To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

Yeah, I have no hypothesis on this. I’m curious how Blizz is going to explain it. I hope it’s fun and not lame.


This is the crux of it. We can throw out all the wild speculation we want, it can be fun to do so, but until we actually see what ends up in the story, there’s no reason to get so heated about it. The explanation could be very clever or incredibly stupid. We don’t know yet.


Oh right, I forgot that I voiced Bolvar.


Bolvar and his death knights can help people travel to the Shadowlands:


The matter should not be a debate. Blizzard retconned frostmourne’s origins.


I think there is a debate because not everyone agrees with that.

Kelliste does.


I obviously don’t speak for Kelliste. However, the passage you quoted reads to me like she suspects this will get retconned in SL, not that it already has.

Arthas as well as the other OG death knights did not have spec limitations in their abilities. Arthas is clearly an Unholy Death Knight by todays standards, and was heavily “specced” into the Unholy tree during his time as a Death Knight and the Lich King.

Plus, any Death Knight can make a “bridge of frost” for their allies by just using Path of Frost. An ability that isn’t just a frost ability.

Frostmourne is an Unholy Weapon. Frost weapons are splinters of ice and weak little toothpicks.

That isn’t what he did, though. He specifically commanded Frostmourne to do it.


He also commanded Frostmourne to raise the dead and use Death Coil, as well as his multitude of shadow damaging abilities during his raid fight. Like I said, lore characters aren’t tied to a specific spec, and just favor one over the other. Arthas heavily favored Unholy. Plus, Unholymourne just doesn’t have the same ring to it, and if blizz used Shadowmourne instead, we wouldn’t have that epic questline.

The name Frostmourne is likely just an allusion to the fact that it was located in Northrend, the Glacial continent.

Would you mind showing me? I don’t recall. I did you the favor of giving you a timecoded video as my citation. Would it be too much hassle to do me that same courtesy?

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I was thinking about that too, or at least just a demon in general. Or maybe he was forced by the Nathrezim to create the Plate of the Damned set when they found their way into the Shadowlands.

Sylvanas is the only one who has left the Maw. She is currently the only Maw walker.

So, what you are saying is Blizzard never said that the Nathrezim lied and that there is a contradiction. It is YOU that is saying that the Nathrezim lied to try to attempt to resolve that contradiction.

Shadowlands isnt out yet so the story is not set in stone. Like I said before, Blizzard is just for hype. It being a demon-forged blade however is and it has been that way since the lore came out. Only now, when they want to use Death Knights and Bolvar because he has been sitting there since wrath basically doing nothing of any significance, the story is being changed even though it absolutely doesnt need to just in an attempt to rectify why breaking the helm causes this big giant hole in the sky, but it doesnt explain if there is this connection that why the shattering of Frostmourne didnt do the same thing.

Its almost like Blizzard doesnt know their own story. You can find contradictions in official lore. Like Valeera where the game and the comic says 2 different things putting her in 2 places at the same time.

I’m stating that Blizzard stated the only person to have left the Maw is Sylvanas. The blade and helmet were forged in Torghast, the tower in the center of the maw. According to these facts, the Nathrezim cannot have forged the blade and helmet.

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I know, Sylvanas is the only one to leave that place that we know right now. But I thought what I said could be possible too. Like Sarîel said though, people might go nuts if that was true.

He seems to have painted the lore into a corner by saying nothing has ever escaped from the Maw.

Given the context of that statement, I suppose I can interpret that statement to mean, “at least this is what everyone in-universe believes…” That may not be a correct interpretation, though.

I could further suppose that Frostmourne was in fact forged by a Nathrezim who is still in the Maw. But if “nothing” escaped, how did the sword?

Further, if “nothing” escaped, was Sylvanas really there? This seems to contradict the seemingly widespread belief that she somehow escaped. Maybe she wasn’t really in there at all?

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Escape seems like an important word there. The Jailer is clearly allied with Sylvanas, making her leaving not really an escape. Perhaps Frostmourne “escaping” was intentional as well. After all, without Frostmourne there’d be no Sylvanas to ally with.

I feel that I’m setting myself up for disappointment thinking The Jailer has been playing 4d chess, he’s probably just gonna be another generic big bad.