To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Because I don’t care enough to actually correct something so absolutely minor that you’re the only one complaining about it because everything else you have nitpicked about was refuted.

No they aren’t.

A seasonal mount is a seasonal mount.
An anniversary mount is an event mount. Apples and oranges.

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Every time I see your name I think of this now.

LFR is stupid ez but it’s the principle of it all. Snot cat was falsely advertised, imo.


What part of “definition” do you not understand?

Mounts do drop from LFR; back in Legion the big green worm mount, The Abyss Worm in Tomb dropped for me.

AFK is away from key board so they are not raiding

So you intentionally made the error several times? And you call me the troll.


LFR is still raiding by definition.

Facts don’t care about your feelings.

The last 10 LFR I was in. Afk players were kicked, and?


I never claimed it was anything but my opinion.

And to some people it’s not considered actual raiding. At best it’s the oversimplified so even the worst players can do it raiding.

I don’t consider any qued content true group content.

Clearly that’s not LFR then, 5head.
Kidding, of course.

Yes you’re the troll because it’s such a minor thing that the majority of people don’t care enough to comment on it.

I bet you nitpick typos too.

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And your opinion is false. That is the beauty of opinions. They can be and often times are wrong.


ok what ever floats your boat

So you intentionally made the errors expecting me to nitpick them?

And you call me the troll.


Facts don’t care about your feelings.

Sorry that it is true.

Just because you have an opinion on something doesn’t mean you are factually correct.

Easy content doesn’t negate the content. Is world quests not questing anymore when you’re geared? Is pvp not pvp anymore when a fully geared player 1 shots a undergeared noob?

Whatever floats your boat. Are you getting mad because you only do LFR and I don’t consider you a raider?

wasn’t this guy a LFR mount during a 10th anniversary drop?


I can say the same thing to you lol

If you want to believe that go ahead.

You will be wrong though. As usual. A simple check on my profile will prove that.