To people who refuse to do dungeons, even normal…why?

Healer perspective. This is all levels of dungeons.

DPS who do not interrupt or use their utility. When they die, or someone else, they become verbally abusive when they could have changed the outcome and not receptive to criticism to improve. Example, standing in particle effects wondering why they’re not being healed, or being hit with spells that should have been interrupted.

Tanks who are new to the role and do not understand mechanics the same as previous explanation of DPS players, and do not wish to hear how they can improve.

These are the biggest two for me, and it happens a WHOLE lot. I’m not gonna waste my time with players who don’t understand mechanics and refuse to improve.

Use your interrupts and utility. You have them for a reason.

because of toxic people in dungeon pugs.

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Long dear diary comment on why I don’t enjoy dungeons:

My experience is that dungeons were made to feel like a chore to do as quickly as possible and it puts too much pressure or expectation to do them quickly and I felt burnt out.

I guess to elaborate further than just me saying “dungeons aren’t fun” I think it’s because they stopped being something I wanted to do a long time ago without friends/Guildies.

Burn out is a major issue for me for some content and doing dungeons back to back for a chance at loot just felt unsatisfying. That’s also if a group wasn’t toxic and demanding or trying to skip as many packs as possible to make the dungeon time halved. That pressure on people I don’t think would happen if there wasn’t this constant need to catch up and be playing at the progression/optimised level.

I mean, I did a world boss rare the other day in korthia and nobody interacted or spoke to each other because it was just a stepping stone towards end goals, and that’s how a lot of dungeons felt without friends - it was a chore that we all had to do as fast as possible to be able to play the game.

I can really sympathize with people that just want to rush through the dungeon as quickly as possible because the game makes you feel like that’s what you need to do. I hate rushing through content and dungeons, so I never delved deep into mythics because I hated the pressure of having to push push push through a dungeon. Screwing up would make me feel bad that I’m wasting the others time in this weird grind economy and it would just make me more anxious in future.

Now I just avoid dungeons altogether because I feel exhausted just thinking about doing one. It’s not just a mechanical chore but I’d need to be emotionally prepared for a chance at someone being rude to me, to someone else, or falling apart entirely because of someones mistake.

Those are just my reasons


I’ll never forget running Mists of Tyrna Scythe the (second?) week of SL. Tank was livid people were still learning the mechanics.

“I’ve had to explain it 28 times today!”

It’s almost like this is brand new content my friend. Chill, give people a chance to learn.

This is why the playerbase is disillusioned with even normal dungeon PUGs.


This. Many people try to turn even normals into mythic+ runs which is discouraging for people who just want to run the dungeon or need to learn it. It has also been many people’s experience that some people aren’t patient for mistakes. Why put yourself through that?


I guess it’s nice to have running buddies. 3 or 4 of us, and it just doesn’t matter.

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Lots and lots of dungeons, sure. One normal dungeon for a quest, no. What you describe happens, but it isn’t the norm. So no, I don’t get this bent out of shape over some rotten apples.

Because for the thousandth time, you keep describing crappy human behavior that has existed since online gaming and in every single game, and then blaming it on dungeon design! That’s such an illogical leap.

I’m not saying people should be crappy to each other, but wake up. Leaders of literally anything in the entire world get crapped on for what happens on their watch whether it’s their fault or not. If that bothers someone, taking on a leadership role probably isn’t the best idea.

First of all, it’s “having the same playstyle as you”. Second of all, I’ve done nothing but ask for clarification and I’d love for you to point out how I’m “berating” anyone for not playing like me. Chuck in a quote, just to make me look good and stupid.

Heres another perfect example of someone blaming crappy player behavior on dungeon design…

What are you people smoking!?

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Dungeon instances are designed as repeatable content, meaning they are mostly streamlined to facilitate linear play, with some mechanics thrown in on bosses, and shortened so that they don’t actually take a lot of time to do and will be more compatible with ActiBlizz’s attempt to turn WoW into an esport. i.e. mythic+ Instances since mythic+ has been introduced are pretty boring, uninspired and show a general lack of imagination.

This is comparing them to the instances from expacs before MoP, as this kind of lazy and unimaginative dungeon design started showing up then, and I count MoP as one of the better expacs.

Semper Fi! :us:


This has definitely been true, but people have had decreasing patience with time engagement on a large scale outside of the esports scene.

You are certainly entitled to this opinion, but it’s just that, an opinion. Thank you for at least being the one person able to articulate something sensible. I respectfully disagree.

that’s pretty odd
we’re at the point where most classes with even like 210 gear can solo normals

What is this “refuse” thing? I’m picturing a conversation the OP took part in…

Well we can agree to disagree that the devs are uninspired, talentless hacks who wouldn’t know real imagination if it bit them on their backsides with 6 inch teeth(FTR that’s my opinion of the current dev team).

However, we HAVE to agree that pie is better than cake, although cake is pretty good too.

Did I mention I like pie?

Semper Fi! :us:

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Recent hires are chosen because they take their inspiration from spreadsheets, metrics, and finding creative ways to squeeze the playerbase for more microtransactions.

Its honestly weird to think about that there are people who expect this sort of thing. I’m honestly in the similar boat with the poor and unfortunate players who prefer to be isolated. The worst case for me is that I feel intimidated being in charge because this game’s community is without a doubt on its rockers, they’ll just yell and scream if you don’t do anything right. Even picking a certain class/spec in a Mythic + is heresy to a good few you can run into.

Even with that said for my case, I still use the Group Finder system and still find more than plenty of groups I’ll get accepted into. Not only that but also Raids. I just know that I am more confident in the class I play and bring than being capable of decision making in terms of starting from the ground up for making said groups. Even tanking is a bit nerve-wracking but still leagues doable in sensation.

So, I dunno why people expect so much that should be able to avoid certain content when the best, rewarded things involves dungeons, raids, or even PvP. it is quite bothersome to believe that people like that exist.

You are right, it isn’t a new phenomenon, but I noticed it before Legion. First time I ran into it was in Cata. People still talked but they were more interested in poking you in the eye for screwing up than explaining the fight or explaining what to do.

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And lets not forget they are also chosen for being paragons of wokeness as well. /spit

Semper Fi! :us:


I 100% concur. Cake is swell and I would never hate any baked good, but it’s no pie level dessert. My favorites include banana cream, apple, and Reese’s.

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when I got kicked out of a dungeon group that I started then that was the last straw. Too much toxicity in dungeon groups. The only dungeons I’ve done since was in Suramar because I was forced to get something out of a dungeon to complete the quest line. Usually the ending dungeon in Exiles Reach I am the only person in the group.


I’m not even sure what this means.

Most people who don’t do dungeons have already accepted that they aren’t going to have the best gear (or anywhere near it), but the gear they have is good enough for how they play the game. I’m not sure why it bothers you that other people who have different preferences than you exist.


Yep. That’s why there would certainly be rage if it happened.

There’s nothing to fear at all really. From any difficulty of dungeon. Or raid, or anything else. The worst thing anyone can do is whisper something nasty.

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