To Everyone Who Says Frostmourne Isn't a Frost Weapon

The irony of you continuing to accuse us of your own actions.

You’ve even directly denied BLIZZARDS OWN WORDS, yet here you are, claiming we ignore sources.

Completely unrelated note, the daily flag limit is shockingly low.




Have you not learned your lesson? Quit talking trash.

I have not denied Blizzards own words, not am I denying what they linked. Holy cow. I was talking about the Shadowlands, they linked a part about the Maw. And what exactly are you flagging me for?

What lesson are you referring to?

You have, actually.


Wow, its right there in the post yet here you are making a straw man argument through quote mines. Its getting annoying.

Bolvar and his death knights can help people travel to the Shadowlands:

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More quote mines I take it? This is why reading is important.

You also do not want to admit that Blizzard has created… what is it called again… a contradiction.

I’ve mentioned the word retcon a minimum of 11 times in this thread, according to the search function.

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Yet, you still fail to accept the contradictions or make your own excuse of how it isnt.

Where is your cite that the Nathrazim lied about creating Frostmourne? Oh yeah there isnt one.

Retroactive continuity , or retcon for short,[[1]][[2]] is a literary device in which established facts in a fictional work are adjusted, ignored, or contradicted by a subsequently published work which breaks [continuity] with the former.[[3]]

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Alright, then there IS a contradiction with Frostmourne. Thanks. Finally we are getting somewhere.


More trolling?

Retcons are used by authors to increase their creative freedom, on the assumption that the changes are unimportant to the audience compared to the new story which can be told. For instance, by retroactively setting a prior story in a parallel universe, departed popular characters can be reintroduced. More subtly, a minor plot point might be retroactively expunged (for instance, the heroine leaving home without any food), removing an obstacle to further storytelling (that she should be getting hungry).

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You both should just drop the issue.
Beijxiong cut it out or I will use enslave undead on you.
Kelliste cut it out or I am throwing your coffin out of Acherus hold.
Dreadmoore where is your blood helmet!?


Beiji, can you log onto game currently? I’d like to add you to whatever Real ID has been renamed.

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And now we are back at square one again where I have to repeat my self. There is a contradiction with Frostmourne, you cant have it be both.

I know. My helmet was cool. I should go back to it.


You get your helmet on right now sir.

I am thiiiiis close to throwing out your coffin.
Wait til shadowlands, neither of you are changing your minds.