To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Deathwing mount, core hound mount, chance at multiple mounts from the last few expacs


that’s true, the core hound is actually a good example

I refuse to believe devs are this dumb.

Someone in corporate is stepping in and stomping out all the fun.

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lmao. Yup that’s me :rofl:


I legitimately asked you to provide an actual situation where there is “gate keeping”and you can’t do that.

Does that mean I’m correct?

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Most mythic guilds didn’t care about heroic jailer.

“I didn’t buy it, I got it for free because it was content I Couldn’t clear. Which is why I green parse even for heals”

So you’re in a raid group, in a raid instance, killing raid bosses, but it’s not raiding.


Nah I know about that, outside of mace his drop table isn’t exactly anything to really go for

Just kinda odd you thought I would say you bought a kill when you don’t have them on that character, and will 100% confidence say I don’t care enough to look at peoples alts and everything else


some people just afk through the encounters…or just die on the first mechanic of every boss…that’s why there’s a stigma i think

because even a heroic 5 man requires more from a player than that

LFR does give mounts. Just those mounts are 1% drops that can drop on the other difficulties as well.

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Nope. You Que into it with no other requirements to do content where the mechanics are mostly removed and the ones that are there are trivial at best.

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Oh, no, I get why there’s a stigma.
But regardless of that or any other opinion, a thing remains the thing that it is.

Whatever you say, Patrick.

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Which means that there aren’t any seasonal rewards that are awarded from LFR.


I mean you don’t have to share my opinion but nothing I said was incorrect.

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Why do you have to move the goalposts?

You said LFR does not drop mounts. That is false.

Now you have to say, “I meant seasonal rewards, yeah!!!”

If you have to move the goalposts after being proven wrong. You have lost.

You never said “seasonal mount rewards” originally. You simply said, “LFR does not drop mounts”.


To be honest I didn’t care for raid mount and cared only about class hall mount but this instance where they clearly stated ANY Difficulty I couldn’t just stand by and let it happen the slime cat should’ve been able to get in LFR.

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This is a monumental number of bosses for people to learn on a relatively tight time-constraint. Anyone who has AOTC/cleared the raids previously will have a HUGE advantage over the people just coming back to the game to check it out.

This is one of my main issues with the whole thing.

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Doesn’t LFR have basically all the same mechanics as normal, albeit less dangerous?

Like I don’t care about lfr, I’ve never finished a single raid on lfr this xpac, only ever did sanctum/sepulcher going for dom sockets/tier pieces and never went back after getting them

I’m mostly on the give it to LFR side cuz for like half a year its been listed as obtainable in any difficulty, and then changed to normal only literally days before the patch drops, its kinda greasy. Like if they changed it a week after it was initially found out about, well too bad then


Same goes for what I said.
And in my case you don’t even have to ignore the facts that you’re:

  • In a raid group
  • In a raid instance
  • Killing raid bosses