To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

I will say if they bring back 2h frost I would main my dk again, at the moment I have to main my paladin for the guild raids. But thinking in shadowlands I will be maining my dk… I just want 2h frost back I miss it so much. And if they give us a mog of Frostmourne I would never leave at all. And just think about the transmog heaven we would be in Shadowmourne and Frostmourne. Almost makes me wish we could dw 2h.

Frost if you ever decide to come to the horde I would love to get into some pvp or something with you, dread, trump and broflake. Multiple dk’s just cause havoc and chaos which would be fun

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I rather stay on the Alliance though, but that sounds very nice too. And I’m gonna enjoy culling as many enemies as I can if we get that Frostmourne mog at last. Eternal glory to the Scourge my fellow Death Knights. And Frostreaper and Icebringer shall no longer thirst. When that long awaited day comes, Frostmourne shall hunger once again!

All Death Knights get their necromantic powers through their weapons. Think of it like a mage channeling magic from their staves or a warlock using soul energy as the fuel for their fel magic. No mortal actually possesses any kind of magic ability in this universe. The only differences in power are because individuals are either better equipped, or more knowledgeable of how to borrow the power they are trying to use.

Frostmourne is basically just a tool that Arthas used for his necromantic (and frost) powers as it was attuned to the Shadowlands, and specifically, Maldraxxus. A runeblade to a Death Knight is the same thing as faith to a paladin or the elementals to a shaman. When you make a new Death Knight, be it the original cast or one of the newer ones, the first thing you do is obtain a runeblade to fight with. You don’t start with your weapon like all of the other classes because blizz decided that there needs to be an emphasis on these tools of war.

So, technically speaking and TLDR: Frostmourne is not a “specced” weapon at all. It isn’t frost or Unholy or even Blood. But the wielder of Frostmourne leaned more towards the Unholy aspect of being a Death Knight.

Can you cite this? I’ve never heard that before, and I can think of a fair amount of characters that do have innate magical ability.


Its not that good for the Horde either.

True, it feels like both sides are not doing so hot. But I still feel it’s worse for the Alliance sadly. Wish not only Alliance got more love and focused on for the story for once, but also allow both Alliance and Horde to get treated better as well.

I will say that i do love the dark iron dwarf. And wish horde had gotten it. And I do see both sides have had their ups and downs in treatment and hope blizzard will start treating both sides evenly.

To actually have innate magical ability would be to actually be the force they are using. The only such entities that we are aware of that have power without requiring some sort of tool or bargain are the Light and Void entities, and maybe not even the ones we know.

Fel magic is basically the burning of Anima, or the energy of souls.

Arcane magic is used by controlling Mana, a radiant particle of sorts. This was explained quite well by Rhonin in one of the War of the Ancients books when he was teaching Illidan how to use magic without drawing it from the Well of Eternity.

Life magic may end up being the energy of Anima as well since Ardenweald is a thing, but it is probably just Spirit which is one of the usual elements along with Earth, Wind, Water, and Fire. This is why Shaman are always asking the Spirits for blessings and power just as much as they ask the elements for such.

Death magic is probably similar to Fel, as it uses souls as a sort of fuel. The infamous “Frostmourne hungers”, and the questline for Shadowmourne, and the more recent questline with Bwonsamdi make this quite evident. But the difference between Death and Fel is that Death magic preserves the souls, while Fel magic quite literally burns them.

Light magic comes from, you guessed it, the Light. Paladins and Priests never just use this power, and always ask for it. Tirion asking for the Light to grant his wish one final time to break free of his icy prison during the Arthas fight, as well as the Light deciding Arthas was no longer worthy of wielding its power are prime examples. The Light very clearly is an entity that does its own thinking and makes its own bargains, just like the Void. The Light is clearly imperial in nature, as it represents Fate and Order. It directly tries to use its influence to create history in one specific order of events, and opposes anything that goes against it, sometimes even directly, as with what happened during the second Death Knight raid on Lights Hope Chapel, where the Light interfered with the campaign to raise Tirion as a Death Knight, and killed Darion Mograine.

The Void is the one we know the least about. We know the Void Lords and the Old Gods exist, but we know very little about the Void as a whole. The most we know about how it operates is that it is the opposite of the Light. While the Light is imperial and pursues one single timeline, the Void offers its power to anyone freely, and pursues anarchy.

The Light would give you a fork and say that it is for eating, and take it away if you did anything except eating with it. While the Void would give you a fork and not tell you what it is for, or it would give you several suggestions as to what to do with it; stick it in a electric socket, stab someone with it, eat with it, use it as a drum stick, etc.

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Ohhh, I was misunderstanding. I thought that you meant magic can only be used through a weapon, clearly didn’t read that as well as I thought I had. Probably shouldn’t use the forums shortly after waking up.

Appreciate the explanation on the various types of magic though.

If it sounded that way I apologize, I’ve had a long night at work and my brain is a bit fried. But yeah, magic is something the people of the Warcraft universe draw from, not something they directly possess. That was what I was trying to get across.

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The light just goes to those who have the faith to use it or willpower.
For example, there was a dk using light spells because of his faith deapite the loch king ma ipulating hkm.
Blood elves bent light to their will.

Its like the vpid. Neither good mor evil just a primal source

Path of Frost doesn’t require a weapon to cast.

That’s not true. Blood Elves have innate magical ability as a for instance.


Where in the name of Mora did you come up with that theory?

In the WoW world, each individual has varying levels of magical prowess, and weapons aren’t needed for casters to use spells. They’re just stat sticks.

Death aspect*. Arthas is to Unholy as the Windrunner sisters are to Marksman Hunter. They use a lot of the abilities that were given to a particular player specialization, but they are clearly not “specced”, as they utilize fighting styles and abilities that encompass multiple player specializations. Sylvanas is easily considered a Marksman Hunter, but she Dual-Wields swords in close combat, and can cast shadow spells.


This sort of thing is brought up a lot and it leads to one of the disappointing things of modern game design – while it’s been half the game’s life at this point, that’s how it used to work with players too, prior to MoP. You started with more or less the full class’s toolkit and specialized from there, choosing to go as specialized as you’d like. There were definitely cookie cutter builds but depending on your goal you could do some interesting stuff.

I miss player agency. :frowning:


I would respond to the rest of your questions, but I’m stuck trying to figure out who the heck “Mora” is…

Hermaus Mora, Daedric Prince of Knowledge and Memory.


Arthas/Bolvar are ‘META,’ meaning they aren’t tied to to any one of the schools of magic. They utilize all as it suits them, though Arthas showcased this much more than Bolvar who has been pretty boring so far.

It was Frostmourne that allowed Arthas to raise enemies along with the Valk’s. I could just as easily link ‘Lament of the Highbourne’ and claim that Frostmourne was an Unholy weapon. Or the opening cinematic from Wrath for that matter.

Point being that Frostmourne isn’t any one of the three; it was all of them. Interesting discussion though, never new they went back and changed the lore.

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it baffles me how people think just because arthas, a death knight, is strict unholy, just because he use death magic

it is a normal thing for all dks


Okay, but people have spent forever saying Frostmourne had no frost powers, despite it having them in the book. No one ever wants to read, but people can sit through a 10 second section of a cutscene.


You use a rune for Path of Frost which your rune weapon provides through lore. You cant go off of game mechanics. That was one of the first things you do as a DK, you get a weapon and you Runeforge it.

Books, are also created by many different people. What do you take as truth? The comics or the game? The books or the comics? If they are all saying something different then what? Like Valeera during Wrath, she was in Sormwind Harbor during the scourge invasion complaining about the Alliance hospitality, but in the comic she is out helping Meryl Felstorm to save Med’an during the same time.

While I agree its good to read, but when the source materials say different stuff then what are you supposed to do? If you were going to write an essay on the lore of WoW, you actually couldnt be accurate. With the game saying both demons created it and it was created in the Shadowlands, both cannot be true. Is the nathrezim lying a possibility? Sure, but its just as possible that the people in the Shadowlands are lying. Why would someone, in the afterlife which has the Maw for the worst of the worst and the necrolords, need to create this armor and weapon to steal souls and control the scourge? How did it all get out? Its like the Hyperloop, you cant just say “it works” when you have to solve the problem of the expansion of steel which is why they have to create expansion joints in pipelines, you have to solve the airlock system, unless you have multiple pipes then you can only have 1 car going back and forth which wouldnt really solve anything.

Lets just assume that the lore is that it was created in the Shadowlands, just for the sake of argument, why was it created? How did it get out? How did the demons get ahold of it? How did an item made out of whatever the afterlife is made out of since it would technically be supernatural exist in reality?

The previous lore had the demons come up with a plan to create a vast undead army to fight against the old gods and void lords presumably, so they created the Lich King and the accompanying items that would be needed for this plan as long as Ner’zhul didnt betray them yet again which he did. This explanation works and needed nothing.

They did however need a way to explore the Shadowlands and created this completely messed up lore which has so many holes in it, like why didnt Frostmourne being shattered break this barrier between worlds? It was in the same place that it was shattered, and if it is also from the Shadowlands it should have opened this hole before Cata… soooo whats going on there?

Sorry, but this is just poor writing.