To people who refuse to do dungeons, even normal…why?

For me, last dg I recall doing was Motherlode in BfA and there were just way too many mobs.

But that’s me. If they could lighten up on the amount of mobs, that’d be better imo.

I have witnessed this an incredible push towards efficiency in gaming, as someone who grew up gaming with WoW as a main game.

I remember when I used to level with friends we didn’t really care about efficiency or being all that productive. Nowadays, when I try to level with those same friends, they use add-ons like AAP and goblin gliders in simple leveling zones. I can never keep up so it makes me feel more like an escort quest NPC than an actual participating partner. It’s gotten so bad that they just get on a two-seater mount and literally carry me to the next quest.

Luckily, I don’t mind that role. I definitely understand how others can be uncomfortable with that though.

I have a friend with the same situation. She doesn’t want to do group content because it makes her anxious with how fast people go. It doesn’t help that Callings can be completed through dungeons, so you sometimes get level 60s in the group who pull the whole dungeon at once or kill bosses in mere seconds and mount immediately after.

I ended up just duoing the place with her so she could finish that quest. I’m hoping they eventually put in some sort of exploration mode with A.I. bots so that people with these anxieties could finish their quests. Something similar to the Mage tower A.I. bots would work.


For me it all started with Cata. I had no problem doing classic, TBC, and Wrath dungeon. When Cata hit people could not get out of the pull everything and nuke it down that Wrath dungeons had become. It was a nightmare and that mentality of gogogo became the norm. It took me years to go back and do Stonecore. No, I don’t want to feel the earth.

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Oh hurry hurry we must speed run through LFG and skip that rare boss in the cave over there!

WAlks over to cave then gets kicked.


Spires of ascension is a pretty terrible dungeon…

Then again most of them are these days.

To give my 2 cents… I think the reason a lot of people dont like dungeons these days (including mythic and mythic+) is simply the culture. While some people have said its the “esports” design personally I disagree, however i don’t disagree on the cause i still think there’s a problem.

I remember the “old days” that some people talk about and the dungeon experience was indeed different but I attribute that to the social environment.

The LFD fundamentally changed the social environment around dungeons, the reality is that the more competitive aspects have always existed but thanks to things like the LFD and further the M+ time trial the culture that dominates dungeons is a competitive one. If you do not fit in this environment then you are cast out.

I want to make a comparison to FF14, that game actually had a similar problem back in the launch of SB. The meta for dungeons shifted to pulling as much packs as you could handle, however in a matchmaking environment this meant not everyone was comfortable or capable of doing this, there was debate but ultimately the community self policed and decided the polite thing to do is to adjust to the lowest common denominator(if someone is having a hard time, slow down).

Game design in an mmo shapes their community, i think that blizzard has fostered a competitive atmosphere and socially its the ONLY atmosphere that is valid, but not everyone likes those environments. It also doesn’t help that the game pushes you into these social circles.


This surely has to be the reason. If your dungeon doesn’t have a timer and a number it feels pointless. They make throaway content that they throw awayeven when it’s relatively current. Look at castle nathria lfr. That place is entirely irrelevant despite being the literal reason why the story is where it is. It’s a shame. There’s a giant gold mine of content in this game that they simply throw away and try to entice us with robots and “cool water you can walk on you can walk on it!” no one cares make dungeons fun!


Go, go, go, NO!:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ve only tried a couple, but there was an eSport wannabe in each one.

I enjoy dungeon crawling, but dungeon sprinting isn’t something I find fun.

Kudos to the people who enjoy it though.


Spawn-camping was a great deal of fun in Gemstone. (That must date me for sure). We’d spend hours hanging around and chatting, amidst so much loot sitting around that listing it all took pages and pages. There would be 50-100 players in there at any given time, and everyone knew everyone else. And if someone acted a fool, they didn’t last long.

I miss all of that now, in these days of competitive play, ilvls, and all the hyper velocity gameplay.

You are not wrong. My wife will literally watch videos before she’ll run a dungeon with me so she knows the mechanics. She’s terrified of looking stupid.

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Eh. It’s… not perfect.

But I wouldn’t call it wonky either. The entire mechanic is just that the spear has travel time, which makes sense.

They probably could have added some kind of visual indicator for when she’s about to move though, so people don’t have to do the “hold on to it until she moves because then you know she won’t move again for a few seconds” thing.

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Would do it for everyone. This is why FF14 is so beloved when it comes to this part. You are accepted as a human being, the rush culture fostered by Ion Hazzikostas and the Elite Jerks was not what not what they should have copied from Diablo III.


One example makes me wrong? Most people watch the videos. That wasn’t the point.

Cause retail sucks and all the new dungeons suck.

I missed the part in MMO that means groups. Is that what you think Multiplayer means? If I’m sharing an online world with other players, it’s multiplayer.

People in this game mostly suck, especially in instanced content. There’s nothing in this game to mitigate toxicity like there is in, say, FFXIV. I’ll do dungeons in that game because it’s often a pleasurable experience with people. In the rare occasion that someone is horrible I can simply report them and have confidence that they’ll have some time to reflect on that.

In WoW? I’ve been kicked from a group for just greeting people. I’ve been kicked from a group by members of the same guild at the last boss because it amused them. It’s common to have a pretty horrible experience with other players in this game because of the culture the game allows to fester.

So I’m not here to play with strangers. I’ll do stuff with my friends or I’ll play by myself. I’m here for the game, not for you.


Because I love this game up to and including Pandaria. I love how immersive it is. I love the World, the stories, the characters, ect. Just because I don’t want to group doesn’t make the game any less amazing.

And I like having other people in the world; they make the world feel more alive and create a more immersive experience for me.

Unfortunately, actually interacting with the majority of people breaks my immersion. Not all but most. And doing dungeons with people turned what should have been a unique, entertaining experience into a rushed confusing blur. (And I can just imagine what a nightmare raiding with other people would be given the comments on this board.)

So I am happy to solo and every time I start thinking about any type of grouping, I just come here and am reminded of why I don’t :grin:.


If you want a rpg experience wow isn’t your kinda game it’s a multiplayer rpg

I want to do dungeons, but I’m afraid to perform poorly because of computer lagging when I’m in groups or cities. I have to save money to either buy a new one or upgrade things.


It’s a buzzword. They can throw it out as proof without ever having to rub 2 brain cells together to create a genuine thought.