Let me tell you a story of the before MMORPG craziness. There used to be massive RPGs, and I mean, they bordered on MMO in size, they were completely solo with some multiplayer support if you hooked up to a LAN, and had a LAN party with 4-8 systems linked through your router. These were the days before Everquest, before someone decided it was better to monetize the system and make people online constantly. You see, there are no more games that feel like MMORPGs without the annoying people who feel the need to troll an entire party because the tank is too slow for them. You said it right – there is pressure on a social level, the pressure to do what everyone else wants instead of what I want to do.
Now that isn’t to say I won’t queue up at all. I like small parties in controlled situations that don’t overwhelm me as a player. If I play WoW at all, it’s to adventure, some RP, lite socializing in chat, and maybe a dungeon or two.
The problem I have is that MMORPGs don’t have to be constantly online with real people, but because it’s assumed we all want that, they don’t make large scale RPGs anymore. I mean, even Baldur’s Gate 3, being as large as it is currently, just isn’t the scale of some other PC RPGs I have played pre-MMO craze. Off the top of my head, and I know I could be flamed for being old at this point, Zork is one.
I think the issue you’re having is dealing with the eventual casual player who didn’t come to the game for its multiplayer. In fact, I tried MMORPGs for the first time in 2002 - a game called Anarchy Online, and that was on a whim. I liked the world, lore, and only interacted with people if I needed to. I used to throw drunken parties in Omni bars.
Anyway, consider that the only thing as immersive as MMORPGs are these games, and that at one point it wasn’t always this way. One day you’re playing massive RPGs that are largely single player, and then the next you’re being told the only way you can get an immersive game with better graphics is to play it online and pay a sub. Indeed, I don’t choose to interact with real people but rarely, and then I use you guys to my own ends.