To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Some normal mechanics are removed for certain bosses on LFR

Anduin for example doesn’t have the Kingsmourne mini phases in his LFR encounter.

Varimathras back in ABT doesn’t have the “can’t be healed for X seconds after taking shadow damage” on LFR but he does on normal and above.

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Ah right, that fight is quite neutered for the LFR version

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It’s not moving the goalposts. It’s me clarifying my position.

I wasn’t aware if it did because I don’t raid LFR.

Clarifying my position doesn’t mean I lost anything.

The slime at is a seasonal reward. When has LFR ever awarded a seasonal mount?

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No. Most mechanics are removed for LFR and some entire phases have been removed I believe as well.

I mean I can understand that but at the same time LFR has never awarded a seasonal mount to my knowledge

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Love the salt. Keep going. I need more salt for my popcorn


No it is moving the goalposts. As you changed your stance completely.

You weren’t clarifying your position. You flat out said several times in this thread that “LFR does not reward mounts” and each time you were proven wrong. If you were clarifying your position, it would only happen once. Not several times. Which is why I quoted you later in the thread and not the first time you said it.


No it’s not. I literally asked the question in the OP.

There’s a difference between .01% drops and a seasonal mount.

No need to be nasty.

Movie theatre butter please.


Yea another person gave a few examples of stuff removed, I thought they had at least most if not all of the mechanics, but maybe not so much

This is also a unique season, as its the first time blizz ever did something like this

So, as far as I know, people were under the assumption the mount was any difficulty as kind of a “xpac celebration” prize cuz you just rebeat all the previous raids for it, so it made a bit of sense being available to nearly everyone willing to put a bit of effort in

Just to find out days before the patch drops its actually normal only just doesn’t sit right

So why didn’t you remain consistent in the thread? Why move it to “LFR doesn’t drop mounts” in general? Only to go back to “seasonal rewards” when you were proven wrong?

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I remember early tier my entire guild qued the first wing to blast through it to get our shaman some tier.

I just remember people surprised at how little mechanics there actually were in comparison.


I mean I can agree with that position. Blizz definitely shouldn’t have done it that way.

Because as I already stated there is a difference between .01% drops and a guaranteed seasonal reward.

As I don’t raid LFR I wasn’t sure and once it was pointed out that some mounts do drop in LFR I changed what my point was.

Malgorak did the same thing yet you don’t see me throwing “moving the goalposts” in his face.

it’s 1% drops. Where are you gettting 0.01% from? 0.01% is 0.0001. 1% = 0.01

Besides you were already proven wrong in this thread anyway with the Obsidian Worldbreaker. You could get that via an LFR like mechanic.


Using precedent as an argument is weird when Season 4 itself is unprecedented.


So nitpicking that now are we?

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Not really. People expecting a mount from a raiding seasonal reward from non raiding content is weird.

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You have said it several times. I even said 1% prior and you quoted that post.

So is it really nitpicking when you made the mistake despite quoting a post that had the correct value?

Besides, you were proven wrong on like the third post on this thread. Unless you don’t count the Obsidian worldbreaker as a “seasonal reward”. Even though you got through an LFR like mechanic. And it was only available as a limited time reward until it was moved to the BMAH.

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Sure thing.

It’s not a raid group as the leader doesn’t actually have any power and it’s a randomized group that only requires people to click “join”

In a very simplified version to let anyone be able to experience the story.

I wouldn’t call killing a shadow of a raid boss that’s stripped of its mechanics “killing raid bosses”

I was originally gunna be like, wait what?

But nah I can see where I shifted things a bit there, in my bad defense I am cooking atm lol

I shoulda just said right away that my biggest problem is how and when we found out the mount was normal only, cuz like if day 1 it said normal only then I wouldn’t be on the LFR should get it as well side cuz well we knew months in advanced

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