibalism is evil but in some native cultures, like the North Sentinel Island tribe who resisted colonization and modernization by killing and eating anyone who lands on their island.

The world is full of examples of subjective morality.


“yeah well we think kidnapping children is evil” - the Sentinelese.

Kinda sad that as far as anyone can tell, their entire hyper-aggressiveness is at least partially due to a brit who kidnapped a bunch of Sentinelese children and dumped them back on the island once they got virulently sick.

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Freaking Brit’s man……they really screwed up the world for the rest of us

What’s with 21th century young men and taking shame in their ancestry?

This is unnatural behaviour. You should take pride in your ancestry and culture, not demean it.

We are not the best sure but you can Go to like China or the Iran and see what really bad places look like.

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genuinely wild how the only response to criticism of the west is, Well somewhere else also sucks as if that genuinely does anything

We have alot of freedoms and I am thankful for that.

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Someone just made up that the North Sentinelese practice cannibalism completely unchallenged, huh?

China or Iran are lesser evils compared to Western empires. Also Iran’s living standard is bad due to weatern sanctions. Living standards are not what makes a society morally justified. The West’s living standards are based on imperialism Not that much of China’s isn’t).

That was second contact. First contact with the North Sentinelese was a British/Indian merchant ship that got shipwrecked on their island by bad weather. The Sentinelese without any warning or provocation, attacked them.

Afterward, a navy vessel went to rescue the shipwrecked people, and the soldiers went in after news of the attack, found some of the Sentinelese and took two adults and children. The adults died of diseases contracted off the island, so the children were returned home. Again this happened AFTER the Sentinelese attacked unprovoked.

The fact that the Sentinelese went “Stranger washed up on our shore by bad weather… attack!” shows the Sentinelese have a level of racism and xenophobia towards foreigners to rival a good chunk of the far-right. They’d probably be called Third Reich supporters if they had light skin.

tl;dr the Sentinelese started it.

See above.

That’s almost as wrong as the claim that white people invented slavery.