To people who refuse to do dungeons, even normal…why?

Lol, “IDGAF IDGAF IDGAF”. You sound like a child. Chill out and realize you are not more important than others.

Seeing a dungeon for the first time is no fun when your running as fast as you can to keep up with the gang of monsters following the tank. Every time you wander to explore a bit there are things to kill you.

Frankly the dungeon only becomes fun the first time you can solo it and slowly explore.


For me, I have never liked dungeons. I much prefer the open world. Maybe my characters just have claustrophobia or something. I don’t mind a simple group to complete a quest, but I have never enjoyed trying to keep up in a dungeon setting with a group (so far every group I’ve ever gotten in) that just acts like they have no time to waste even if one member is lagging… it’s keep up or bye bye. I like things a little more casual and slower paced so I just do things at my speed. I do enjoy going back to OLD dungeons and wiping them out and getting all kinds of totally worthless loot. I’m sure in 2 or 3 expansions, maybe more, I’ll enjoy the current dungeons.

When I log in every day, I love the open world play and that’s where I spend my time. /peace


I see wipes all the time in leveling dungeons even in classic dungeons.
I don’t see ppl flipping out often. Sometimes a healer or a tank will just peace out.
It’s not fear keeping ppl from dungeons, its indifference and lack of motivation.

Actually it’s fine to ask someone how they choose to spend their time in game. It’s the childlike questions like WHY?? WHY??? WHY??? when you give them a simple answer. A simple answer to them is NOT what they want. It’s more like interrogation.

Some people just can’t understand that not everyone enjoys what they enjoy.


Nah, you seem like a troll. That kind that just likes to shill for blizz. Don’t be so angry, brah.

Off to forum ignore you go.

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Being childish is getting all worked up about reasons people don’t enjoy something.

Let it go. Let go of the urge to make people like what you like.


Wow. Some of these people sound exactly like how I imagine some devs sounds like.

“I’m going to make you do this content! You must like everything I do!”


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Could of swore you said goodbye to the forums like 5 times now lol

Awhile back I had some random tell me I suck in a dungeon. This was after I had just done cutting edge for the current tier. People in dungeons of any level are ridiculous. You don’t even have to wipe the group to set them off. This all happened in a leveling dungeon btw. Then there’s the way i’ve seen other players treated just for being new or inexperienced and it has completely turned me off to the whole experience. The esports mentality is just too strong nowadays and I don’t want anything to do with it. The dungeon community in this game is more toxic than league players.


It’s like watching the Everquest forums when WoW decided to show up. Fine, leave. We don’t need you. You’re just lazy and soft. bla bla bla … I hope they figure it out but they probably wont.


This is not really about gear so much as you can’t finish the Kyrian campaign without running SoA. Not sure about other covenants.

Make it easy on yourself.

Click on the posters name. Under activity you can ignore them.

If they try to hide their profile, you can still ignore them by clicking on your pic at the top right of the screen Near the top right is a little icon that says “preferences.” Click there and go to “Notifications/Users” There you can add them to your ignore list even if they try to hide their profile. Sometimes it takes a little bit to work.

Because of the type of people that occupy dungeons. They have gotten crazier and crazier over the years. Also, the dungeons this expansion are super terrible imo.


The other covenants have no dungeon requirements.

And the dungeon the Kyrians require is obsolete story by the time you finish up the Chains of Domination campaign. The purple angels are already back in the fold.

And I wouldn’t mind being unable to complete the campaign (for a third time, since I’ve already done it before) if they just removed the campaign chapter requirements from the armor set cosmetics.

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There’s many answers so far, but I have a different question:

What’s the point of playing a multiplayer game in which you loathe the other people playing it?


Hardly. Just the ones that aren’t fun to play with.

It’s ok, not everyone has to like you in life. I’m not going to encourage you to stop playing just because you don’t like what I like.


Multiplayer means other people are running around in the virtual environment with you. It doesn’t mean you have to play with them. Liking or loathing has nothing to do with it.

I did the group thing for years, but I came to understand that patience isn’t a part of that for the vast majority of pugs, and that virtually every stranger you play with is only interested in what they can personally gain as fast as possible. Not in having fun with others. At least in this game. I’ve played others where grouping is much more pleasant.


If anyone needs help doing a normal or heroic dungeon to progress the story, just hit me up in game when you see me online and we’ll take care of it, super chill and easy.

Oh no I understand that.

This new guy (hunter) joined our guild and so we were working on the current weekly (4 mythics) doing a 0 Mists and this tank immediately was being a jackwagon to him based on some irrelevant mistake he made, like he aggro’d one of the drust guys near the beginning instead of us mind soothing it.

Calm your mammaries buddy it’s a 0. No need to be a dbag. The game has been completely catered at every level to be as casual and as fast as possible when actually doing content - you’re not cool for having zero patience.