To people thinking LFG addon will not be banned

Everything affects everyone, it’s selfish to think something that changes the way groups are formed and seeked, doesn’t affect those that want the Classic experience.

People said same about DBM, now it’s basically mandatory, raids are modeled around everyone having DBM.

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You’ll be left behind, like all the people using it. -You’ll miss out on the true Vanilla experience. You sacrifice one thing for another, there’s no question of it.

I have already played vanilla

oh a Rogue. Yeah you’ll be best off starting on your alt Priest first. :slight_smile:

Nah that was my alt rogue.

Mained this mage.

And going to roll a warlock :grinning:

I think it’s just hugely ironic that in a game about making choices and having consequences, the community decides against addons and shun other people who uses addons, aka a choice that WoW gamers get to make. :man_shrugging:

I think you are either trolling or you are just an dumbass like the rest of these kids playing from Cata onward.

The Blizzard API code will prevent the only possible way of addon API codding, as well as addon core codding to interact with core codes and interface codes. That is what is called “ban”, it means "codes are not permitted, aka “banned” to interact with Blizzard codes in-game.

I hope that explains it better, but reading your posts, I do not think it will help. Get education first kiddo, then post here. Your knowledge is 0.

If you truly played Vanilla, then you would play it without any addons, cause Vanilla didn’t have any addons. Addons emerged in TBC.

Plus, there where no addons in Vanilla, so why do you need them now anyway? Make friends, invite them to group, run to dungeons and summ. Or go to SW or OG and spam “find group” channel. Easy. Use your communication skills, which you are so proud of here in forums :smiley:

If you think I will be playing with no addons…you are joking. Well actually maybe not…i think the only addon i might grab is one that will help me with mailing stuff.

IF you think Blizzard coders can’t download that addon, decompile it and see how it was created then implement countermeasures in their API, you are all delusional.

Did I say anything about “absolutely not using” addons at all? I said “there where no addons in Vanilla” and if you played Vanilla back then, you will know there where none. Hell, I will use Atlas, Bagnon (if they create it, if not fine), Gatherer and other useful stuff. If not, that’s it, playing without them.

Nobody said anything about any other addon, but you will understand soon enough why “LFR” (not Dungeon Finder, that was still “ok” in my book) is 1 of the biggest problems that ruined WoW.

That’s why when people hear about some same crappy system (or even close to that crappy system) being available at all with addons, they go on to kill the guy :smiley:

All these cries for Classic.
They give it to you.

The addons start popping up…
(Hint: addons and Classic don’t mix)

I heartily applaud your good decision making

Ok? But you’re 100% wrong, Vanilla launched with addons, Wow beta had addons, people played with addons in Vanilla.

And yes that exactly how i got pug groups in Vanilla when i did not run groups with my guild.

I Am very happy to see the addon being stricken down by blizzard. The whole aspect of communication is KEY for this game. If you think pressing a button and getting into a MC raid is fun and authentic…your DEAD wrong. Trust us…we want YOU to experience what WE have and what made World of Warcraft so great.

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In what “alternate universe” did you have addons in Vanilla?

Where are your proofs?

Here is me playing when I was a teenager. I used many addons lol