To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

Is it just because it has “shadow” in the name that they are linked?

yes, just because of that, lets ignore all other hints of being the same place and both having literally the same thematic


Anyone else hating this vicious cycle we keep seeming to be constantly thrown into? I know I’m getting tired of how many times we need to repeat ourselves. And like we all keep saying, the Shadowlands is like the Emerald Dream. We keep going to the surface level of the Shadowlands, including when we get our mounts, AND when we die and go find our bodies to revive. But in the Shadowlands Xpac, we go so far deep into the Shadowlands itself, that we never saw before. Just like with the Emerald Dream when it was released.


Those 2 look nothing alike. And as I have said, death knights being able to pull things from the Realm of Shadows, or going in from goes against what Blizzard has said about the Shadowlands.

Lady Alistra summons things from this realm and even summons a Cenarion Scout which she wonders how the scout got there in the first place. Are these Cenarion Scouts just another exception to Blizzards rule that death is the only way to get there?

Sigh :expressionless: At this point, I’ve only got this video in response here…


Trolls will do that. Always fun to give evidence of them being wrong though. Even if they deny that evidence, despite it being from Blizzard themselves.


Except you actually havent, and has troll changed from someone trying to get a bite out of sometime to just having a disagreement? Is that all you guys can do when your “evidence” doesnt pan out? Point at ilvl, it that doesnt work point at raiding or M+, if that doesnt work call them trolls.

Really the only thing that you guys have shown with your evidence is that Blizzard sucks at writing. I really dont know how that is going over your heads but its blatantly obvious. Its like pointing out there is a contradiction if say 2+2=4 and then someone points at the same people saying 2+2=17. They both cannot be true.

So im pointing at the in game book that calls it a demon-forged blade. Am I wrong? No im not. It explicitly states it. And Shadowlands isnt even out yet and you guys are going off of Blizzcon stuff that most likely wont even make it into the game looking back on recent Blizzcon stuff. WC3 Reforged is not what was shown at Blizzcon. D4 probably isnt going to be the same that they showed at Blizzcon. Shadowlands isnt going to be the same thing they showed at Blizzcon. Blizzcon is used to create hype and thats about it. Take it with a grain of salt.

Who knows, this contradiction will probably be pointed out to them and the Forge of Domination will be completely changed. After all its just to create Legendaries and does not in any way need to be tied to the LK stuff. They are just taking the hype of the LK stuff and trying to tie it to the new expansion like they did with WoD and the old lore characters. Thats it.

You are if the smith isn’t a demon.

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It says that its a demon, so im right.

And Blizzard says the smith is still in the maw.

Blizzard also says until we get there, Sylvanas is the only person to have escaped the maw.

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So here is the thing that you just completely ignored. Lets say im a rule maker, I say 2+3=5 and 2+3=98, which one is right? Both? Neither? Just one of them?

Its called a contradiction.

But Blizzard is not a rulemaker, blizzard is a story teller. If Blizzard tells two stories and they contradict eachother – but both are published – then the newest one takes precedent as canon.

We never witness Frostmourne being made. We never see its forge. So, the Nathrezim – famed demonic liars – told a lie.

To the surprise of only one single person in this entire thread.


Are you saying there arent rules in story telling? And no, the newest one doesnt take precedent as canon.

So its really the Word of God as you put it, against the Word of God. Both cannot be true and exist in the same universe. Just like Valeera and those contradictions.

Funny how people say im defending Blizzard but you are just doing it blatantly. Blizzard said its a demon-forged blade.



And people dont like retcons. Do you also not understand the words “I bet”?

Doesn’t matter what people like. Blizzard is going to do what Blizzard is going to do.


And it goes against what they said, you cant have it both ways. Its why the general consensus is that the lore sucks now. They have ruined it.

Blizzard changed the lore. Demons no longer made it. It is no longer both ways. It is only one way: Made in the Shadowlands.


Its still in the lore. It is still both ways.

As a lie nathrezim told.

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