To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

My thoughts exactly, but everyone kept saying Unholy should have all of the Death flavor, but that left Frost with nothing but Frost and something that doesn’t even make it feel like a Frost DEATH Knight sadly enough. I feel like a Frost ROGUE or Frost MAGE now, or some kinda mix of the two of them. Damn that prune-fest Legion was, not just the removal of weapon choice.

But why? Why reference elder scrolls lore in a wow lore thread? I thought you were just misspelling Moira or something.

… because I felt like doing it?


It just didnt make contextual sense. Dont get me wrong, Herma Mora is my favorite Daedric Prince, but it still doesnt make sense to mention him in a wow lore thread unless you actually worship him.

yes, unless…


Skipped down to the end so it might’ve been said but that dude raging saying it’s demon forged and that blizz retconned it and it doesn’t count everybody gotta chill until shadowlands come out none of you know or can say either because it could very well just be a further understanding of what we know so far the demons and nathrezim could’ve had someone forge it for them in the shadowlands which is in no way a retcon it’s just a further understanding and detailing of the already established lore so stop jumping the gun and assuming things just so you can argue about it

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The thing is the Nathrezim dont go there and cant go there to have someone make it for them. They also have a history of craftsmanship and forges to access. We even made the sister blade to Frostmourne which didnt need this forge to consume souls.

There is nothing special to this forge in the Shadowlands and it could very well just be scrapped. The only thing that is canon unless they change it too, is that the helm broke the barrier between realms when it was broken. How or why it did it and not Frostmourne if both are from the Shadowlands I have no clue. You would think if it had a connection to the Shadowlands that Frostmourne being shattered and it releasing countless souls would have done the same thing since it was also shattered at the Frozen Throne.

There is just way too much of the story that they would have to change that was a good story in itself just for them to create a way to the shadowlands and tie death knights to it since they havent really had any major lore sense… what… wrath?

It’s a term of exasperation. Referencing a deity or some divine term related to a deity to express annoyance or shock is literally an everyday occurrence. I’m not sure why this is so intellectually evasive.

EDIT: Ol’ Herma Mora should have a Black Book on this.


Oh, dont get me wrong, I understand the use of calling a deity’s name in exasperation. But the fact that Herma Mora is a false god and not part of an actual world religion is what makes the expression out of place. Especially since he is part of a universe that is not the one being discussed.

for you maybe…


That is not for you to decide brov.


I agree we should stop complaining about “retcon” and all that other stuff, but one of us refuses to stop kicking the dead horse already sadly enough, no matter how many times the rest of us say “stop”. Even though I honestly hope it’s a Nathrezim that got left behind in the Shadowlands and was infused with Death powers instead of Fel that created Frostmourne and the Plate of the Damned. Regardless though, this pointless arguing needs to stop. Especially if it’s to silence the rest of us and have us “get in line” according to someone else.

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So did we decide whether Frostmourne is a frost weapon? I mean, it’s in the name after all.


There will apparently never be a consensus. I personally think it’s both, it has frost in the name, but also Mourne, which is a word associated with death.

It does clearly have some frost related power to it, both because of the little clip at the beginning, but also because of the entire Wrath intro cinematic. Even if it also clearly has death related power you can’t tell me that there’s nothing frosty about it after Arthas empowers it with frost, covers it with magical ice, jams it into a glacier, and resurrects a frostwyrm with it. That is definitely a 1-2 combo of frost magic and necromancy.

As mentioned previously, the frost/unholy distinction is only for players, Arthas combines the two basically all the time, as do liches, and blood was just invented because at the time all classes had three specs and they didn’t have any other ideas.


Well since blizzard lets its npcs of a class use all of the abilities and dose not restrict them to specs like we and since we take shards of Frostmourne and turn them into the frost dk artifact. I would say Frostmourne is a frost weapon he just used shadow abilities with it also. Just like how mages and warlocks can use the same weapon for all 3 apecs. He likely is doing the same as how most frost dks used 2h in wrath.

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And no we do not know what the Nathrezim can do fully. We do not know the full extent of their powers. So with that being said blizzard said Frostmourne was created in shadowlands along with the helm at the forge we are going to meet the smith that made it. And get legendary weapon crafted. For me this screams that Frostmourne could be remade.

Suffer well my dk friends, while I bask in the light.

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Actually, I believe it’s possible to both reforge Frostmourne properly, AND repair the Helm of Domination too. The gem in the helmet is still intact, so I think Ner’zhul can still be in there, along with the rest of the Lich King powers anyway. Besides, Bolvar’s gonna need to pull every last stop, or whatever the phrase is, to beat both Sylvanas and the Jailer. And I think that includes using Frostmourne to fully use the powers of the Lich King against them.

That’s probably why Bolvar sends us to Torghast. The helm at least. idk if Blizzard is intelligent enough to give the playerbase what it wants.

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Most likely, but we better press them to reforge Frostmourne too before the endgame raid for Bolvar to use. I’ll be REALLY happy when Frostmourne’s whole again either way, especially if we get 2h Frost back too.

Man I sure do love Frostmourne.