To people thinking LFG addon will not be banned

Yeah. Blackrock wasn’t the highest pop server in Vanilla at all.

So not as big as Sargeras… Everything except for the harder bosses in Naxx had pugs.

OH so we are having a measuring comp now? Your gen 1 allied 10:1 horde server wasn’t even remotely CLOSE to BR population, sorry. What was the saying on Blackrock in BOTH trade channels? was it… GTFO BR IS FULL? I think it was. SEVEN times Blizzard offered free xfers off the server. But please, continue with your pretending that AQ40 was puggable in Vanilla.

You see, on Blackrock people could actually PVP. Yes. I remember it. I remember very distinctly that Sargeras was a PVE carebear server that was heavily alliance-sided. 10 alliance for 1 horde if I’m not mistaken.

So saying your LFG system worked in the bubble you played on is great, you didn’t have guilds. Awesome. I experienced actual PVP on a proper PVP server with guilds that did PVP and PVE. Which also brings ninja looters. High pop = ninja looters. I’m guessing your carebear server didn’t experience those.

First 6 bosses AQ40 were easily puggable on Sargeras before the end of Vanilla. All 5 man dungeons were run all the time as well.

It doesn’t highlight the fact that those runs could be ninja/loot council runs. It also doesn’t eliminate the notion that most of those ‘PUGs’ were actually one guild full of alts carrying PUGs and reserving/ninjaing whatever they liked. Your anecdotal evidence doesn’t rebuke the actual evidence which highlights what LFG has done to the current game. -Make it an anti-social pile of crap compared to vanilla.

That is not all the Addon was about. It also scanned your talent trees. If you think though that…you will see why Blizzard will need to add restrictions, for the long term health of the game.

It scanned talent tree if both players had it. Even then who cares? Remove that for all I care. As long as it make LFG chat readable and clickable without chat scrolling up at 20 lines per second. (Even if that involves making a new window with a list of names you can whisper or invite) (contrary to popular belief the addon has no way to assemble a proper group due to no role check)

Heeeey Girllll

See what many are ignoring…This addon would have be woven into the fabric of the game world…making it “mandority” for everyone to have if they wanted to group up. History has already shown us the outcome when that happens. Hence, the restrictions that will be placed on that Addon in the future.

How is it mandatory if you just type LFG UBRS and it adds you to the list even if you don’t have the addon. Why is it mandatory to have it ? I don’t understand. From this point you get invited or whispered to like normal and it likes there no addon to begin with?

The talent tree scan. Why do you keep leaving that out?

You seem to be focusing in on one thing…maybe open up your scope a bit and you might understand where I/we are coming from.

Things become mandatory because people fear they aren’t achieving something, and when they see a large group of people using something, they jump on the bandwagon. It’s just how society works, I mean, why is a show like dancing with the stars big? Because people are stupid.

  1. It will be removed in the next version of the addon 2) it can be disabled 3) it can’t scan you if you don’t have the addon 4) It can’t scan you if you have it but disable the talent scan

How will they know someone is using it? They will be messaged and invited manually by another player. No automation there.

I need to see your Talent Tree or won’t be considered.’
next group… (on and on it goes until it is so woven into the game play it is necessary to have it you wanna play with the population)
It ranks up there with Gearscore. That was a huge mess, if you recall. Those types of addon seem innocent at first but have a way of becoming out of control if not kept in check. That is what Blizzard is doing…I don’t believe they will break it but they will limit it’s use.

Once the restrictions are put into place…I believe it won’t be needed at all.

Sure that’s possible but what would prevent him from kicking you after inspecting you at the dungeon entrance? Either player having or not having the addon does nothing to help or hurt these hypothetical scenarios.

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It has happened. There is nothing hypothetical about it. The outcome is not good for the health of the game.

I want to make sure you understand that I understand what you are saying. Hopefully you come from a good place about this topic. I wish you luck and hopefully see ya in Classic…I only do PvE though :slight_smile:

Or Blizzard staying true to what they said at Blizzcon. This addon’s demise was foretold in November last year.

Your the one who is being selfish think about it you want a lfg addon because your lazy. IT WAS NOT IN VANILLA WHY WOULD IT BE IN THERE NOW. If you cant understand that then go play bfa it has all the addons you could ever want👍

I want it because it will make the game better; if anything it makes creating a group harder isn’t he sense there are more people to sort through and talk to rather than spam.

And in my opinion you are being selfish m, wanting to take away something that would not effect you…

The addon will also survive, the creator said he just has to change a few small things for blizzard, so are you fine with blizzard allowing it now?