To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

No, it’s not. Your argument was very thoroughly debunked. You’re just too stubborn to accept it lol.

Educated guesses are just that. Guesses. Guess what that does to your argument? Oh yeah. It weakens it.

Casuals arent getting effed over. Solos maybe. Most casuals will just do normal if they actually want the mount.

If they took it out of normal after it goes live is a different scenario than taking it out before it goes live. It was kind of an assumption for anyone to think it would be rewarded for LFR regardless of the text of the achievement. Its way more fathomable to say it was an obvious mistake. I dont think Blizz did it on purpose (the original text) but if its never intended to be for LFR and they clarify it then thats what happens.

You still cant anwser why they clarified it not being awarded from LFR if its not because it was never intended to be from LFR.

You are flat out in denial.

My argument has never been about what I think. It’s been about what you think. And what you think is an assumption. And not fact.

The appearance of impropriety is far worse than any impropriety.

I never claimed it as fact. I have stated its an opinion since the start.

Which means you have been wrong this entire time lol

Nah, you’re radar is off. Casuals are the solo and LFR players. Normal i wouldn’t call casual. If you’re blizz, and you have an opportunity to appease to both groups, why not do that? That’s money too. Their decisions do not make sense.

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I raid mythic casually.

Casual players arent limited by ability.

Well, your definition of causal isn’t common. Casuals from what I’ve seen are categorized by playing causal content. world, and group finders.

Thats what solo players are.

Actual casual players play at all levels and do all sorts of content like raiding arena and mplus


gotta go

And my point has been that you can’t base arguments on opinions and expect them to be valid or taken seriously.

You’re the one that’s wrong considering that you haven’t managed to create a good argument for why LFR should be kept out of seasonal rewards. All your points have been based on opinion or logical fallacies.

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While you are entitled to your opinion and I more or less do agree with it… the issue is Blizzard was misleading with the achievement description. In their defense however, PTR content is subject to change come official release time and that appears to be what happened.

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Your entire argument is based on your opinion. Hypocrite much?

I am not trying to make an argument. I am stating my opinion. I dont care if you change your mind I am only stating mine.

You cant seem to understand what the difference is between an opinon or an argument.

My opinion is X, you can either accept it or disagree but there isn’t any argument on my opinion.

I then gave possible reasons why it was removed to which you then tried to say wasn’t a valid reason while not giving an answer as to why you thought it was removed.

You are clearly out of touch on this thread and have been the entire time you have been posting here.

This has been what I have been saying the entire time. I personally feel there was an error by Blizz regarding the achievment and they clarified/fixed the mistake before it went live and some people are having a meltdown over it.

Shame you can literally look in retail and pull up the achievement because it was implemented already and states ‘any difficulty.’

A mistake is a mistake but even with that, it’s literally something that is on the live servers stating 'any difficulty hence the problem. This ‘new patch’ was most likely literally set up and done before the current patch even launched because of how little there actually is to it.

You do realize they slowly patch things over to live to make patchdays run more smoothly right? Even if its an achievment in live its still subject to change as if its on the PTR.

See above

I think what really irks people is that for most of the time Blizzard said the achieve could be gotten at any difficulty, now they’re saying that LFR isn’t included. That’s like offering everyone a trip to Disneyland then on the day of the trip telling some people “Sorry, but you can’t come.”.

TL/DR The situation kinda sucks, especially as there’s no compelling reason not to include LFR, given that many in raiding guilds have left and won’t return until DF thus leaving those who do want the mount without a raid group (and they don’t like PUGs because they’re “allegedly” more stressful than LFR).

You are literally arguing with people in this thread on why your opinion is right and theirs is wrong. And I’ve pointed out that the arguments you’ve given lack any solid ground to stand on. Which is fact, btw. And not opinion.

When I said that LFR is raiding because Blizzard says so? That’s a fact.

When I said that your argument regarding LFR and past seasons is a logical fallacy due to the inclusion of Normal in this season? That’s also a fact.

You’re the one that’s out of touch. The fact that you’re reaching so hard and resorting to personal insults now just further cements how bad your arguments actually are.


See that is the problem with snooze they in fact are a monkey which is why never give a monkey a typewriter and so to make them feel better must treat others as same.