To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Legion also had 2 LFR mounts. They won’t acknowledge it lol.


Yes you’re the troll because that’s literally the only think you have to complain about.

So you’re just looking for trouble.

Typical troll.


Not him, but being objectively right floats my boat just fine, frfr no cap.


Clearly they are.

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Anniversary isn’t a seasonal mount.

Not at all. I’m not the one nitpicking something so minor.

Technically correct is the best kind of correct after all.

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Sure thing.

Keep thinking LFR is raiding :joy:

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You’re literally asking someone if they’re mad.

You. Are. Trolling.

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Neither were season mounts

Says the guy who wants to nitpick the non existent practical difference between a “seasonal mount” and an “anniversary mount”


Because they are nitpicking something so minor.

You’re the one that’s followed me into so many threads to troll me I’m actually counting them.

every year there is an anniversary and every year there is a possibility of a new mount.

Thanks fam, I will.
Here, I got this for you to hold:


I mean you quoted me saying 1% mounts then instantly wrote 0.01% several times.

Then you said you did it intentionally.

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But there an actual difference.

Which is?

Simply saying there is one doesn’t prove there is one.

Both are limited time events.

inb4 you say it is the name. At which point you are basically nitpicking.

Clearly people disagree with your assesment. I’d argue most do. So whats the motive of being here saying what you’re saying? People have the opinion LFR is raiding, for very good reason. You come along and say it’s not, because a miniscule bump in difficulty renders normal actual raiding in contrast. Do you think you’re going to convince anyone? People are upset they won’t be able to get the mount, was this a grand opportunity to convince them that it’s not raiding and they don’t deserve it? Is that the right thing to do when people are upset about not being able to get the mount?


Whatever you have to do to cope.

I’m just here to watch the downfall.