To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

I personally prefer Frostmourne being a death-domain artifact instead of something demons made.



Which death domain? The afterlife or the realm of death/necromancy? You know that map that they showed at the beginning of that video that you linked where they showed the Shadowlands was always there?
Shadowlands is like… Chronicles new.


That was an easy question to answer, and you still couldnt even just answer that.

I did answer it. I like the Shadowlands. I like that death/undeath is its own domain, not subject to the void or titans or demons or old gods. I like that Frostmourne, the most known death-related artifact in all of Warcraft, is now made by the death domain instead of demons.


Yes, that is a proper mog.

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Dude, I’m actually smiling uncontrollably because you mentioned Hitchens. I just had to jump back into the forums when I read that lol.

Christopher Hitchens is the actual God of Debates and Rebuttals. He has a shrine in Whiterun.


I still prefer the Alliance myself, but it feels like they’re getting less and less love in favor of the Horde. But that’s another story.

Looking pretty good there Dreadmoore. But can you please let me know how can I make my own profile pic with a pose like you did too? I think I can make a great pic with my own mog here.

It’s the Narcissus addon.

oh, thanks

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On my DK where I suggested how to reforge Frostmourne. I had put forth that maybe the smith is a Nathrezim. They were not all evil. I mean ffs just look at the paladin order hall in legion we find a Nathrezim that was with the light. So if one could be with the light one could also be in the Shadowlands as the smith.

Then blizzard could keep their lore that Frostmourne and the Helm are demon forged weapons. Even tho the Nathrezim from the paladin order hall was in the light he was still a demon. All blizzard would have to do is to make the link of him getting to the shadow lands.



Well I am quoting Bellular here so again take it for what you will he has said that they don’t plan the next expansion while in the current one. According to his contacts they plan them 2-3 a head of time. So they always have an expansion being planned and thought on. Again this is coming from Bellular in one of his videos I watched a few weeks back.

So taking this as if its true for a moment then they would set things up like this to keep us guessing to drive hype or whatever for the expansions. And if you look at it, as long as someone is talking about the expansion there is no real loss to blizzard.

So I would not be surprised if they did not add in some contradictions here and there so that people would get the expansion to find out what is really going on. Again this is my thoughts. But if you look at this thread it has gone from talking about Froustmourne and if it is a frost or unholy weapon to talking about lore of the game and Shadowlands and people wanting to see that story. Again this is just my two cents.

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Now I have noticed that in the lore again what I noticed Sargaras only saw some of the most powerful demons being reborn so for example a warlocks imp would not come back. Again I am wracking my brain here but that would suggest that the lesser demons aren’t reborn they are just gone. That the stronger demons are the only ones reborn.

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I think that could be a very good way to link them, that the Nathrezim that forged Frostmourne remained in the Shadowlands and was infused with the power of Death instead of Fel. And I think he wasn’t given the power to revive in the Twisting Nether like other powerful demons too. But his strength was in crafting, unlike most of the other demons.

LOL Thank you for this it got me laughing so hard. /Cheer Broflake

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No that’s what your doing. So as he says


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And if I am wrong I will be wrong so here I go, wasn’t the crafting for the legion done by races that were converted to demons. That they did not start out as demons. I mean look at the one that crafted The Maw. It was Netrius he was an Eredar that joined the legion and became a demon because he followed Kil’jaeden.

And hello Frostlich, Trumpknight and Dreadmoore good to be seeing you again.

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Still could be a great theory to use, I hope Blizz might pick up on that one. But yeah, if we’re wrong in the end, we can all accept that. But regardless, I still wish we can get 2h Frost back, and reforge Frostmourne properly back into it’s original form to make up for the artifact in Legion.