To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

Well, when it’s cancelled you will be correct. Until then, you’re wrong. Word of God is Word of God. Word of Kelliste is not.


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I did say “if” right?

I don’t think we actually know that demons cannot go to Shadowlands; people are making that conclusion based on connecting some dots: Only way you can go to SL is by dying, except when demons die, they go to Twisting Nether, ergo, they cannot go to SL under any circumstances. Logical, but not necessarily sound. One of the premises might be false.

If destroying the Helm of Domination tore the veil, such that Sylvanas could go there without dying (as demonstrated in the video that Bolvar narrated), what happened before the Helm was crafted? Was there also a tear in the veil then? We don’t know.

Did the demons open a portal and go there while still alive and craft Frostmourne there? We don’t know.

Legion class hall book still says Frostmourne was crafted by demons. While they might ret-con this, they haven’t actually done it yet, and I don’t think it’s even necessary to explain Frostmourne’s origin.

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I was simply taking Kelliste at her word.


Blizzard said it in a q&a where they were asked if Demons go to the shadowlands and the answer was no. Their souls return to the twisting nether. At Blizzcon, they also said there is no way in besides death, and no way out, except for one person which means there is a way out.

A lot of these things were addressed at Blizzcon for instance there is no way in but death. Demons getting there would mean they would have to know that the place existed, and there is a problem with gaining that knowledge, its death.

Its the exact same thing people take advantage of in religions, pick one. Death is the requirement to go there, and once you are dead you cant come back to tell the world, and even if you did come back, there is no way to bring anything back from the afterlife as proof that it exists.

Here is the thing that they are trying to do. Bolvar has done almost nothing since wrath and they have these other realms to explore, and there is one people are exposed to. The Shadowlands. There was absolutely no reason to retcon this stuff other than they used the helm as a plot device to break this barrier. It would seem that its connection to the shadowlands is the reason why the barrier was broken. But fun fact, if Frostmourne was from this place, it was shattered and countless souls were released in the very spot the helm was broken.

If demons could go there, then all that Sylvanas had to do was seek out these demons and make them submit to her because more plot armor, and wala another way to get to the shadowlands.

Its just bad writing. They are trying to push the story forward instead of following the world and letting it get there through more naturalistic means.

I believe the Smith might be a demon, or the Nathrezim found a way into the Shadowlands to force the smith to create them, before taking them for their own devices. But this argument really needs to stop either way. Retconned or not, Blizz can still find a way to make it still fit the WoW lore. I honestly won’t mind too much if the Nathrezim stole them from the Shadowlands, but I would like it better myself if they forced the Forge owner to help them create Frostmourne, the Helm of Domination, and the rest of the Plate of the Damned.

I feel now is a good time to quote myself. Again…


You know what else is core mechanic of Shadowlands? Frost not being 2handed. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Not how we got our deathchargers. Go look up the realm of shadow and tell me if it says Shadowlands on that page.

Round and round the wheel of denying official word we go.


Go to the realm of shadows page and tell me if it says Shadowlands on it.

Hint, its not on there anywhere.

Why do you ignore Blizzards official word on it?

Are you really that incapable of accepting a mistake?


Its not, its YOUR word.

I didn’t realize I voiced Bolvar in the official preview cinematic for Shadowlands, nor did I realize when I voiced Bolvar I was allowed to just say whatever I wanted.

Please refrain from blatant trolling.


You said it was Blizzards official word on it. Does that mean that Frostmourne couldnt have come from the Shadowlands since in game it says that its a demon-forged blade? If thats the case you need to talk to Dreadmoore.

And again, go to the Realm of Shadows page and find where it says Shadowlands.

I have a feeling you never actually went to that link, and are as usual arguing just to argue.

Or trolling. Probably the latter.


I have a feeling that you never went to the Realm of Shadows page either.

Or are you saying that they retconned the Realm of Shadows to be the Shadowlands which destroys their other official word from Blizzcon that there is no way in aside from death and no way out. Or is there actually other ways in and out, to and from?


Trust your instincts; you know them to be true. Whenever we use Wraithwalk, we enter the Shadowlands. At Blizzcon, they also stated we enter the Shadowlands when we die and run back to our bodies.


the “realm of shadows” is in the shadowlands page:

and there is tons of parales of both being the same thing

they are ratconing things left and right later, but even before there was hints of being the same thing.