To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

The same way that Sylvanas did: They didn’t escape at all. The Jailer released the helm and frostmourne.

The operative motive here isn’t escaping.

It’s the “One Way Trip.”


Beijixiong and Dreadmoore: Good point on the Jailer releasing them all not equating to escape. Could very well be this.


So, the Jailer may have released the Blade. That’s fine. But we’re meeting the smith in Shadowlands, so he didn’t release the smith.


Hmm…perhaps he made a deal with the Legion?


Probably. Either way, the Nathrezim didn’t forge the blade, the armor, or the helm. That’s still a lie on them.


I’m not sure I follow.

What if was a Nathrezim? What if the Nathrezim was sent there as part of the bargain with the Legion?

Kil’Jaden, “Pardon me, good Sir, I need this blade forged, and you have just the forge to do it. Mayhaps we could come to some sort of bargain?”

Jailer, “I say old chap, I’ve never had one of those demons you’ve got there. Let’s say you give me one, and we can make him forge the blade?”

Kil’jaden, “Capital idea, old bean! Capital idea!”


I don’t think it’s likely. I think Malganis will be the Dreadlord who broached the deal with an entity who may or may not be the Jailer.

Argus the Unmaker was called the Death Titan, will he have any influence on the Shadowlands and do Demons go to the Shadowlands or are they on a different cosmic level?

Demons are born of the Twisting Nether; normally, a demon killed on Azeroth or otherwise outside of its home realm will go back to the Twisting Nether, eventually coalesce, and come back. Sargeras tried to shortcut that process by using Argus as a resurrection engine to speed up that process. That same principle applies to other creatures of various realms (Shadow, Light, Fire, etc). The Shadowlands is specifically for mortal beings to go through the process of Death.

So the Burning Legion still goes back to the Twisting Nether, unless they’re killed there, at which point they experience kind of a “true death”. Even then however, the energy that makes up those creatures remains. For example, if a Steward named Joe running around Bastion is crushed to death, Joe is gone, because he died within his home realm, but that energy remains - eventually a new Steward, Jane, will pop up to take Joe’s place.

Hmmm…you may be right about Mal’Ganis. I hadn’t considered that. I seem to remember reading somewhere that Kil’Jaden was somehow involved, but I may be mis-remembering.

It seems weird to me how this is setting up. The class hall book in Legion clearly says a demon forged Frostmourne. I checked it a few weeks ago, and it still said that. Weren’t they planning SL when they wrote that? Wouldn’t they have changed that text in the recent past if they were going to say the blade was forged by someone who is not a demon?

I didn’t see that Q&A, so I’m going to speculate a bit. Did Blizz mean, “ordinarily, demons don’t go to the SL”? As in, perhaps an exception was made to the general rule, and this exception forged the blade.

My gut tells me that Blizz is being intentionally vague and mysterious on these points, as they want us to play the game and figure it out rather than just have them tell us.

“Normally” could mean there was an exception.

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You are absolutely not. In WC3, Kil’jaeden was behind it all. In Chronicles, they retconned it. Kil’jaeden had the Dreadlords make the armor, helmet, and sword. I don’t remember if he also had them make the throne.

Well there are two things at play here.

1: The author of that book is a character who has learned details from the Burning Legion. They are not an objective observer such as Blizzard itself.
2: That’s what was canon at the time.

They claim that they have expansions “loaded up like a six-shooter” but I think BFA is the biggest example of that not being true. Go take a look at BFA’s reveal video. How much does the theme it presents sync up with the reality of the expansion?

Whatever the demon was made out of births an entirely new demon, it seems.

The exception is already mentioned in the paragraph.

Then how did they get out of the Shadowlands if there is no way to leave? Oh and Blizzard said there is no way out of the Shadowlands at Blizzcon, except for one person.

Didn’t say anything about inanimate objects, though.

Also they didn’t say no one could escape the shadowlands. They said no one could escape the Maw.

People escape the Shadowlands literally all the time.

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They said the Shadowlands.

Are you just going to cherry pick things? When they were talking about the Shadowlands, explaining what it was, they stated that there was no way to get there besides death until now, and there was no coming back except for one person.


Vol’jin escaped the Shadowlands.
Vol’jin’s nemesis whose name escapes me escaped the Shadowlands.
Every single member of the Scourge escaped the Shadowlands. Every single one.*
Every single member of the Forsaken escaped the Shadowlands. Every single one.*

*Insomuch as they who are currently reanimated. Obviously, Arthas did not escape the Maw.

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So more contradictions. Wow what a shocker.

They aren’t contradictions. It’s right up on the big screen: The Maw is the only place in the Shadowlands that you don’t escape from.

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Wow, right over your head. Do you not listen on purpose?

Bolvar and his death knights can help people travel to the Shadowlands:
Hitchens has phrased the razor in writing as “What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.

I’m basically doubly one upping you because it’s on you to prove that the Shadowlands are impenetrable for people because you made that claim and I already proved that incorrect. Death themed entities such as Bolvar and his Death Knights can help people go to the Shadowlands.


Blizzard made the claim, thats who you are actually arguing against.